Sunday, July 30, 2017

Cuckold Q. and A.

Our last post got and unusual number of comments, including a few questions from old and seemingly new (or lurking) readers.  We are glad some of you are enjoying our latest adventures with JJ.  We have another rendezvous with him set up for Tuesday night, which may be the last for a few weeks because we head to our SW hideaway on Saturday.

Let me tackle a few of the questions you've raised in your comments:

Q. Our Western Correspondent raised the question of what happens if JJ gets his hands on the key to slave cock cage....

A. JJ does seems amused that slave has been told to be caged when he comes over. He raised the question of whether I was caged or not as early as our first meeting with him at a local bar.  It seems he enjoyed using the power on his last 2 visits to say whether I should be sprung loose or not. But so far he has shown no interest in managing my "cage time" when we are not together.  

Q. Anonymous asked "can you share what's going through your head as you watched Molly and JJ?

A. It's a bit of an out of body experience. As I crouched next to the bed on Thursday night, holding Mistress's hands over her head as JJ pounded into her for what seemed like forever, I was focused on Mistress's face, her eyes scrunched shut, her mouth open, moaning with pleasure.  It was good to see that look of ecstasy on her face, something I don't get to observe when I am doing the fucking ( not that I ever could fuck her as hard as JJ does!).

Q. Another anonymous reader asked me to comment on what went through my mind when I came face to face with another man's cock.

A. In this instance it was something like. "oh shit. That's a whole lot bigger than my cock. How can Mistress take that sucker?"

Q. Another anonymous reader asks "Do you think JJ wants more of you down the road....not just your oral skills but maybe some rear action....."

A. I've not picked up any interest from JJ in that subject.  Mistress may have shared that she sometimes enjoys a good "pegging" of her slave. But there's no way slave could take that big cock, so let's hope we are not going in that direction.

Q. Another anonymous reader asks "when did you realize you were gay. What was your wife's reaction to learning that you are sexually attracted to men."

A. I Don't want to disappoint you (or some of you) but  I am not gay or sexually attracted to men.  It's not a "turn on" to partake of JJ's cock.  It's not something that I am secretly pining for, or fantasizing about.  The turn on (at least for me) is the submission / humiliation aspect of  his dominance of Mistress and me.  I'll have to ask Mistress for her take on this, but she's said she thinks it's hot to watch me under those circumstances. And of it makes Mistress hot, then that's another good reason for me to follow JJ's direction when he tells me to perform that role.

Let us know if you have any more questions!

Friday, July 28, 2017

"The Sluttiest Hostess Ever....."

Mistress and slave had a few bumps in the run up to our fund raiser last night.

Well one major bump: the candidate to be honored had to cancel at the last minute due to a family health emergency. We were pissed at first, then scrambled to find a couple of surrogate / replacement candidates. They welcomed the chance to meet our guests, and  showed up at the appointed hour to entertain our guests.

Mistress did an excellent job of arranging for food and flowers that made our home look festive and our 40 or so guests feel welcome. The "substitute teacher" candidates charmed and amused.  Thankfully, slave remembered to put on my cock cage just before the first guest arrived.

Of course, Mistress looked lovely in a relatively short black dress and colorful jewelry from her impressive collection.

As the evening wore down, and the "substitute teacher" candidates went back out onto the trail,  Mistress continued to charm and chat up our guests.  At least 20  lingered past the 8 pm scheduled end time to help us finish off the food, wine and designer beers.

That's when  I noticed JJ discretely sliding through the front door, looming over most in the room, discretely fitting into crowd. JJ knew at least 2 or 3 of our friends, so hardly seemed out of place. But I doubt anyone thought his late arrival was suspicious.

One of our guests, a would be opera singer, tall and in her late 40's,  seemed  smitten by a seemingly "available" male on the scene. She sought to monopolize our new "bull".  But Mistress and I discretely spoke to him as guest lingered for another 45 minutes or so.  I shared with him our little scenario about him posing as an HVAC tech should Mistress need to go upstairs with him before all our guests disappeared.

He laughed at that notion.

"Sorry, but my hands would give me away -- not enough cuts and abrasions."


Fortunately, our guests got the hint by 9 pm, when Mistress and I began sweeping the room for dirty plates, glasses and  half emptied wine glasses.  Not surprisingly, the last by now unwanted guest to leave was the opera singer, who seemed disappointed when JJ lingered a bit longer, saying he needed to refill his water glass.

He watched us complete the clean up, then we adjourned to the living room, with JJ and Mistress side by side on the couch, and slave watching from a side chair. We talked over the night, and chatted about some of the guests who joined us. But soon there was some "smooching" going on. Mistress's left leg was draped over JJ's right thigh. It was not hard to observe the outline of that large cock expanding inside JJ's jeans.

Sadly, he had to grab Mistress's hand and guide it to that expanding cock.

"I think you're still a little too shy in front of hubby.   Past time to get over that.....he doesn't mind you fondling my cock, do you hubby?"

"Of course not.  Go for it....."

That got my more modest tool expanding against the confines of that plastic cage Mistress had me wearing. And there wasn't much relief after JJ unfastened his jeans, popping his by now huge organ loose. He steered Mistress's greedy lips to his expansive tool.

Soon, JJ was moaning in his pleasure as Mistress's fingers and mouth worked him, as her slave took it all in.

"maybe it's time we got more comfortable", JJ noted, and on that cue we  adjourned to the bedroom, where JJ took charge of the proceedings.

"Your slave's going to undress you, and then prepare you for me....."

So I did, loosening Mistress's dress and letting it slide down her striking curves. Unfastening her black bra, then pulling the matching black undies over her strong and shapely legs. JJ was already naked, stretched across our bed, enjoying the show.

