Friday, September 6, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Listen but No Watching?

 With a single exception this was the game plan at the Molly and mick manse in River City: Mistress would sometimes have a sleepover "guest".  Her devoted slave would occupy our daughter's room next door (by then the  daughters had flown the nest). The walls were thin.  I was typically caged, to avoid any unsanctioned self abuse as I listened in to their enthusiastic coupling.  One thing became all too obvious: Jay (and the occasional "other") could induce much more enthusiastic sounds from Mistress than I could with my "work-a-day" cock. Was she exaggerating her responses for my benefit? Could be, but I doubt it. 

Our typical husband / wife sex, still a daily morning ritual, was more gentle and loving. Yes, Mistress would be lavished with a few cums/session.  Still is.  But there was/is no athleticism involved. No rhythmic slaps of flesh on flesh, and endless moans from Mistress. Of course, all of this listening in could be enticing, exciting and frustrating for a caged slave.  

But once the lover de jour went on his way - typically after I served him coffee in the morning - slave always got his turn, even though Mistress was frequently tuckered out and tender.  

She was and always has been an indulgent Mistress. 

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Summer's End

 After a long and restful summer here at our SW hideaway, Mistress and slave took a trip back to River City over the Labor Day Weekend.  Now we're back for a few days before heading over "the pond" for a long trek.  Our living room is filled with back packs and the clothes and gear we need to organize for our next adventure.

Last night we spent the evening at a local haunt for what will likely be our last out door music event of this fading summer.  Mistress got all gussied up in her boots and a short black shirt, as you can see from this photo. It's a shame the bar / restaurant was only populated by the usual Tuesday night suspects. Sadly,  no one was there worth Mistress exercising her flirtation chops. 

But all that alluring leg was not wasted on me!

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Cuckold Meme of the Day: Flirting.

 Mistress knows she's entitled to flirt with whomever, whenever.  Here in our small town there aren't the same opportunities available to her to meet and flirt with a stranger, let alone an attractive, well endowed  one worthy of her charms. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Day at the Hot Springs

 Mistress and her devoted slave spent the day yesterday at a nearby hot springs resort, perched beneath a ridge once populated by hundreds of native people, who have only left behind thousands of shards of their colorful pottery.

It seems Mistress will never outgrow her desire to bask in the sun, something her Mediterranean complexion accepts with tolerance.  Me, not so much.  But I am happy to indulge her desires in this and so many other ways.

The hot springs excludes kids, but always has a robust crowd of mostly middle age to older customers, many covered in exotic tattoos.  I had to smile as a few heavily inked guys in the their 30's and 40's wandered past Mistress, their eyes unsubtly lingering on Mistress's delicious legs and bottom.  Not bad for someone getting closer to her Medicare years! 

It reminded me of a story Mistress told me from a trip to the Springs last summer, with her Mom (the Dowager Domme) and her sister.  They spent the night in a cozy cottage, and She got up early for some lap swimming. At pool side she was chatted up by a younger man - cute she reported - who seemed interested in learning more about her "situation".  Sparks were beginning to fly, she said. Then . . . her mother and sister arrived, impatient, wanting to get their breakfast.  Sadly, contact info was not exchanged and she never spotted him there before they departed.

But at least she was willing to explore.