Monday, November 30, 2009

A Mistress Under the Weather Needs Tender Care

Dear Mistress,

Sad to end the long weekend and head back to work, though I will be curious to see the state of disarray we left my office in as we baled out on Saturday night.

You asked that I continue the blog this am with a report on our day’s activities yesterday, and I will dutifully comply. Let me know if you have any other special writing requests though for future entries.

Sunday is our “switch” morning. I let you sleep as I did yesterday’s homework and watched the DVR’d football game. Though I must admit I got a bit distracted from the game as I remembered the “good parts” for you. And while we have decided to put on the shelf the guys who applied to be your part time Dom, I did get a bit aroused when I re-read some of their responses and considered their plans for you.

So by the time you woke I was ready to do my best/worst in my temporary role as your fantasy Dom surrogate. But when I realized you were coming down with a cold, I knew that what you needed was more care and carress than the firm, cruel hand. I did put the wrist cuffs on you and linked then together, in front. But rather than put you over my knee as I had planned, I fixed them over your head to the eyescrew I had installed for such moments. You lay there quietly on your stomach, as I linked your ankles together with leather cuffs.

I then proceeded to softly stroke your lovely bottom, appreciating its texture. Some kisses were thrown in, and my hand moved to your back and shoulders to relax you. I then asked if you desired a nice spanking and you agreed (though by saying “yes Slave”; not sure you would ever really see me in the demanding Dom role you seem to want to experience).

I proceeded to give you a spanking with my hand, alternating cheeks, with a degree of firmness that was probably a 6 on the scale of 10. (Certainly Desiree’s DOM would have been move more strict, as the posting I forwarded earlier this morning would indicate. However, there were several breaks to sooth you, rub your back and shoulders and confirm how wet you had become.

I got up for a moment, and you asked where I was going. Certainly an impertinent question for someone in a sub role, but I overlooked the transgression, and told you I would be right back. Actually I was retrieving our tube of baby oil gel, and proceeded to coat my finger and your cute little ass. As I picked up the hairbrush in my right hand, I slid that finger into your lovely bottom and you gave out a little gasp. That arrangement allowed me to firmly spank you with the hairbrush, while using two fingers (the little one slid around to play with your clit) to stimulate my little “slave for the morning”.

I simultaneously spanked and stroked you that way, speeding up then slowing down for several minutes. I would have proceeded even longer, but you came suddenly with a shudder and sobs against my hand. We really do need to work on your begging, Mistress. (It’s probably why you ultimately need someone stricter than me to set the rules for those times when you want to submit. Who knows, maybe E will be back into that mode someday).

It was “Master’s” turn then, and I entered you from behind, taking you that way for my own pleasure for a while before turning you over, and doing it straight on, until we both came one more time. At that point you asked to be released, and our “switch” was done. Like Captain Kirk on the bridge of the Enterprise, you resumed command, and Mr. Spock like me stepped aside.

When I came back from the football game with the kids later that afternoon, your first command was that I join you in the bedroom. After some talk about our imprudent Craigslist experiment (for which I should be punished), we made love again in a comforting married couple sort of way, with me starting with my mouth consuming your lovely cunt, fueling my addiction, until we continued in the traditional style. We drifted off a bit before you made dinner and I made the run to return the girls’ DVD’s.

After dinner the plan was to rest , read the Times and watch TV. It seemed we were both tired after all of the weekend activities, and you were still fighting that cold. Sitting there, watching Dexter, we were relaxed and cozy. As you demand, I was naked, my cock was hidden under the section of theTimes I was reading. At some point your hand drifted there, resting at first, then stroking a bit, and, not surprisingly, I began to get hard.

The non-slave Don might have brushed away the “distraction” so I could concentrate on Tom Friedman and Dexter Morgan. The Slave Don has no standing to object to however Mistress chooses to handle the goods.

As I grew increasingly hard and squirmy you just laughed at me. “Uncomfortable Slave?” you asked. You asked me what I wanted, and I confirmed that I now wanted to fuck you. But you said, “Not just yet, slave”, and retrieved those long black gloves, which are particularly seductive when used to gently rub my cock and balls. It was both heaven and agony as you took me to the edge several times until I begged for permission to enter you. Finally you reluctantly consented. The TV was now off, and we made love for quite a while until you came again, as I simultaneously slid my cock into you and used my fingers to stroke your clit. And then I had permission to come with a ferocity that surprised me after such a long and sexy weekend. Nice “climax” to a long weekend.

Now I better get upstairs to pleasure you before putting on your cage and heading to work.

Your slave.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sex over the "City"

Dear Mistress,

Got up early to watch the DVR’d football game and do my homework for you.

Thinking back over our Saturday, it seemed to be divided into several segments, all with some very satisfying sex of varying degrees of frenzy. Its nice to have two teenagers who can self-maintain, and leave their parents with time to get into the trouble we hope they avoid.

Our morning encounter was comfort sex. Westarted with me under the sheets as you read that posting about drive time finger-fucking by our “friends” on DomsubLove.

It brought to mind our own recent trip out west, when you unzipped me and teased me during our drive; though sub Desiree was brought to distraction with multiple orgasms. That would have been a little too distracting with me behind the wheel. And I think you enjoy frustrating me, mistress.

Then you read my homework, and all the while I was feeding on you. You seemed to come almost immediately after you put the computer down, and it was unclear what mental inspiration was behind that quick and powerful one. We then settled into some lovely love making before heading out for that morning bike ride in the cool morning air.

After my leaf raking, we settled into bed again and reviewed some of the responses to the posting we had placed the day before.

We made the posting in a possibly misguided attempt to help you scratch the itch that E’s talk of spanking and domination had awakened in you. Here it is for any interested reader:

“Casting Call for Part Time Dom

An attractive married woman looking for an intriguin , well educated man, 40-60, prepared to discretely teach me how to submit. If you want to know more about what will interest me go to the blog referenced at the Twitter page “UnderContract”, and see the entry of November 25, 2009.

If you think you are the needle in this hay stack, then respond via email or comment on the “UnderContract” blog page. I will need some accurate and detailed biographical information before making contact.”

This seemed like a fun throw away activity for us when we hatched this scheme on Friday. Quite frankly, it did not occur to me that we would get any meaningful responses in our quiet little conservative town. Yikes. Was I wrong.

There must have been 7-8 responses. Some creepy. Some dismissive. Some obscene. Some illiterate. Some provocative. Some perceptive.

Credit to those few respondents who actually read some of this blog, and knew which particular buttons to push. As we sorted through your potential Doms, deleting some, putting others in order of priority, the plan you had for me (involving your strap on) was pre-empted with the urgency of our mutual horniness. It started with some frenzied make out humping with you in your bike tights; evolved into one of those long drawn out session of my head buried between your legs resulting in a mighty, groaning orgasm; moved into my taking you from behind as I reviewed the highlights of some of the responses for you, switched then to me on top of you and, semi-finally to you on top of me. That led to one of those rare but precious moments where you broke into tears and sobs as you came.

You let me finish off gently, on top again, as your tears dried. That session left me with wobbly legs for what remained of the afternoon, and you slept as I finished up the leaves.

By evening we had recovered, and went to the movies to see “An Education” which had its own low key erotic buzz. You were dressed in that lovely cashmere dress and tights agains, and through the movie I had my hand parked between your legs, enjoying the chance to squeeze and fondle ever so gently. I was tingling and ready for you by the time the movie ended. Afterwards, our plan was to go to my office and engage in some play until it was time to pick up our moody teen and her friends at the concert.

As we drove, we were discussing your concerns about actually wading into this strange world the posting had unearthed. We concluded that the whole thing is a bit crazy, and possibly dangerous. So those applicants out there reading this, don’t be surprised if the casting call is canceled for the time being. Mistress will proceed at her own pace, if at all.

But feel free to comment here or email with your entreaties. I can’t blame you for your interest. Mistress is a uniquely interesting, attractive and sexy woman, who only recently has discovered a hankering to submit to a commanding man who “gets” her.

My office looks over the city from up high. But we have never exploited my corner office this way before. Lit only by the lights of the City and my computer monitor, you sat in my desk chair, had me take off my pants, and proceeded to suck and fondle me to a high state of frustration. When I could take no more, I pulled you out of the chair, pulled off your sexy tights and pushed you over my desk, ass extended. I again orally reviewed for you some of the come-ons from your potential doms, gave you some spanks to focus your mind, and stroked your sex with my fingers and cock. You came there with a shudder, extended across my desk. Monday morning I will have some paper sorting to do.

At that point, I was desperate for you (is this sounding too familiar?). I pulled out a blanket, spread it on my office floor, and we proceeded to fuck in the old reliable way, in earnest. I was close to the end, after a long evening of anticipation, when your text chime went off. It was our daughter, ready to be picked up NOW. Since she is the one who must be obeyed, we quickly dressed and scrambled, leaving me frustrated.

After picking up and dropping off a collection of teens , we finally got back to business. You had you tights on again, and I rolled you onto your stomach. I slid my hand around you and began a long slow rub between your tighted legs as I reviewed the days activities. In fact, all the talking during sex we have been doing lately came to mind when I saw this posting earlier this am from a good writer.
The Mindfuck « Gracie's #7E4338 It gives the concept of “mindfuck” a good name.

After you got off humping against my hand and arm, I peeled the tights off for the second time that evening, and we finally had an uninterrupted opportunity to finish the job we had started back in my office 2 hours earlier. At last.

By the way, during all that craziness we talked about me switching the M/s role with you whenever we go out of town. That way you have the assurance of keeping me caged when here, but get your chance to surrender control on occasion. But you may found that I will be a more demanding Master than you are as Mistress.