Mistress found her way to the bed next to him, and slave was soon on my knees, spreading Mistress's legs and savoring the flavors of her arousal.  I did my best to stay focused on Mistress's pleasure as she rode my mouth the increasing urgency, But I also got an eyeful of Mistress fondling JJ's mega-cock and him mauling her breasts with his fingers and mouth.

It wasn't long before JJ could no longer resist taking over.  But there was one final job for me.

"OK slave, she's ready for me now. So you can make me ready."

As I pulled away from Mistress's sopping folds, I was confronted by JJ,  kneeling on the bed, enormous cock in hand at my eye level.

"Just make it nice and wet for her, slave....."

I did my assigned task, then sat back on the floor where I could fondle and kiss Mistress as JJ took over, fucking her hard and long.  Mistress was moaning, lost in the moment, and  seemed to go over the edge more than a few times in response to his urgent and persistent assault....

JJ has a tendency to narration as he takes his pleasure from Mistress.  All of the narrative is hard to reconstruct. But I remember a few choice lines.

"She's really taking my cock now....."

"I bet his cage is tight now....." (with a little evil laugh thrown in)

"She's the sluttiest hostess ever, isn't she......?"

I had to agree on all three counts.

There were a couple of "rest periods", when slave was assigned to keep Mistress on edge with my tongue before the fucking resumed.

At one point, Mistress even tried to intervene on her slave's behalf.

"Shouldn't we let slave take off his cage now.... it has to be painful....."

That was firmly vetoed.

"No.....he can handle it..... I bet he actually likes it......"

So there was no "mercy" last night.

At some point, slave excused himself to go to bed in our daughter's room to give them a bit more privacy.  As I dozed off, I could here round three resuming, with more ecstatic moans from mistress, and the sounds of slapping flesh.

I marvel at Mistress's capacity to absorb all that fucking.

At some point after midnight, Mistress came into visit her snoozing hubby, letting me know that JJ had taken his leave, and that I was allowed to return to our bed. She even allowed me to take off my cage.   But there would be know conjugal union for slave,  at least until this morning.


My "slutty hostess" needed a good night's sleep and a few hours to recover.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

More Cuck Action Tonight?

Mistress and slave are hosting a political fundraiser at the UCTMW World HQ tonight. (In our secret identity personas, of course, not as mick and Molly.)  We expect maybe 35-40 friends and neighbors to join us. But to add a little spice we also invited JJ to join us, who actually knows some of the expected guests, as well as the candidate.

At least for now, JJ's "relationship" with the hosts of tonight's party is on the down low.

The "plan" the the extent there is one, involves JJ sticking around for some post-party play in the executive suite.  The trick will be to get all of our guests to leave the three of us alone, Will some folks want to linger. And will there be raised eyebrows when that big mysterious lug sticks around longer than some of the folks we know very well.

It's bound to be entertaining, right?

Mistress and I were talking about contingency plans yesterday morning after we finished our morning wake-up sex.

"What if people won't leave, slave?"

"Well I could distract the stragglers, and you could offer to give JJ a "tour" of the upstairs.... then just never come downstairs."

"Hmmm..... I'm not sure that would work. Why would I only give him a tour?"

"I guess we could say he's an HVAC tech and wanted to look at our attic equipment?"

"He doesn't really look like an HVAC tech, does he?"

"No I suppose he doesn't."

I guess we need to keep working on this plan. We still haven't talked about how I would explain a squeaking bed, which can be heard on the floor below once JJ and Mistress get going.

As for me, JJ made his preferences known on Friday night, during a "rest period".

"Wouldn't it be fun to have your slave in his cage all through that fund raiser?"

His wish is my command, apparently.

"I think you should be in the cage tomorrow night", Mistress confirmed yesterday morning.

It shall be done.

Monday, July 24, 2017

After Action Review

Over the weekend, Mistress and slave were still sorting out our reactions to our Friday night "date" with JJ.

For Mistress's part, she seemed concerned that her slave would "freak out" over what I saw and participated in.  I reassured her.

"It was a bit like some strange movie dream sequence, Mistress.... but I'm cool."

In fact, it was pretty impressive to see how hard and deep and long JJ fucked Mistress, over a couple of hours, and what must have been three or four cycles. Also impressive was how Mistress took all that "abuse" from his impressively large cock.

"Don't worry", JJ assured her as I was listening in, "After a few weeks I'll have you used to my cock.... nice and stretched out for me......"

It was also edifying to provide an assist in pleasuring Mistress.... sort of altar boy to his high priest / master of ceremony role.  He instructed me to kiss Mistress as he fucked her, or to feel his cock as it thrust hard and deep into those very damp clean shaven folds.   I nibbled on her nipples too as she took that big cock like a trooper.

At some point, when he (and she) needed a break, I was told to apply my oral skills. Mistress seemed pleased.

"He's very good at this JJ" she said, betwixt moans.

For my part I was a little concerned that Mistress would think less of her slave after seeing me take cock in mouth, and told her so during our after-action review.

"Did it creep you out, Mistress?"

She claimed she took it in the spirit of adventure, and of course she had given me the go ahead.  In retrospect, it was a little dance we did.  JJ "encouraged" me to share oral duties with Mistress. Mistress looked at me with a certain trepidation.  I said I would do it only at Mistress's  direction.  And JJ closed the deal by "persuading" Mistress to direct her slave as he desired.

I guess we now know who's in charge when the three of us get together!

So what happens next? There's nothing on the calendar right now.  We both traded some texts with JJ over the weekend.  Mistress shared that he seemed pleased with developments.

"Hubby seems to be coming along nicely" was the gist of what she shared with me.

In a text to me he described our evening as "true cuckolding".

Hard to deny that.

Mistress has decided to put me in charge of arranging future "outings" (or evenings in) with JJ.  I guess I need to get with it.