Sunday, November 15, 2009

Our Week In Review

 Dear Mistress,

I had a good night's sleep, woke next to you and began thinking about what to write this am. I know you said I could take the morning off, but somehow the process of outlining in my brain some thoughts that might turn you on as you wake up turns me on . the process is good for me (and hopefully for you too).

Thursday's crazy orgasm score was Mistress 12- Slave 5 by my count. So yesterday was like a partial day off. 5-2. No wonder. We were both a little tired when we got home last night. I got thinking some about our conversation about your roller coaster and so far cyber relationship with E while walking home from the football game. You fear  giving up control, whether to E or anyone else. And here I have been enjoying my giving up control to you and discovering both its erotic and emotional benefits. 

As I thought back to make up a "top ten" of  hot moments from my perspective from the last week, a theme emerged. But here are  the moments first (in chronological order):

10. You tied to and draped over the bed Sunday am, after a nice hard spanking, as I slowly slid my cock inside you, talking about how you (and I ) would feel at the thought of E doing that to you. (our "readers" should know that Sunday morning is the day you give me the privilege of switching roles with you).

9. Me gathering my cloths, as you talked on the phone to E on Monday night in our room , then coming down stairs to stew as I heard you pacing above me, charged with sexual energy for another man. (Did he ever figure out that when he called, I was on my knees, between your legs, worshiping your delicious cunt?)

8. Sending you that email begging you to use the strap on on  that evening, because I was feeling particularly submissive after that long talk you had with him,and needed that dose of uber dominance by you to validate those feelings.

7. The frustration as you did use the strap on on me that evening, when I almost but not quite was able to come against the bed that way. (Of course, once you took off the strap-on I was desperate to fuck you).

6. Was it later that night, that you pulled out your long black leather  glove, and used it to stroke my balls as you rode me. I remember how hard I came that way , breaking the Monday rule (i.e., no conventional intercourse/orgasm).

5. You gently stroking me through my jeans at the  concert. Me knowing that I had no right to ask you to stop. I was there simply for you to toy with. I really could have come that way, tho it was better to save it for home.

4. The frustration of being inside you on Wednesday, my abstinence day, but unable to come.

3. Waking early Thursday a.m., after a day of abstinence, hard and frustrated but constrained by your order not to wake you until about 6:45.

2. Sitting on the floor between your legs, while we watched TV Thursday night, rubbing my mouth against you Sensing and tasting and smelling how turned on you were. wondering if you had been sending an e to E as you typed away furiously on your computer.

1. The thickening of my cock later that night when E's text chime went off, feeling how turned on you were as I reached between your legs from behind, then the wild "too tired to fuck, too horny not to" sex we had , the 5th for me that day, after the day of abstinence.

1A. You in my office Friday before lunch. tasting you through your boots and tights, then peeling them away and bringing you to orgasm. Then doing you one more time as you looked out the window. I loved the smile on your face when you explained why you did not bring the key to my cage. your pleasure was our only concern. (its making me hard right now to think about that).

The common theme of this list of 11 highlights from our week seems to be the power of my surrender of control to you. So its not surprising that you would want a taste of the same medicine from E or someone else.. That is part of the pull of E for you. ALong with the idea that he had accessed and awakened a long , dormant "free spirited" part of your personality. Its annoying to you that he seems to drift in and out so easily, even when you are politely asking for his attention. Maybe it's too frustrating for you to handle. But the idea of surrendering to those feeling he has unleashed still is a powerful one for my mistress. And you should know I will ALWAYS be here to nurture, protect and catch you if you fall too hard, Mistress., whether for E or someone else.

So why does that dynamic turn me (and I think you too) on, whether its for E or K, or just some guy who flirts with you at the Post Office. The list on this web post I sent you a while ago makes some of the points , tho a few probably are not as relevant.  Subservient to Her: 7) Embracing Cuckoldry <> . 

But whether its cyber, fantasy or real, I do think our openness about the attractive qualities of other men, their desire for you, and your desire/interest for/ in  them has added some visceral intensity to our relationship. Maybe all those years you have sent the "keep your distance" signal. Maybe these last few weeks you have not. No reason to hide your charms, mistress. Whatever you do or feel, I am behind you ready to catch, lick and fuck you when I get your permission. Its your choice whether to  follow your cunt or your brain.

Love, your slave.

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