Your slave.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Our Slavish Rituals

Slavish Rituals

Dear Mistress,

It was nice to wake up yesterday with the big Thanksgiving feast in the rearview mirror and the crowd gone. And it’s too early to worry about the next one, a week away.

We had some lovely wake up sex yesterday, with you reading my homework assignment as I licked you under the sheets. When you allowed me to fuck you, I was particularly needy, because we had passed the night before, with such full stomachs.

Later in the day, you were taking Nora to the gym and had me put on my cage. A first on a non-work day, but very pleasing to me, a subject I will cover later on. By the time you had returned and napped, I had watched the football game, and then delivered the girls to their movie, I was anxious for release.

We laid down, you unlocked me, and my cock did that automatic spring forward thing it does when it is more than ready for action. After I washed, we made love again, gently. It felt good to be so close with no where to go anytime soon. I think I napped again afterwards. That bonus Friday off is the nice thing about staying home for Thanksgiving.

While you showered, I worked on our little posting for a part time Dom, to help you explore your sub side in ways I can’t do as your devoted slave. Not sure much will come of it, but it’s a nice little adventure for us to share, particularly since E seems off into his own world these days. He awoke a side of you that probably needs to be explored/exploited, My guess is we can find a way for that to happen.

You dressed in a particularly stimulating outfit: brown cashmere dress, going only to mid thigh. Dark brown tights. Brown suede leather boots. Delicious. And as we were getting ready to leave you got the first response to your posting, from a gentlemen who claimed he was a Dom and would be happy to “mentor” you in the art of submission.

Whether it was our discussion of his interest, and how you should respond, or your very domme-ish outfit, I was overtaken with the need to bury my face between your legs, an impulse that never waned through the long dinner with family at that downtown restaurant.

Luckily, we drove alone to meet everyone, so my hands were free to fondle you through your tights. The car seemed to fill with the scent of your arousal. As I was about to turn the car over to the valet, you put a finger you had dipped inside against my nose and lips, as my cock surged against my pants.

Dinner seemed to drag on forever, and then you invited the family back to the house for ice cream, all to my frustration. By the time all left, I was pretty desperate to do that face burying. So, as you checked your facebook page, I knelt between your legs, rubbing my face and mouth to suck whatever juices I could through the panel of your tights and underwear. (I may be developing a serious tights fetish, btw).

Finally you were done with the computer, and allowed me to peal away your tights and take you directly with my mouth. You were in no hurry, and I took my time bringing you to orgasm that way. After that task was completed, I climbed onto the bed next to you and you worked my cock with your hands until I had to beg for the privilege of fucking you. Which you finally allowed.

No murmured stories last night. Just a good, long workmanlike fucking that seemed to go on for sometime. Now that I was finally getting what I had wanted all evening, I was in no hurry.

I loved your labored breathing, and the feel and taste of your breasts and shoulders as I slid into and against you. Ultimately you came again, before finally giving me permission to come. It seemed like a long time coming. (pun intended).

But what I wanted to write about this morning are some of the little rituals we have developed that have made me more your slave, which hopefully has its rewards for both if us. We should probably figure out whether we can add to or enhance these rituals if you want my submission to be deepened:

1) Locking me into my cage. I like the smug, possessive look in your eye. We should do it more often when I am not at work (other than football games, please. Too hard to wait in line to pee sitting down).
2) Me kneeling to worship you after I come home from work, or when you visit me in the office. I should request you tie my hands every now and then, which is a turn on for me, though I don’t know whether it is for you.
3) Our departure sex in the am. Me in my cage, but getting you to imagine some other man spanking or forcing you to submit. It always leaves me a bit tingly and frustrated, and with fingers coated with your fragrant juices to remind me of you during the work day.
4) My daily homework assignments, and being able to feed on your cunt as you read from your laptop. Keeps me focused on you and your pleasure in that hour before you wake. Keeps blood pressure down by not watching the talking heads on Morning Joe.
5) Our Sunday morning switch. Its something I anticipate, being able to turn the tables on you and give you some of the surrender time you also need. It’s a good way to explore the sexy fantasies you have, that were ignited by E’s recent overtures.
6) Wednesday Abstinence Day. Its something I start thinking about Monday night, and carries us over into over the top sex on Thursday. Interesting way to make what used to be a boring work day a lot more interesting. My frustration, and the need to focus on your pleasure and not my own certainly makes me more your slave, mistress.

I hear your footsteps upstairs, so will stop for now.

Your slave.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Mistress's Thanksgiving. Reality and Fantasy.

Dear Mistress,

I am sure you are relieved to have that ordeal over – the family onslaught was undertaken with style, bad vibes were repulsed (other than my mother’s indignation about the absence of her cranberry sauce and the attempt to serve her smoked rather than baked turkey) and we have lived to eat another day. Next year, please tell me we will spend the Day in our undisclosed location.

Because of all the prep, social time, and resulting full stomachs we did not get our normal dose of extravagant sex. Though our morning activity – you tied to the soon to be crowded dining room table, for spanks and some fucking from behind -was a moment to remember. And we have photos to prove it. ( an assist to the girls for being out for the evening and allowing us free run of the house).

But that got me thinking this morning about our conversation concerning an imaginary Thanksgiving, maybe next year, when the venue changes.

In this imaginary Thanksgiving dinner we are with friends in our favorite town out west, in a rambling home (think T and J’s Christmas Party). AS the evening devolves with drinking and smoking, the guests get increasingly frank and uninhibited.

We are seated with a couple we have not met before. He is in his early 50’s, a doctor from California. Grey hair, tall, athletic. There for the skiing. We’ll call him Ben.

She seems about 10-15 years younger. Relatively short dress for this town. Long, dark hair. Attractive. Lets call her Alisa.

You observe and interesting dynamic. She seems very, shall we say, attentive. Fetching him drinks. Filling his plate. You saw her sitting at his feet, leaning against his thigh earlier in the evening during the night’s entertainment, as he stroked her neck. And then there is a silver piece of jewelry around her neck, secured by a tiny lock. A collar?

Of course, I am deferential as well, enjoying my secret role as your slave, and wearing the cock ring that makes me semi-hard as a matter of course. Did they hear me slip when I called you “Mistress” at dinner?

And you heard her call him “Sir”, as in “Yes, Sir, I am happy to get you another glass of wine.”

You notice this couple discretely head to a farther wing of the house. Excusing yourself with a “back in a moment, slave”, you discretely follow, curious and certainly attracted to this handsome fellow with a strange air of authority. Walking down a quiet hallway you notice a door ajar, As you peer into the room, you see darkened figures lit by candle light. Ben sitting on the bed. Alisa on her knees, hands bound by something behind her back, head bobbing up and down on his hardened cock.

Whether your gasp comes involuntarily, or because you want to be discovered is unclear. But they turn to you with surprise at first. Then Ben raises his eyebrows. “ Jennifer, why am I not surprised to see you. You’ve been curious about us all night, haven’t you? Come in and close that door.”

Part of you wants to turn tail and flee. But the sudden flood in your cunt says otherwise. Heart racing, you enter, closing and locking the door behind you.

“Come here”, he orders, and you follow his indication to stand in front of him as Alisa shuffles aside, still on her knees.

“Cross your wrists behind your back”. You do as he says, not sure why.

You are wearing a loose fitting black dress, boots and black tights. Now you feel his hand on the inside of your thigh, just above your knee, a finger slightly stroking the fabric of your tights, sending vibrations straight to your clit.

“I was watching you too, you know. You seem to play the Mistress with that husband of yours. But I think I know your type – a closet sub desperate for someone to take you in hand. Am I right?”

“You’re crazy” you say, mustering with as much haughty as you can muster under the circumstances.

“We’ll see”, he laughs. You eye his cock, still hard, protruding from his pants. Interested.

He directs Alisa to stand and turn around. You are bereft as he moves his hand from the point on your thigh that seemed to be on fire. He quickly unties the piece of rope binding her wrists. “Tie her” he commands.

You let out a little gasp and shudder as she wraps the ropes around your still crossed wrists, pulling them tight. Why are you submitting to this, you ask yourself. Losing control of the situation very quickly.

As she was tying you, his hand crept back up the inside of your thigh, distracting you, making it impossible to resist as the ropes tightened.

“She very good at that”, he says. “Try to get loose”. You are not sure you want to, but, sure enough, your wrists are now inseparable. The discovery sends another flood of arousal through you. Or is it his fingers, which have found the panel of your tights at your crotch. Your knees wobble, so quickly on the verge of coming, but he pulls his hands away. “Not so quickly, ‘Mistress’”, he says, voice dripping sarcasm, and pulls his hand away.

“Alisa dear, please pull down Jennifer’s tights and panties. “ You feel her hands yank them down over the tops of your boots.

Your legs are wobble again and he pulls you toward him, over his lap. You can feel his cock against your side as he pulls your dress up, exposing the soft skin of your firm ass.

“Nice” he says, his hand exploring you.

“Alisa, please hand me your panties”. She makes a little show of it for you, as she squirms out of her dark blue, damp thong. He first puts it to his nose to appreciate. Then to yours. You discover the musky scent of her arousal.

“See what you interrupted”, he observes. Then jams the crumpled thong into your open mouth. “Can’t have you disturbing the other guests, can we?” You no longer have the free will to spit her panties out. Instead you suck on the sodden panties, lost in the feeling of his hand on your ass.

“Of course, you understand that snoops need to be punished, don’t you, ‘Mistress’. He seems to want an answer, so you mumble “Yes, Sir” through Alisa’s crumpled panties.

