Thursday, April 27, 2017


Slave and Mistress are settling into our new routines here in River City. Now that I have no office to go to everyday, I am available to entertain Mistress on a more regular basis. Sure, there are some clients I continue to serve, but the pace is more leisurely.

There are bike rides, morning sex, afternoon worship and a late afternoon nap to fill the day. But that still leaves time for slave to expand my portfolio of household duties.  I've spent more time working ion our yard, clearing honeysuckle and planting flowers. There are weeds to be eaten. And I have almost completed the task of painting and installing new cabinet doors in our kitchen.

Once that task is completed, I guess I will have to develop a new work plan.

Maybe some new hand made furniture that Mistress might find useful:

What Mistress doesn't want a throne?

Or maybe a suitable display stand for her slave when she wants to show me off to her friends? (or keep me out of the way when entertaining her lovers?)

The worry is that if I don't find something to keep myself busy and useful, Mistress might get annoyed, and simply see me as a tool for her own pleasure. That could get a little boring for her. Who wants the same old work-a-day cock day after day?

Monday, April 24, 2017

Indulgent Mistress

My brief trip to the east coast was uneventful. As ordered, I wore my cage when not in my hotel room, which I hope gave Mistress something to reflect on as she entertained her lover Jay on Thursday night / Monday morning.

She had me check in with her after my dinner with my sister Thursday evening. Fortunately, my call was well timed.

"We had dinner out, slave....Jay's making a  call right now, and then we are going to bed....."

I had a feeling that it wasn't just so they could catch up on lost sleep.  Then, the next morning, I got a text from her at around 7 am.

"Morning, slave.  I am up, but there's going to be some sex for a while. Will call when Jay leaves."

As you might imagine, slave had a little difficulty getting that hard steel cage back on as my mind tried to avoid mulling over what was going on back in our marital bed in River City.

But by about 6 pm,   slave was reunited with Mistress. I found her in bed, already in one of those sexy nighties, and awaiting my return. Fortunately, she had enough energy left to reward her devoted slave with some pre-dinner nookie.

Our weekend featured several more rounds of conventional marital congress, so you can rest assured that I quickly recovered from that "horrid" 72 hours  of abstinence.

Yeah, I guess I am pampered.

You can be assured that I showed ample gratitude for Mistress's generosity and indulgence.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

When slave is Away, Mistress will.....

Slave is on a two day trip to the East Coast for a professional conference. And for the first time since my surgical procedure back in February Mistress has me back in her cage.

"Better safe than sorry, slave..." was how she put it.

 Of course, I was not required to wear that metal behemoth on the plane.  Even with one of those "TSA Precheck" stamps on my boarding pass I would not want to consider all the bells and whistles that would go off if I stepped through the metal detector with a big chunk of steel hanging from my balls. As it was, I had a little concern that my carry on bag would get some extra screening, raising some questions.

"So what is this for, sir?"

But once I arrived at my hotel, I followed orders and scrunched my "package" through the hard steel ring that acts as a base for the steel cage that fits over Mistress's work-a-day cock. Then I reported back by text that her orders had been followed.

"Good, slave....."

On the phone she confirmed that I could remove the cage only when I was safely back in my hotel room last night.

Yeah.... I know what some of you are saying.... what a wuss. Can't even sleep with your cock on a tight steel cage for a night or two?  But it is nice to have a compassionate Mistress concerned that her old pampered slave gets a good night's sleep.

In the meantime, while her slave is away, Mistress gets to play.

Her lover Jay is planning to "stop by" tonight. No doubt there will be dinner out and a sleepover to keep Mistress company.  When I last talked to Jay a week ago, the morning following his most recent sleep over, the three of us discussed my upcoming trip.

"Keep an eye on her while I'm out of town", I said.

"Rest assured, Mick....."

I know I'll be resting better if Mistress gives me a pass on the cage when I go to bed again tonight.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Empty Nest Easter

Mistress showed her benevolence toward her devoted slave on "Holy Saturday",  following my Good Friday abstinence day and her own frolic with her lover Jay.

There was our traditional morning wake-up sex, then a bonus round on Saturday afternoon after a much needed nap. It was our mutual reward for a day devoted to family duties - me with my cute grandkids and Mistress lunching with her mother, the Dowager Domme.

Then on to Easter.  For so many years that was one of those religious / secular holidays on the calendar that required wallowing in family related activities. There were baskets of candy, Easter egg hunts in the yard, then overstuffed family dinners that reprised Thanksgiving or Christmas duty with lots of cooking, clean-up and guests who seemed unwilling to pitch in.

Yesterday represented a break from our routine: no kids or grandkids underfoot. No baskets. No big dinner to cook or attend.

Just the two of us. Of course there was sex in the morning, a bike ride, dinner on our patio with the Times. Some afternoon worship and a nap. And dinner for two. Slave whipped up a roast chicken for the occasion, foregoing traditional Easter dishes like ham or leg-o-lamb.

But, truth be told, we did not forego all things Easter.

Mistress munched on some seductive chocolate eggs that the Dowager Domme had delivered on Saturday.  And she also wore her Easter undies.....