Thursday, May 28, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Business Trip (part 2)

I had trouble getting to sleep that night.  There had been no more from Mistress after she left for dinner with her Boss.  What was going on? I could only speculate.  I knew there had been some flirtation between them over the last few months.  She had reported some lingering touches on her arm. Suggestive comments.  And Mistress was certainly game.  But also reluctant to make the first move.

"I don't want him to think I'm some sort of slut, slave....."

"Even if you do have permission?"

"I don't need permission.  Remember who's in charge here?" She faux scolded.

"I do."

But that shot of her, priming his pump with such hot lingerie, stockings, garters....Mistress had clearly elected to raise the temperature for her night out with her Boss.  I had to wonder if or when she'd give him a flash of what might be on the menu for dessert.

And when I did, well, I paid a price as my "work a day" cock surged painfully against the cage she had locked me in early that morning before I drove her to the airport.

It wasn't until early the next morning that I  heard from her again.

"Hi slave.  Sleep well?"

"Not really... waiting for you to come home and unlock me...."

"Awww....poor slave."

"How was your night?"

"Hmmm..... it was late... very late."


"What do you think?"

What a tease.  This was torture.

"Aren't you going to tell me?"

"When I get home you will get all the juicy details.  And they are juicy.  Wish you were here to taste?"

"Of course..."

"He surprised me with a present at dinner.  From Cartier!"

Really?  What?

Then a picture came through.

I guess that counted as a good "first move".

Monday, May 25, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Business Trip.

She was on another business trip with her boss.  This time to the Big Apple. Her text messages had him on edge all day .... and into the night:

9 am - "just landed slave....he upgraded me to first class so I could sit with him and talk about our presentation."

9:15 am - "did he flirt?"

9:17 am -- Hmmmm..... depends on what you call flirting....his leg against mine....hand on my arm a few times.... gotta go now, getting in cab.

1 pm -- "How's it going?"

1:45 pm - "pretty busy.... presentation went well. heading to lunch with him and some folks from NY office."

5 pm - "Hi slave.... checked into hotel.  Meeting him for dinner at 7. Going to shower and get changed. "

5:15 - "who's going to dinner with you?"

5:17- "just me and him.  He wants to try this new 4 star place in SoHo.  sounds expensive.  Told me to dress up do do it right....."

5:19 - "really....what are you wearing?"

5:20- "that short black dress you like, and I picked up some other things at Saks this afternoon after lunch."

5:21 - "what things?"

6:30- "You like?"

6:31- "WTF?"

6:45- "Gotta go, slave.  He just texted that the car service is here for us.  Don't wait up for me.  he said we may have to meet in his room tonight after dinner to prepare for our meetings in the morning.  Hope the cage isn't too tight.  XXX. Your Mistress."