His hand smacks your butt. Again and again. At first it was tolerable. But each slap becomes more painful, and exciting . Soon you are squirming on his lap, tears flowing, your wrists twisting against his rope, desperate to be free. Hoping he will never let you go.

You loose track of the blows, but at some point they are replaced by his warm hand between your thighs, a thumb easily sliding into your flooded cunt. Fingers teasing your clit, and almost immediately you come hard, long, with an urgency that stuns you. He just chuckles. “You are a very hot one, Jennifer”, he says. “I look forward to your further training”.

Before you are done he makes sure you suck his cock, as Alisa watches. And you also kneel to taste her cunt too. She relishes the opportunity to come against your face, her hands buried in your hair.

Then they untie you, help you straighten your cloths. Each kisses you goodbye. He slides his card into your purse, with instructions to report to them for further training the next evening. He does not bother to ask. It’s a command. And you know you will report there when ordered.

“Bring the slave, if he’s the type who likes to see his ‘Mistress’ submit to a more powerful Master. “Oh, he is” you say, before returning to the party to fill me in on the details.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Comes Early

Thanksgiving Morning

Good morning Mistress,

You were very kind to relieve me of my abstinence obligations last night, after only 24 hours. While I did not deserve such generous treatment, my sense was that you wanted my full effort in fucking you. Though I try to give it my all without coming, its not easy and certainly very frustrating.

Yesterday began with my homework, in which I listed the attributes of the perfect part-time Dom for you. He will not be easy to find, but may be worth the quest. It would be good for you to take some time off from your mistress duties and submit completely. And I would enjoy participating vicariously.

As I was working downstairs, you woke up early and read through the blog I posted by the Discerning Dom.
The essay I liked was the one about making his slave beg for release, and it seems you enjoyed his other essays. Maybe you and he can do a consult someday?

When I cam back to bed, I worshipped your cunt as you read my blog Then you allowed me to penetrate you and make you come again, before we got dressed for work.

When I got out of the shower, you told me you had received a message from E. A surprise since he seemed to have unplugged only a few days ago. And although it was seemingly innocent, it certainly triggered the response in me that had become pavlovian. It was hard for me to put the cage on with my balls still tingling from our earlier, frustrating activities. You seemed particularly smug as you closed the lock.

As we both traveled to work, I texted asking if the message from E had made you wet. And of course you denied it. But I was wondering, to my own frustration.

We had arranged for lunch, and you came to my office at around 1 pm. By then I was anxious to hold and taste you, and I pushed the chair against the door and had you sit, as I knelt before you. First I licked and tasted you through those black tights, then worked them down your firm, shapely thighs before finishing my task, my face covered with your juices.

After lunch we came back to my office, and I had you lean against the window sill and think about running into “Dave” in Taos, who took you into the restroom, leaned you over the sink and worked you with his hand. You came again for me, and left me behind in my office, frustrated in my cage.

By the time I got home, I was particularly anxious to be with you. You were getting the house ready for that big Thanksgiving dinner, and all I wanted to do was pull down your running tights and worship. I finally got my way and slowly brought you off, kneeling between your legs. Then you kindly unlocked me, enjoying the sight of my cock springing out of the cage. You handled it for a while, but I knew abstinence day was not over.

The movie was odd but amusing (certainly nicer than a pre-Thanksgiving family feast). When we got home, you had a warm message from E’s wife. Not sure exactly how to interpret it, but certainly no resentment about your role in the family drama. If anything, she seemed to welcome you into the mix. But maybe that is my “keep hope alive” vibe for you, mistress.

I had promised to make you come one more time before sleep, thinking that I would have to wait until morning for release. But after I made you come again with my mouth, you gently handled my cock and balls until I was so hard I was literally ready to burst. I recall my arm was between your legs, and you came again as you humped against it.

I turned you onto your stomach , and slowly entered you from behind, thinking that it would be easier for me to avoid coming in that position. I told you a story about the possibility of E and his wife visiting us here. Her seeing how much you wanted E, and he wanted you, and him taking you upstairs to our bedroom, where he place you on the bed, flipped up your skirt, and took you this way, making you beg him to fuck you harder and harder and ask for permission to come. You came that way, and again after I turned you over and we made love more gently. And you told me that I was relieved of my abstinence obligations. A relief.

An early Thanksgiving for your humble slave. But I am thinking that with the kids away this a.m. maybe we do a bit of a “switch” this morning downstairs. Could you use a good spanking before the hungry hordes descend?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Casting Call: My Mistress Needs to Submit from Time to Time

We would welcome any comments from reader(s) on where Mistress might find this hypotheetical Dom for occassional training.

Dear Mistress,

It’s the start of my weekly abstinence day. Fortunately you gave me two chances to come yesterday, once in the morning, and again in a very vigorous session last night, that was particularly memorable.

It started with us watching TV, me buried between your legs, enjoying your aroma and taste through those cotton bike tights you wore on our ride. Nice and ripe, the way I like you.

When Californication was over, we both were more than ready. I think David Duchovney is a particular turn on for you. (I bet you could whip him into shape).

We started with some general make out time, and then I rolled you onto your stomach entering you from behind as I got you to consider what E would do to you during a few days alone at our undisclosed location. That seemed to get you going very intensely, as I first slowed, then quickened the pace, asking you to consider how it would feel to beg for his permission to come. I think I counted two orgasms before you asked to turn over.

We did it in a more conventional style for a while (was there one more?), then you indicated you wanted to be on top. Our conversation then explored scenarios which even make me blush (all three of us were in the room, I recall, but you were the center of attention and I was forced to watch). You came again with those tears and sobs that I count as a particular achievement. By then you were like a rag doll, and we rolled over again before I begged and you gave me permission to come.

As we watched Larry David and the Sienfeld reunion in a state of exhaustion, you let me play with your compelling bottom, and, truth be told, I would have been delighted to make you come again. But you seemed pretty gone by then and we read for a while before drifting off.

But today’s exercise is something more than just recounting our daily orgasm count (Mistress 6; Slave 2 as I recall).

If E has really vanished for now as a source of amusement in your life, we need to consider finding you someone else with sufficient imagination, physical attributes and commitment who might indulge your occasional need to surrender control better than this humble Slave. Though I do will gladly act as a surrogate as best I can, particularly on our Sunday mornings, its pretty obvious that I can’t be trusted in the full time Dom role in your life. Plus it’s so very nice to be your Slave. Who would want to give up a role of a lifetime? (think Jason Alexander here).

Finding the perfect part-time Dom for you will not be easy. But the effort in itself might be fun. And there is no deadline.
Here are some of the attirbutes to consider, from my observations of your psyche and desires, though I am probably blending in some qualities that would turn me on to hear about or observe should HE be found. You should feel free to edit or add as you see fit:

1. He would be in the 40-60 age range, well educated, handsome, taller than 5’ 10”.
2. He would “get” you, be interesting to talk to, with musical tastes ranging more towards Neil Young or Classical than Prince or Rap.
3. He would be willing and able to interact with you on a regular basis, either by phone, email, or text, and would arrange for you to meet him in person at least every few months, if not more frequently.
4. He would demand your total submission to him when in his presence, requiring you to address him as “Sir” or “Master”, in person or on the phone.
5. He would administer spankings with his hand or a hairbrush to put you in the proper frame of mind for such submission, or to punish you if you get out of hand or impertinent.
6. He would tie your hands, and make you kneel to suck his cock.
7. He would tie you to the bed or other objects, to give him ready access to your delicious body.
8. He would be so attracted to your lovely body and charming personality that you could tell, despite his stern demeanor, that he was dying to take you the moment he laid eyes on you.
9. He would take you whenever and however her desired – whether over his desk, or in the middle of the night, when you were fast asleep.
10. He would make you kneel and play with yourself while he was “working” on more important matters.
11. He would make you beg for the privilege of coming, but not always give you what you beg for.
12. You would be so compelled by his authority that whenever you heard the chime of a text from him, or saw an email pop up from him, your cunt would go liquid.
13. He would establish rules for you when not in his presence, involving times when you could or could not touch yourself. Or requiring you to email him what you were thinking when you touched yourself at his direction.
14. He would call from time to time and demand that you touch yourself during the conversation, though he would not always give you the permission to come.
15. If you please him and he decides to make you his part-time slave, He would want to put his mark on you, either through a discretely placed tattoo or piercing.

Am I missing something? Is anything on the list not what would help you scratch that itch, Mistress?

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Contract

This Blog's title suggests the existence of a Contract. And there is one (see our "back story" posts for the set-up). The original contract was "negotiated" back in October, 2009. To tell the truth, it was the slave who thought this was a good way to make sure he stayed on the right path to please his Mistress and do it in a way that left the Slave content and focused on the things that were important. And I added a few things that probably even my Mistress would not have required. I felt a need to set the proper tone,and give Mistress all the authority she would ever need to keep me in line, and keep her feeling secure in my devotion to her.

Over the last week or so we revisted the contract and made a few tweeks to adjust to how our "under contract" relationship has developed, including our mutual openness to Mistress having other relationship as she deems desirable, even one where she does the submission. You might read this and think we are a bit loony, or not taking this whole D/s thing seriously enough. (I know you are out there!) But hey....its been an enjoyable and loving addition to our lives. Would happily consider any suggestions from our reader(s) about what we should add to this Contract.


THIS AMENDED AGREEMENT IS MADE THIS ____ day of NOVEMBER, 2009 between Mistress Molly, (Mistress and / or Owner), and Slave Mick, (slave).

WHEREAS, having been married for over 16 years and together for 21 years the parties have discovered that their mutual happiness will best be achieved by Mistress taking total control of the Slave, particularly with respect to their sexual relationship.

WHEREAS the Slave desires of his own free will to submit himself to the complete and total control of the Mistress; and

WHEREAS, Mistress is willing to accept the submission of Slave and agrees to exercise complete control over him subject to his agreement to live by certain rules and conditions; and

WHEREAS the parties desire to delineate their duties and responsibilities in said relationship;



1. Slave’s body and particularly his penis and ass belong solely to Mistress. Slave accepts the claim of ownership over his physical body by Mistress. His body is the property of the Mistress and he agrees to be commanded, trained and punished as a slave and is duty bound to fulfill the pleasures and desires of his Mistress to the best of his abilities.

2. Slave will submit himself to his Mistress fully and completely. He accepts that his principle concern, goal and purpose in life as a slave will be to enhance the pleasure, happiness and quality of life of his Mistress. To perform any personal services, errands, and sexual services and to accept any training, punishment, humiliation, degradation or other use demanded of him by his Mistress, in private or in public.

3. The slave gives the Mistress the sole and exclusive use of his body. This may include, but is not limited to, the length of his hair, shaving of his body hair, tattooing, body weight and manner of dress and undress.

4.The slave will not allow or permit the use of his body by any other person, to include physical contact or sexual relations.

5. The slave must make himself available to his Owner at all times and to this end must ensure that he carries a telephone with him all day, every day, that the telephone is available to receive calls and the telephone number is known to his Owner. The slave shall report any calls to the Mistress that she would find disturbing. If the slave receives such calls, he shall quickly tell the caller that he is NOT to be contacted under any circumstances. This is enforced for text messages, emails or any contact what so ever.

5. If for any reason the slave learns that he may be unable to respond immediately to an order or call from his Owner (such as a business meeting or a trip which takes the slave out of reasonable traveling distance from his Owner), he must immediately explain his lack of contact to his Owner by email or text message. If he fails to do so, he will be considered to be in breach of this contract (see clause IV/5). Note that this punishment will likely not be of the slave’s liking or meet any desires.

6. The Owner may at any time give, rent, or lend the slave to another Mistress without consulting or giving notice to the slave. The rights and privileges afforded by this contract will be automatically transferred to the new Owner.

7. In order to ensure the slave’s compliance and obedience to his Owner, he will at the direction and sole option of mistress be locked in a chastity device, which he will not be able to remove without permission of the Mistress. The slave should never expect the device to be removed other than by Mistress or with her permission. On such occasions that it is removed (for example, for the device to be cleaned), Mistress has the right to restrain Slave and not release him from such restraints until the chastity device is once again locked in place.

8. The Owner shall have complete and absolute control over the slave and all of her commands shall be swiftly and diligently obeyed. The slave will accept any and all consequences, as outlined under REMEDIAL ACTIONS, for any failures to do so.

9. Even the slave’s thoughts belong to Mistress. He shall fully and completely answer the question “what are you thinking, slave?” whenever asked, without resentment or sarcasm. He will fully disclose to Mistress any thoughts he may have on ways in which she can enhance his submission to her, which she may either accept or reject at her discretion.

10.. The slave may not ask for this contract to be terminated. Only Mistress may terminate it.

11. This contract is made in good faith by both parties and shall be considered binding.

12. The slave gives the Mistress power to interpret this document as she sees fit. The slave gives the Mistress the authority to enforce the agreements made in this contract, using, if she feels necessary, physical punishment (see below).


1. The Mistress has no obligations or duties towards the slave whatsoever, except as noted in this Agreement.

2. The Mistress will have ownership of slave's body, to use and or abuse as she sees fit for whatever purposes she desires.

4. Mistress has the right to engage in other relationships with men or women, of whatever nature, without obtaining additional consent from the Slave. Such relationships may include “vanilla” relationships, her taking or training of additional slaves, or her submission to other men or women.

4. Mistress has the right to disclose to any person her status as the Owner of Slave and the terms of this contract.

5. On Sunday mornings for at least 2 hours, and at other times of the week, upon agreement of the parties, Mistress will submit completely and totally to slave, as if she was the Slave and he was the Master/Owner of her under the terms of this agreement.


1. It is slave’s obligation to determine when his chastity device should be worn, and to offer to put it on whenever he leaves the home. Failure to ask mistress if he should wear his chastity device will be grounds for punishment.
2. When slave returns home from work or any other absence for more than one hour, he will kneel and offer to worship Mistress’ and kiss her feet.
3. Slave shall not sleep in underwear, and may be instructed to strip completely or partially at any time Mistress directs.
4. No more than once per week, typically on Sunday morning unless otherwise agreed, slave may restrain and use a riding crop on mistress to give her pleasure, but must stop if directed to stop.
5. Slave will submit without resistance to any restraints or physical punishment that mistress chooses to impose.
6. Slave will never masturbate or otherwise stimulate his penis without Mistress’s consent.
7. When mistress is out of town, Slave will wear his chastity device as directed, and not remove it unless he receives specific permission from Mistress.
8. Slave will beg for permission to come, and not come unless he receives Mistress’s permission.
9. Mistress may use a strap on or any other device to penetrate Slave to remind him of her control and dominance.
10. Slave will insert any device designated by Mistress as she directs.
11. When having sex, Slave may penetrate mistress only after begging for and receiving her permission, and will withdraw immediately if directed.
12. Slave will report any overtures or solicitations from any female to Mistress, and reject such solicitation with the statement that he is happily married and devoted to his wife/ Mistress.
13. If Mistress leaves the City for any reason, Slave will be available by phone, text or email at all times unless involved in a business meeting or court engagement. Slave will explain in advance any work or social engagements, and get permission from Mistress before attending any engagements.
14. Mistress may deny the Slave the right to attend any social engagement, or spend time with any persons at her sole discretion.
15. When in private, Slave will address Mistress as “Mistress”. Mistress may refer to Slave as “Slave” at any time.
16. At her discretion, Mistress may require Slave to wear a collar indicating his status as Slave.
17. Mistress has the right to declare periods of abstinence at her discretion.
18. Slave will pleasure Mistress whenever requested, to the best of his ability.
19. Mistress may require Slave to masturbate whenever she demands.
20. These rules applicable to slave may be amended and supplemented from time to time as Mistress directs, at her sole discretion.


The slave agrees to submit himself completely to his Mistress, to accept her domination of him and to unquestioningly and without exception obey any and all demands that she may make of him. The Owner has the following means of redress should she deem the slave to be in non-compliance with an order:

1. Without limitation, the Owner may inflict upon the slave any punishment with whatever implements she wishes to use. The slave understands and consents that such punishments may include severe pain and suffering, including pain and suffering of a sexual nature. The duration of such punishments and the level of pain inflicted will be decided solely by the Mistress.

2. The slave has no right to protest his Mistress’s decision in any matter, least of all his own punishment. He shall hold his Mistress blameless for any physical or emotional damage she may inflict upon him and in signing this contract the slave consents, without exception, to any and all punishments, physical or otherwise, that the Owner chooses to inflict upon him.

In agreeing to submit to slavery, the slave is making a genuine commitment to enhance the lifestyle of his Mistress, who may come to rely on the slave’s services. It is therefore essential that the Mistress can rely on the slave’s services for a known and agreed upon duration.

1. This contract will be binding from the moment that it is signed by the slave and will be valid from the date of signing.

2. On July 17 of each year, the slave may give notice provided in person and in writing, that the contract is terminated, or may request amendments of the contract as a condition of its extension. This is the only day each year that the slave may request termination or amendment of the contract. If the slave does not make such a request, the contract will automatically renew for a period of one year. The termination of the contract shall not change the obligations of Mistress and Slave to one another as husband and wife.

3. If the Owner is unable or unwilling to keep the services of the slave, this contract may be either terminated by her without notice at any time or assigned to another Mistress.

4. If the slave attempts to break this contract (i.e. by stopping compliance with any of its terms or by refusing to accept the Mistress’ domination of him), the Mistress may use whatever means she deems necessary to enforce compliance, including but not limited to serving notice of the destruction of the keys to the slave’s chastity device or other locks/shackles attached to the slave, or humiliation of the slave by publicly naming him and/or releasing embarrassing photographs of him.

5. Amendments to this agreement, shall be made in writing, signed by Mistress and Slave. If Mistress elects to impose additional rules on slave as allowed by Section III, they will be added to this agreement and both parties will sign.

In witness whereof, we affix our signatures the day and date first written above:

____________________ (MISTRESS)

I have read and fully understand this contract in its entirety and I agree to henceforth adhere to and be bound by all of the rules and clauses contained herein, henceforth to relinquish my rights to self-determination and free will until such time as the Owner terminates the contract. I understand that I face exceptionally harsh physical and emotional punishment for failing to comply with any clause within this contract.

____________________ (SLAVE)

Mistress's Fantasy Submission

Our Sunday Switch

Dear Mistress,

Our side trip and Saturday activities had us both pretty groggy come Sunday morning. I woke early, did my homework for you, and joined you back in bed when I heard you up and about.

I had in mind for several days the scenario to use for our Sunday morning switch, but as I lay next to you, you wrapped your fingers around my balls and cock and began to rub against me. I suppose Mistresses have the right to manipulate their slaves (but not the other way around). And it seemed you were trying to pre-empt your ordeal by getting me to expend all that sexual energy on a more conventional activity. Sadly, my will power was lacking. I knew I should pull away and restrain you immediately. But you persuaded me with your fingers and mouth, and I was a compliant pleasure slave for the next 20 minutes or so, delivering several orgasms and having a very nice one of my own.

Fortunately, we had no schedule or kids to deal with here in our undisclosed location. And we slept a bit before I woke again, with the resolve of carrying out my plan.

Sometime in the midst of this you received a disturbing email from E, who is off to his own world again. And though he’s been a fun source of inspiration to both of us, there is no need for us to dwell on him for our little fantasies about your desires and my interest in hearing about them. While it may be hard for you to so swiftly disconnect from someone who intrigued and fascinated you these last few weeks, there are more men out there who are more than interested in you Mistress, if that’s where your nasty little desires take you.

So as I locked the cuffs and collar on you (they make for some nice photos), I altered the scenario and pulled a chair with no arms into the bedroom. I had you lay across my lap and created a story about you meeting a handsome, dominant mountain climber out here, during a week when I was back in the City working. He met you at a local bar, and the evening ended with an invitation that you join him at his home the next night at 5 p.m. sharp. Later he emailed you with a direction that you wear a loose fitting dress, and no underwear.

Despite your misgivings, you had a strange compulsion to do exactly what he said. All seemed rather conventional at first. Wine. Dinner. Small talk. But after dinner he told you that he had some dark plans for you. That they would include calling him “Sir”, submitting to a spanking, and whatever else pleased him. He gave you the chance to leave as he cleaned up from dinner. But though your heart was racing, and you feared losing your tight sense of self control, your legs would not lift you from your seat.

All the while I was telling you this story I was softly caressing your lovely bottom. Such soft skin. Yet such wonderful firmness. I need to worship it more. And you were squirming against my lap as I rubbed you, in anticipation, no doubt, of where this story would lead us.

“Dave” returned from the kitchen, pleased to find you sitting there. He asked you to stand and remove your dress. You hesitated. But the look of “don’t mess with me” in his eyes had you quickly standing and pulling your dress over your head. He reached into a drawer and removed a black leather collar and some matching cuffs, which he gently placed on you, linking the cuffs in front. He used a small lock to secure the collar around your neck. He directed you to place your linked hands on your head. Your cunt was already wet, which he confirmed as he inspected you carefully, touching you where he pleased.

Then he pulled you over to a chair and yanked you over his knee. You squirmed there on his lap as he told you some of his rules, reminding you to call him “Sir”.

As he proceeded to use his hand to spank you in the story, I began spanking you myself. I increased the intensity of my blows, and asked you the questions Dave was asking – about whether you had ever been spanked before, etc. . You surprised me when I heard your sobs and could feel your tears against my leg. I wondered whether it was my story, the spanks, the whole scenario, or, in part, your grief about E. Probably the whole mix, but it was the first time I got that response from you with a spanking. Good job of ceding control, Mistress.

When I heard those sobs, I stopped the spanking and reached between your legs for what I intended to be a gentle preliminary caress before I resumed spanking with your hairbrush. But you came hard, moaning and shuddering against my fingers, almost instantly. You were very stoked. “Dave” had not even explained the need to ask him for permission yet.

I helped you up, and we got onto the bed. After resting I resumed the story, with you on your stomach. Tied there by Dave. He (and I) proceeded to take you from behind, and you came one more time, with more tears.

Turning you over, it was Dave’s turn and as I fucked you hard I spun the story on. By the time we both were done, it was time for another nap before I released you.

I like these Sunday mornings, Mistress.

After a nice bike ride, breakfast that you made for us, and reading out on the patio, you announced it was time for you to use your strap-on with me. I suppose this was your way of restoring the Mistress/slave equilibrium. We lay in bed for a while, you with your plastic cock pressing against me. Me growing hard, and feeling particularly submissive as I anticipated what was to come. You finally told me to take the proper position. As You entered me, I suggested that you think how nice it would be to turn the tables on E, to have him bound face down on the bed before you where you could take him this way. Your orgasm was particularly dramatic, and you seemed to thrust more deeply into me at that point, forcing me to beg you to stop, which you generously did. You directed me to insert my device then, and we made love on the bed until we both came one more time.

Later that afternoon, I printed out the amended contract which we had tweeked a bit to adjust to our experience over this last month or so. I may post it later today for the amusement of any readers there may be out there. I do think our contract has helped put us in the very close position we now share.

Sad we are traveling back to reality today, Mistress. But the trip has been a great one. And the adventure will go on.

Love, Your Slave.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Road Trip With Mistress

Road Trip With Mistress

Dear Mistress,

Kind of crazy to plan a getaway within our short getaway. But the chance for some early season skiing was too hard to resist, and it was fun to take our more enhanced role as mistress / slave on the road for 36 hours or so. I know you want me to chronicle the highlights of our adventures for this journal I am keeping for you, and sharing with some curious readers out there in cyber-land.

After our bike ride we passed on sex to build a little tension for the trip, and because I had told you of some special plans on the drive to our destination.

As we drove up through a remote mountain pass on a barely trafficked road the snow thickened. I was looking for an area where there were some picnic tables and finally found one. We had to wade through some knee deep snow to make it to the little shelter and its table. I brought along that Mexican blanket to make sure your soft skin would not be marred by the rough, wooden table.

You still seem pre-occupied at times with your fantasies about E, and the triggers he buried in you about submission and spanking. Of course, my stories about him during sex probably have helped burrow those triggers more deeply. So this little exercise in a mountain snow field was designed to set off and exploit a few of those triggers. (Of course, no slave should do this without the permission of his Mistress).

I unbuckled your belt, opened your jeans and pulled your pants and silky black panties to your ankles. I then positioned you over the table, bottom exposed to the late afternoon sun, and asked you to imagine that it was E driving with you somewhere; that he had pulled over when you had said something he considered to be impertinent. He had pulled you over to this table and told you to remain perfectly still as he dealt with you. I administered some hard spanks to your bottom (not nearly as many as E would have, no doubt), and some intermittent fondles of your lovely cunt, which must have been flashing from the cold wind and the heat of the moment.

At some point I loosened my own jeans, and pulled out my hardening cock, which I used to further tease you, planting it between your legs and rubbing it against your lips and clit. I really did not have permission to enter you then, but I did ask you to imagine E’s cock there, and having to beg for each inch of it as he proceeded to slowly and frustratingly slide it in and out of you. You indicated by words and actions that you would like that very much. It was at this point that you came with a shudder and moan against the table.

I told you to stay still there, the sun beating down on your red ass, as I waded back through to snow to retrieve my camera. We are still considering whether to share the lovely photos taken with E or post them on this blog. No one could see your face, but you do look very enticing, if very un-Mistressy. Of course, I would never use the photos without your consent. But what if someone ordered you to send them? What would you say then?

Of course, I was left frustrated as we buckled up and resumed our trip. We arrived as the sun was starting to hide behind the mountains at a rustic motel along the highway to the ski area. Nothing fancy. No cell or wi-fi service. As it turns out that was a blessing. We had no technology to interfere with your activities. We made love before dinner. Nothing kinky that I can recall, though the memory of our little road side adventure was certainly on my mind as you allowed me to relieve my frustration.

We had dinner at a spooky old steak place next door, with a bar that Butch Cassidy had stood at in his day. When we got back we were both a little loopy. After I worshipped your cunt a bit, I got talking about a blog posted by a submissive woman I had read earlier that day about her Master taking her for some nipple and genital piercings.

More than just BDSM #7A7FFD. It’s a well written and very sexy description of her experience.

I then spun a tale for you about whether some Dom, if not E , then a mysterious new force in your life, tells you to come with him to a piercing studio.. You are compelled by those inner triggers to obey him, to strip for the piercer who studies your body with calculated indifference, and then to submit to genital piercings. You are sedated and a bit out of it, but wake to discover a strong but delicate silver chain that covers the opening of your cunt. The chain is released only with a key that the one you must call “Sir” says he keeps on a chain around his neck. When he decides to send you back to me, I learn that he has directed you to save fucking only for him. That I am allowed to make you come with my tongue or fingers, but that you have surrendered the right to be fucked only to him.

As I was telling you this story you were riding my cock and had one of those tearful, crashing orgasms that come of late when you force yourself to give up control (or imagine that loss of control). Very moving, mistress. For me and for you. We are onto something here that probably needs to be explored, and that I will continue to exploit in my surrogate role until someone with a firmer hand steps forward.

We were soon sleeping, but sometime around 3 a.m. I awoke, hard for you, thoughts of your desire for E (or someone who embodies that authority you need) and the night’s story very fresh in my brain. Impertinently, I sucked on your left nipple. Although you could certainly have pushed me away, we made love again, and dipped back into sleep.

That happened twice more before we had an early breakfast. I credit the lack of electronic distraction and an unfamiliar bed. But it certainly had much to do with this chemistry we have created.

The sun was out, our legs remembered how to ski, and we had a lovely day together before getting in the car for the 3 hour ride back to our undisclosed location.

After showers, I pulled out for you the posting by the pierced slave, which had been supplemented by some posts by her Master. As you read through them I knelt between your legs and worshipped, and somewhere between her submitting to the piercings, and his descriptions of how he likes to keep his slave naked at all times, you came again for me. They get an assist! Then we made love again, after what had seemed like too long for me, but had only been a few hours.

We had dinner at your favorite local pizza joint. You had dressed very mistressy- black tights, soft skirt, black boots. We had planned on going to a local bar afterwards so I could watch the cowboys ogle, and maybe come onto you. But by the tie we were done, we were both exhausted and decided to head back home to bed.

I must say I figured that after the long day we would both surrender to the need for sleep. And we were both a little tipsy too. But as you lay on the bed and picked up your computer I asked if I could indulge my black tights fetish. As you like, I took off my cloths though you were still dressed. I parked myself between your legs, rubbing my face and mouth along the coarse texture of your tights, and breathing in your musky aroma.

You were on facebook and said that E was also on. I told you that you should feel free to message him, and you said you were doing exactly that, mentioning that I might be sending him a photo of our adventures. Naturally, my consideration of your thoughts of E even as I was servicing you made my own cock stir, despite our long day.

After you put down the laptop, You rolled over onto your side, and I began to use my hand to rub you between your legs, murmuring in your ear about E. He was ordering you to recite all of the fantasies you have about him, one by one. You came with a shudder against my hand. After you peeled off those tights, you mounted me again, and we both had crashing orgasms again, you on top of me, and me a few minutes later, as we reversed positions.

You told me that over the last day or so we had made love 8 times, and you had probably twice as many orgasms. But I must say I had lost count. Crazy.

I woke in the dark to write this to you, and to plan how to turn the tables this a.m., our Sunday morning switch. I plan to be cruel, because I know you need it.

Love, your slave.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Weekend Getaway

Locked into the big Thanksgiving weekend with family next week, we have escaped to an undisclosed location for a few days without kids or too many work obligations. Up early we skipped our morning encounter, headed to the airport, suffered through FAA glitches, and finally got into our rental car for the three hour drive to our destination.

On the plane, I wrote yesterday’s blog posting. Mistress helped me edit and add some choice details. The talk and writing about sex, including a “Secretary-esque” spanking story we found from a fellow blogger, had both of us anxious to get settled in and playing with one another.

On the drive, Mistress exercised her right to handle my cock from time to time, directing me to unbuckle and unzip. She toyed with me a bit, raising the frustration level to orange. After lunch at a favorite spot, with its fresh made guacamole, we walked outside into a sunny courtyard. Finding a private place I pulled her to me, kissing hard and long while my hand found its way between her legs. Mistress came with a gasp after only a few moments, suggesting that the wait had taken its toll on her too.

When we finally arrived, the sun was just setting and Mistress announced it was time for a bike ride, to help maintain her pert ass, and my stamina. It was dark by the time we hid the mid-way point, and our path was lit only by a crescent moon and the emerging milky way.

AS directed, I built a fire and opened some wine for us, as Mistress finished some work for a client on her laptop. (Of course, as she types away I can’t help wondering if she is also checking in with E, her would be Master).

Finally, Mistress shut down her work and announced that she was going to prepare herself for our evening’s activities. The fire was roaring. I retrieved the black leather collar and some rope for her to use.

She fastened the collar carefully around my neck. It was the first time she had me wear it, and there was no lock. (She is a very permissive Mistress). But the symbolism was comforting to me, and I hope gave her a bit more sense of her authority. Then she tied my hands behind me, tossed a pillow on the floor and motioned for me to kneel for my worship. She kept her gauzy green panties on, but they were so thin and porous that her juices flowed through them as my tongue worked her through the slight fabric.

Unlike that earlier moment in the courtyard, Mistress took a long leisurely time to reach her climax as I groveled before her, head buried in her cunt. Since I have become addicted to her taste and texture, I got into a nice relaxed space myself.

Once satisfied, Mistress pulled me up to sit next to her on the couch, and we talked a while as she toyed with my rock hard cock, hands still tied behind me. Soon she was straddling me, her green undies still on as she seemed to relish the feel of my hard cock rubbing against her, but denied the freedom to enter. Very frustrating for this slave.

It was time for me to beg, and I did. So she generously removed her panties and rode me for a while, just to feel me inside her.

But rather than finish either one of us that way, she suddenly pulled off, and planted herself at the end of the couch. My hands were still tied, and she planted one of her velvety feet I my lap, slowly grinding against me. Sitting back, her hand went to her cunt and she announced she would be playing with herself for a while. She directed me to tell her a story.

So I spun one involving our favorite fictional character, Uber E. The guy who wants to win her total submission. And to whom Jennifer has a very strong desire to submit.

The story began with her arrival in his office. Too “busy” with his work for her, E directs my Mistress to kneel next to him, pull up her dress, put her hands in her panties and play with herself. And of course she could not come without begging for permission, as in “May I please come, Sir.”

Mistress is proud and strong. A little haughty to some. She resisted his order at first, clinging to her dignity. But she was persuaded by a very forceful kiss, and a hand in her hair that forced her to her knees. She had turned her will over to the need pounding through her cunt. Soon her hand was moving vigorously between her legs, both in the story and on the couch next to me.

Ultimately, E succumbed to the vision and aroma of my hot Mistress kneeling next to him. He pushed back his chair, undid his belt and pants, and pulled Mistress up to his desk, where he had her bend over, dress up off her pert ass, panties torn away. She could feel the head of his hard cock brushing against her clit and lips, as one of his hands squeezed her right nipple, very hard. She moaned and thrust back to capture him inside herself. But he teasingly pulled back, and ultimately made her beg for each inch of his cock as he took her with patience and skill.

It was about then in our story that Mistress came very very hard against her own hand, me tied there and watching, tears streaming down her face. Its very nice when a slave can help his Mistress get to that place where she gives up the burden of control so completely.

She untied me then, and we went to our bed, for some sweet and gentle love making where I finally won my own release in very satisfying fashion.

A very nice and exciting way to begin our weekend, Mistress.

Love, your Slave.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

More of the Mick and Molly Backstory

Dear Mistress,

Wanted to continue with the story of how I ended up “under contract” in case there is a reader or two out there who is actually following this tale, rather than simply dipping in for the “good parts” (and there have been more than a few).

We walked slowly into the world of D/s in the months that followed. You were still recovering from the emotional hangover of my monumental fuck-up. But we were also working at getting closer together and reigniting a sex life that had grown a little too plain. You upgraded your lingerie collection. We shopped together for some lovely sex toys – the crystal cock and penis ring were hits .

In the past, I was the one who tied you to the bed. But now you were doing that to me on occasion. Often preceded by a few strokes with the riding crop that made me squirm and cry out. I got in the habit of kneeling to suck your cunt, which actually seemed to be better for the neck muscles. And when you tied my hands behind my back, and had me pleasure you on my knees it was a particular turn on for me.

Our fantasies sometimes revolved around you displaying me for a female friend. Making me watch you make love to her. Or “forcing” me to kneel and service you both in turn. (of course only you had the right to handle my cock, mistress, even in our fantasy life).

As you paged through a sex toy catalog one day, you noticed the little white probe for penetrating my ass that seemed appealing to you. I am not sure why you keyed on that device. Possibly as a further way to wring some additional submission from me?

You were onto something. I ordered it as directed. It came to my office, but I was a little reluctant to point out it was on hand. As I recall, I disclosed its arrival one night when we were in separate cities, doing one of our video chats. You wasted no time in telling me to lube it up and insert it for you, and the video on your little screen showed its instant engorging impact. Whether it is a physical stimulus, or the symbolism of being penetrated by you, it has had a dramatic effect on my ability to get hard, even on days when multiple couplings or a long day at work that would previously have made

me inclined to turn over and suggest we wait until morning. And it also seems to enhance the quality of my orgasms for you when I get to come.

At some point early on we instituted the “rules” that I would follow, and you often had me recite them:

• I would not touch myself without your permission.
• I would not come without your permission.
• My cock belonged only to you.

While the requirement of these recitations has diminished, they seem burned into me. No masturbating for me without your direction. I rarely fail to beg for the right to come. (and if I do I know the prospect of punishment looms).

Sometime in the Fall we landed on the idea of the cage. That little plastic device that locks up my penis and makes it impossible to grow until it is unlocked. When we were apart you had me wear it to work, and I would show you it was on by i-photo or video chat. It was always nice to arrive home to you after a few days with my cock locked away, and earn its release by some kneeling worship of your feet , thighs and cunt. By now I have grown used to it, despite the little pinches and pulls and the need to sit while urinating. Its like your hands cupping me during the work day. Though sometimes when you visit at work its frustrating that I can give you pleasure but the little key is at home on your bedside table.

It was Valentine’s Day that you first used your mist persuasive tool for obtaining my submission: the Strap-On. That was another thing you noticed in a catalog. What made you think that this would help bring us together? Was it really my submission that you wanted all along? This certainly helped you en-slave me.

I know the first time was a little terrifying for me. You were all dressed up in black hose and sexy undies. You positioned me with my ass in the air a bit, a pillow under me. I was told to help you find your target. I gasped as you entered me, and thrust inside. But the most memorable part was how dramatically you came as you thrust against me. I have never been able to come this way (though it was close a few times), but by the time you are done I am reduced to a rag doll, with little energy or desire to do anything but lay there in sub-space.

As summer turned to fall it became more common for me to call you Mistress and you to call me Slave in our daily interactions. But it was a disagreement over the phone on a night that you were out of town, and I was going to pick you up at the airport that led to our Contract. I mentioned my plan to stop off at some friends’ house for a drink before heading to the airport. Now you have never been particularly controlling about my social life when we were apart. Maybe you should have been, I suppose. But on this occasion you were unhappy because of an understandable fear that I might run into someone who had come between us. I got snippy and whiney, but agreed to go home.

When you arrived and climbed into my car at the airport, you were upset. I said that maybe the better approach would have been to use your Mistress power over me to tell me to go home and tie myself to the bed, or go for a bile ride, whatever, until it was time to collect you. That I would have responded better in my persona as slave rather than sulky husband trying to hang with friends on an evening you were away.

And that is what led to our contract, a matter I will discuss in a subsequent blog.

Making it (More) Real

Dear Mistress,

Yesterday was my weekly abstinence day. Though, as it turned out, I got an early reprieve because you were almost too merciful, and because of our early departure this am. Or maybe because you just wanted me to give you my all in that way more than normal last night.

The day started with my homework about our “Backstory” for the blog, and as you read it I brought you to orgasm with my mouth. You seemed moved, by both the writing and the tongue-ing, Mistress. After some cuddling and teasing of my hard cock, you indulged my entering you, and you came again quite nicely. But it was time for me to withdraw and shower and put on my cage for the day. That latter task was a bit more difficult than usual, as my cock was still tingling from the earlier arousal and denial. You seemed quite satisfied as the lock clicked closed.

You spent the day on the road, and we talked some over the phone. I was delayed by traffic and when I got home around 6 pm I was getting pretty anxious for release from the cage. After some worship, and talk about your conversation with E and his domestic complications, I did my duty, and was hoping for a quick release. But you decided that it might be good for me to keep the cage on until bed time. We rolled around on the bed a bit, me kissing you, and my cock pushing against its restraint with increasing discomfort. You have discovered a new way of driving me crazy, mistress. Making me even more submissive.

When we finished with dinner, and you finished packing, you finally decided to release me. My cock virtually sprung form its cage when you took away the little padlock. My that felt good. And it was particularly generous of you to let me get some aroma therapy as I licked and sucked you one more time before we finally got to make love.

But what was it that made me so hard at 2 a.m. that I asked for permission to fuck you again? It was my thoughts about you sharing the “UnderContract” blog and twit page with E. I guess this could have been an impulse on your part, your cunt thinking and not your brain. But here is my thinking on its impact:

1) By making my submission and these words available to someone you know – someone who has had you, someone who only a few days ago was talking about his desire to make you call him “Sir”, someone who you have so recently desired – you have brought me down yet another notch in my submission to you. You made the comment about the tree falling in the woods, and whether anyone hears it. Now my submission, my role as slave and yours as mistress, seems much more real, don’t they? Gives me a bit of a chill

2) Sharing the fantasies about E (or maybe Uber E) contained in the blog will certainly show him in no uncertain terms how deeply he was able to get under your skin. It provides a road map for him, doesn’t it. That might give you a chill?

3) Or are you simply trying to drive him crazy about what he took a pass on when he used his “catch and release” tactics on you? Reading this about you written by another man would certainly drive me crazy, mistress.

Of course, he may never even bother to read this tale. But however you cut it, the thought that he might, and that you want him to read it, made for a highly erotic mind stew for me in the middle of the night, Mistress . And I thank you for allowing me the privilege to make love again last night, before we went back to sleep.

The day’s score: Mistress: 6 Slave: 2

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Why a Contract? The Backstory.

Yesterday was another day of lovely sex and open conversation, Mistress. It was nice to get off the semi-abstinence wagon and have some long, hard fucks with you. I particularly enjoyed last night, when you allowed me to take you from behind. You seemed to come very hard as I invoked the Uber E, and your latent desire that he take control of you in that way.

But I thought it would be nice to step back and generate for whatever readers there are out there in blogland the story about how we decided to sign a contract that involves my total surrender to your control.

Of course, we have always had great sex. Before we were married we had our special love nest, a studio in our cozy downtown equipped with only a few pieces of furniture, including a futon bed. You were so young then – 23, 24? I almost felt guilty taking advantage of you there, weekday afternoons, or an occasional Sunday morning when we told our spouses that we had work to do. (Bad, very Bad).

Frequently our games involved you tied to the futon, spread for me, as I licked and fucked you to our hearts’ content. At first you probably thought I was a bit strange, but seemed to relish those times. But there was no real talk of submission. Once the ropes were untied, we were back to a more conventional affair, with me at an age and level of boring maturity closer to father than contemporary. I always had trouble figuring out what you saw in me, but was flattered and delighted to have you at my side.

And there were some nice field trips where we went slightly beyond the edge of sex ordinaire. I can remember that trip to the B & B in Tennessee, a hike, you tied to a tree, me on my knees pleasuring you. Or walking the streets of D.C., your hands cuffed behind you under your raincoat, bottom still sore from a nice spanking with a wooden hairbrush.

Again, these were only little detours, not any committed power exchange involving a commitment to submit. And lets face it, you are not really the submissive type.

As years passed, kids were born and raised and your career blossomed, we spent less time on these types of activities. Great sex. Frequent and robust. But mostly vanilla.

We both acknowledge that things deteriorated a bit between us in the years when we spent too many working days away from one another. It was a loss of intimacy. Too much of the burden of child rearing on you. Me feeling dissed. Not much fun for either of us. We enjoyed our weekends together. But it was not what either one of us envisioned when we decided to marry in the heat of love and passion all those years ago, with one child in arms and another on the way. I should have begged you to stay but was too proud to beg.

So I fucked up. Did something that betrayed and hurt you. That afternoon when you discovered what was going on we were fortunate that the kids were away. And between your tears and anger and my shame and remorse, we held ourselves together with what brought us together in the first place: extraordinary sex. I can’t recall how many times we did it that night. But it seemed we barely slept. And at some point, in the middle of the night, as I was trying to convince you that I would do whatever it would take to keep you. And you were on top of me, riding my cock, using your fingers on my balls. And you informed me, as you rode me, between our grunts and gasps and moans, that if I would be calling you mistress from then on; and that I was now going to be your slave. (it sends shivers through me now to think about, Mistress). You had tapped into a dormant fantasy of my own, apparently.

And we both came, almost together, exhausted, but knowing we were onto something new that might be the right path after too many years of drifting apart. We had found something that has blossomed over the last 14 months, as I have ceded more and more power to you in this relationship. A burden for you, no doubt. But a blessing for me.

Will finish the rest of this “back story” in my next installment, Mistress.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Leather Glove

Dear Mistress,

Monday is the day of the week we try to abstain from conventional intercourse, and we actually stuck to the rules yesterday. The concept originated from the excitement we had those few days a month ago when your doctor suggested that you refrain for a few days. And we did. And we discovered the pleasures and intensity of being forced to find alternative modalities of release. Of course, the inability to fuck for a day makes me want to fuck you all the more. When I woke in the middle of the night it took some monumental will for me not to make a pest of myself. And I know a slave should not be a pest.

After Monday’s homework assignment for you, about our Sunday Switch, I handed you your computer, and assumed my position under the covers, face buried in your cunt. My scribbles must have been particularly inspiring for you, because unlike most mornings, you came while still reading. I was wondering what passage got you over the top, to make sure I plant that seed again.

After you had your share, you put on that leather glove. Its soft texture as you stroke me with it makes me hard almost immediately. But I am still a little self conscious about you making me come that way. Frustrated and desperate, I ultimately offered to help, and as you cupped and fondled my balls with the leather glove, I used my hand on my shaft and was finally released from my torment. But of course, only after begging for your permission.

Soon I was locked in my cage, and you were off too, up the highway for meetings. When I got home you were busy on work. I asked for permission to worship you, kneeling, enjoying the texture of your black tights, before peeling them away for my first taste after so many hours at work.

After a bike ride it was time to fix dinner, then settle in for some TV, me comfortably seated on the floor between your legs rubbing your feet and getting an occasional chance to taste you through those riding tights I like so much. When you grew tired it was time to go upstairs. After I pleasured you with my mouth, you put the glove back on, and although I was instantly hard, it was not easy for me to come that way. So you took a break and announced you were still horny and would masturbate yourself. As I lay next to you, my cock pressed against your side, you used your hand to rub away as I spun a story about you meeting a couple at a bar near our vacation home, taking them home and….well we never got to that part. You came with a rush and some tears, and then it was my turn, and as I used my hand and you used the glove I joined you.

Throughout the day we talked off and on about your decision to disconnect from E., at least for now. I must say that he seems to have treated you shabbily. My sense is that you laid it out there for him, but he turned out to be a “catch and release” artiste, more interested in amateur philosophizing than nurturing and returning the feelings he had brought alive in you. Annoying.

But that clay footed E is different from the Uber E that you and I created in our fantasy life these last few weeks. The character who could made you yearn for a hard spanking and total submission, if only for 24 hours in some hideaway off the beaten path. It will be hard for us to give up that character. Who knows, maybe somewhere inside the real E that Uber E still lives on, just as the closet, submissive housewife oozing pheremones still lives on inside my powerfully attractive and dominant Mistress.

While the “right” thing may be to let Uber E go, it will be very hard for us. So why bother. Nothing wrong with stoking the occasional fantasy, with or without me, that someday Uber E will re-emerge, in the form of a plane ticket to NYC or LA, or an E- vite to some Inn on the Lake in Michigan. Maybe there still will be a time when Uber E pushes you face first against a wall, whispers in your ear about his plans for you, loosens his tie, yanks your wrists behind you and ties them inescapably tight. Or a time when he forces you to your knees to worship his cock. Or pulls you across his lap for a hard spanking with that hairbrush. Or takes you from behind, bent over his desk, skirt hiked up and panties down around your ankles.

Until that time comes, your slave is happy to play the Uber E role to the best of my ability. If I perform poorly, I will have deserve a good punishment.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Our Sunday Morning Switch

Dear Mistress,

As part of our contract, we agreed that on Sunday mornings I could switch roles with you: be the master and use whatever comes into my imagination to make you submit and “suffer” at my diabolical hands. The Sunday Switch has been an interesting experiment, and with a little outside inspiration I believe we have come onto something about your own need, every now and then, to abandon all of that corporate suited control you have to exercise during the week, whether with your clients, or in managing your sometimes recalcitrant slave.

While you have left the mercurial E to stew in his own navel gazing, he did get you intrigued by the notion of a good spanking to enhance your surrender. It’s something we have dabbled in over the years. I used a hairbrush on your bottom years ago in D.C.. We were concerned about how long the red marks would last.

After the cathartic sex of Saturday night, I was not sure how well the switch would work Sunday morning. You and I had both discharged a great deal of sexual energy, and the remnants were strewn around the bedroom Sunday morning. It took us a while to find that other black boot, and your crumpled black tights, still reeking of your arousal.

We read the paper a bit and then I pulled out the red leather cuffs and locked them on your wrists. They were then linked together and I tied them off at the top of the bed, your bottom raised for me with a pillow under your pelvis. You were well positioned for my open palm, and your butt was already doing that involuntary squirm.

At first, you always feign a bit of amusement and indifference when I restrain you like this. Of course, you know you are still the mistress, and I am still the slave. But what I have found is that if I prolong the session and ladle on a sufficient degree of discomfort, and maybe a little fantasy tied in, it takes you to that precious sub-space you need to abandon control for just a while. Doesn’t it?

This morning I used a tie to blindfold you, hoping that it would help you suspend your maintenance of the mistress persona a little more easily. A nice trick that seemed to help get you there more quickly.

I was already hard for you that a.m., after doing my writing assignment on the night before. So it took some discipline of my own to get on with your spanking. I buried my face in your exposed, squirmy butt for a while, reveling in your taste and texture. But I had a mission, and soon I was sitting next to you, applying a firm hand in a way that made you jerk and moan a bit with each blow.

Of course, I intermittently slid my hands between your legs, confirming my suspicion that you were soaking that pillow you were grinding against.

After About 20 minutes, and as your bottom took on a nice red glow, I pulled the covers over you and announced I was going downstairs to make some coffee. I gave you an assignment: to imagine three things that you would like E to do to you. As I left the room, I saw you relax into the bed, your bottom still writhing. I spared you the vibrator I would normally use during these “breaks”, assuming that you were so far along that you would take advantage and come while I was out of the room.

I returned about 10 minutes later , steaming coffee cup in hand, and I pulled back the covers. Your bottom was still red. And I gave it a few more hard spanks with my palm to remind you of my control before picking up the hairbrush that E had promised to use on you. I told you we were switching to the brush for a while, and asked you to recite each of the scenarios I had asked you to imagine.

As you recited them, I applied the brush firmly to your bottom. The scenarios you came up with (between gasps and moans) were as follows, recorded here to remind you:

1. He pulls you forcefully over his knee, hands in your hair, yanks up your dress, pulls down your panties, and spanks you hard until you are sobbing. When his hand slides between your legs, you are forced to call him “Sir”, and beg him for the right to come. And you do.
2. He ties you to the bed, hands over your head, and forces you to suck his cock. You told me how much you enjoyed its taste and how hard it was in your imagination.
3. After you suck him for a while he makes you beg him to fuck you. And you do, and he does. You used a wonderful adjective to describe how that felt when he finally entered you. Can’t recall now. But it was a mindblower in your mind.

As we talked through these scenes, I applied the hairbrush. Your bottom squirmed harder, got even redder, and you jerked against the bed. I knew it was time to give you the mercy that you have always shown this slave.

Still using the brush with my right hand, I applied some of our lubricant to a finger on my left hand and slid it deep into your lovely, writhing ass. You let out a little gasp, and I could feel you clenching my finger for dear life. I slid my little finger between your legs, barely reaching your clit, and began a gentle massage there, all the while applying the brush to your bottom. Within about 2 minutes you began a long desperate, shuddering orgasm which nearly took my breath away. It sent you into a convulsion of sobs and tears. I had helped you find that mental space where you gave up control. A matter of great satisfaction to your slave.

Of course, I was not just going to take a bow. I wanted my taste too. So I mounted you from behind and slowly slid my cock into you. Moving gently at first, I soon was pounding into you and you came one more time for me. Still sobbing.

Now it was time for gentleness, so I helped you turn over, still tied to the bed, and entered again that way, and after a while of some soft and gentle fucking It was me begging for permission and you generously granting it.

It seemed that within about 12 hours we had two of the most memorable sexual experiences of our 20 year collaboration. How is that? Certainly the imaginary, uber E gets an assist on this for helping us re-discover a side of your personality we had let go dormant. And we will continue to work that route in the months to come, with or without him.

I certainly support your decision to disengage for now. He cranked you up and left you alone as he wandered along his own path. Maybe he found Hunter’s torpedo? But my suggestion to you is that before he wandered away he planted some triggers in you mistress. Triggers that will make you yearn from time to time for a firm, unmerciful hand on your bottom. For complete and total surrender. For being pressed against a wall, hands roughly tied behind you, forced to your knees to suck a very hard cock. Or to be taken from behind, dress hiked up around your waist, panties torn away.

Maybe he “finds” you again, and uses those triggers himself. If it’s destined, as he claims, so be it. But for now, you and I will fully exploit those triggers as opportunity arises.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Saturday Night on the Town

Thanks for a wonderful celebration day, mistress. A very nice combination of exercise (on our bikes, raking leaves) , creativity (the blogs we wrote) and sex, with some theatre thrown in. The highlights:

Didn’t we do it twice in the morning before beginning our day? My writing for you always gets me stoked. After the first time we read the paper for a bit, then I asked permission for some “aroma therapy”. I really only planned on some meditation down there, but one thing led to another and you came again for me. You asked if I wanted another go, but I demurred. But as you held my cock and balls in your gently persuasive way, I was soon ready. And you were more than willing.

I had asked for a particular gift on my birthday. After we did our work we adjourned for some rest time. Soon you had donned the strap-on, and we lay together kissing and stroking until I was very hard and you seemed very aroused. There is something about the way you direct me into position, ask me to help you find the target, and then oh so vigorously assault me from behind that brings out the deepest submission in me, Mistress. After a few days without it, I really do crave that treatment. That is particularly true when I sense that your interest in E is peaking again, whether because of some texting, or calls, or because of our talks about your possible relationship with him. And I love the way you come with such gusto, from behind,grinding against me.

When you were done with the strap on, you had me insert that little white probe and I mounted you again. And after we were done, we had a relaxing nap. Then it was time to go to the theater and the related reception and gala.

I offered to wear that cock ring we acquired last year. It had been a while, and it’s always a struggle to get both balls through. But once on, it puts me into a semi erect state until I am allowed to remove it. It’s like you have a tight, but gentle grip on me down there. But it’s the opposite of the cage, letting my cock grow, and making it reluctant to shrink once the blood gets trapped in there.

You wore a dramatically dominant outfit. Silky dress. Black tights and boots. (we forgot the gloves!). AS we circulated through the crowd, wary at first over who we might run into, eyes were following you, and I stood close, indulgently rubbing my hand on your shapely, firm bottom. As we chatted and listened to the program, it seemed you were particularly interested in your I phone, and of course in my mind you were keeping in touch with E as you stood there with me, or, later, when you excused yourself for the ladies room. And that stirred my already tightly gripped cock.

Once seated, you toyed a bit with my fingers and thighs, and allowed me to keep my hand inside your thighs, as they alternatively gripped me and spread a bit. You seemed turned on, Mistress. And I was curious why. So my mind drifted to a scenario where it was E there with his hands between your legs in a public place. How very wet that would make you. And what it would feel like to me to see that. Know he was stroking you. Making you all liquid and squirmy.

We stopped by the gala afterwards. Despite the distraction of our kids’ texts, it was hard to put aside for even a moment my arousal and need for you. After some wine and desert we headed back to the parking lot. When the elevator door closed, I gripped your wrists, and pushed you against the wall, your hands above you. We kissed hard and deep, and I could feel your thigh rise up against me as my very hard cock ground against you. A delight. But the door opened all too soon, and we dashed to the car.

We began our Sunday a.m. switching role play a little early. I told you to insert your arms inside the seat belt, and asked you to imagine that E was in the driver’s seat, and needed to assert his control. He told you to spread your legs, and you did, pushing the seat back, your legs on the dash in those very hot black boots and tights. As we talked about that scenario and how it would unfold, I gently stroked your thighs and cunt. I could smell your arousal, mistress, and you squirmed against my hand.

We finally made it home, and I gripped you in the driveway. Squeezing your nipples, rubbing my hands against you. Kissing you deep. You seemed on the verge, but we needed to get inside.

AS I undressed, you simply lay on the bed, on your stomach, all in black. Naked, I lay on top of you, my hand reaching beneath you. My cock in extremis, pressed against your ass. For a while we lay there talking that way. Me pumping against you from behind, and murmuring to you with a story with E as the protagonist, describing what he would do to you. At one point you asked me how you should seduce him, asking for details and strategy. I did my best, but I was so very hard, and the thought of coaching you into acts that would only re-enforce my submission made me even crazier for you.

You rolled over, but said I could not fuck you until I had made you come with my hand. We were both talking now, trying to match one another with examples of how you could humble me with your activities with E. Watching him handle your cunt. Or me holding your arms down as he fucked you. All crazy stuff, that made us both crazier.

When you finally came, it was with a sob and tears that seemed to go on forever, even as I gently stripped you and fucked you as softly as I could, considering the level of my arousal and frustration. All that talk about your surrender of all that control to someone else brought on a well of both sexual and emotional release. You are my treasure, Mistress.