Sunday, February 26, 2017

Cuckold Double Date Night

It may not have been a "cuckold double date" in the traditional sense. Wouldn't that require two wives out with their cuckolder / side-dishes? This "double date" involved Mistress, her lover, and her cuckolded husband, all out on the town in River City's trendiest neighborhood.

Mistress made sure she was "dressed to kill", or at least taunt her husband, and turn the head of her lover, and a few other folks we saw out and about, both men and ladies. As we waited for Jay to show up, Mistress distracted her slave with the hot black tights and short dress she had selected. It made her slave want to propose "calling in sick" to Jay and taking her upstairs to enjoy all to myself.

But that would be wrong. And not at all what Mistress had in mind for her evening.

Our first stop was a trendy bar, already filling up with urbanistas on the prowl. What I liked about it: none of the droning and distracting TVs like too many bars and restaurants these days.  That left all of us to peruse the clientele (and the cute, tattooed bartendress) rather than just another NCAA basketball game.

We were able to grab three stools at the bar near the door, giving us a good view of all the men and ladies eyeing one another (and Mistress).  Mistress was wedged between her two "dates".

Suddenly there was a familiar face honing in on Mistress --- a very fetching curly haired blonde of the lesbian persuasion, who had been coupled for years with another of Mistress's friends. She rushed to Mistress, wrapping her in an affectionate hug. Then she introduced another equally fetching blonde, with straighter hair and flashing some considerable cleavage. Her date?  Curly blonde  and Mistress exchanged a few whispered words and then the two blondes headed to a table along the wall.

While Mistress and blondie were chatting, I discretely mouthed to Jay that the two blondes were on a date together. At least so it seemed.  When Mistress turned back to her male companions, I asked for an update.

"So has she switched back, Mistress? "

We had heard that curly blonde had broken up with Mistress's other lady friend in favor of some guy from NYC.  

"It seems that way, Slave.....she said they'd both like to come visit us in (our SW hideaway town).  So they seem to be a couple. But I can add this.... she whispered that I'm still the hottest woman she knows....."

Of course, the notion of my smoking  hot wife in the arms of this also very hot blonde has been a perverse fantasy on mine for what seems like ages. And I acknowledged it to Jay.

"Molly doing  with you is all well and good Jay, but that lady.....she's the holy grail."

Jay did a nice "spit take" with his Imperial Stour that that point.

We soon adjourned to a trendy Asian joint, where we gobbled down some bowls of "street food" and sake.  Then it was back to our house by around 10 pm.  We spent another 30 minutes or so in the living room, Jay and Molly huddled close on the couch as Slave took a side chair. I even sneaked a photo for our expansive international audience of voyeurs.

Mistress excused herself first.

"I'm going to go wash my face and get ready for bed....." she announced, giving her lover's thigh a little knowing squeeze as she rose from her chair. She sauntered over to me then leaning in for a kiss.

"Goodnight slave.... see you in the morning."

I couldn't resist running my hand up that firm, tights enswathed thigh, my finger grazing over her soon to be busy folds. Did I detect a little shiver of arousal before she pulled away, a wicked grin on her face."

"Don't be long, Jay...." she said to her lover as she headed up the stairs.

Jay and I chatted for a bit longer about the absurdists developments in Washington over the last week.  But he wasn't staying long.

"Guess I'd better follow your wife's advice, Mick....."

Soon he was upstairs, safely locked away with Mistress in her "Executive Suite".  I followed not long after, in to one of our daughter's rooms.

Now it's morning, and I just brewed Jay some coffee at Mistress's request. She wearing a very short nightie. No undies. She gave me a long lingering kiss before heading back upstairs, a cup of joe for Jay in hand.

"I think he needs a little caffeine before round two, slave....."

I'm looking forward to Mistress's after action report.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Ask Molly and mick

Mistress and slave have a busy evening of cuckolding planned…. Her lover Jay is joining us for a 3 way “dinner date”. And then….. well I have a feeling slave will be relegated to our daughter’s room for one more cuckold sleepover before we head back to our SW hideaway next week. Look here on Sunday or Monday for more details on how the evening goes.

But today’s edition will re-visit what we do here occasionally – provide some alternative advice to advice seeking readers of that “fake news” mainstream media we’ve heard to much about lately.  Here’s the Mainstream advice on a subject close to the heart of all of you with a cuckolding kink…..

Q: Flirting in a relationship

You mentioned in today's column that some couples are OK with outside flirting and some are not. My question is, how do you decide how far it's OK to go? Do you just ask your spouse, "How much flirting am I allowed to do?" Or do you feel it out with trial and error, which risks someone's feelings getting hurt? Or what?
A: Carolyn Hax

I think it's a bigger understanding on a bigger scale. It's not ... okay, i can flirt to here, but not past here. It's: What is your view of sexuality, or commitment, of intimacy, of the notion of having a private self independent of all others. Some people are so uncomfortable with the idea of their partners as sexual beings independent of their relationship with them that they can't even stomach the idea of past partners. Like, obsessing and being haunted by unwelcome mental images. Some are at the other end of the spectrum and want to share their partners with other people. In between are varying degrees of comfort with emotional, sexual and general autonomy of the individuals within a couple. It's one of those areas where it takes time to get to know yourself, much less another person. 
  FEB 24, 2017 12:17 EST

Here’s how Molly and mick would respond to the same question.

Dear Flirt Wannabe:

So you want to know how to best establish any limits on your right as a spouse to flirt with a guy (or for that matter a babe) throwing off sparks of attraction?  You don’t want to risk a trial and error approach. What happens if your husband suddenly gets all hinky when he stumbles upon  those smoking hot texts or  emails to that guy at work   describing how  you woke up all sweaty and needy after dreaming  you were sucking his giant, throbbing cock.

It’s so much  safer to agree in advance on your rights as a spouse to seek and find some supplemental attention – whether it’s flirtatious chit chat over morning coffee, or a good hard fucking in your mini-van while the kids are at soccer practice.

We suggest putting it down in writing. Maybe a kink infused contract?  Here’s what our contract says on the subject:

Mistress has the right to engage in other relationships with men or women, of whatever nature, without obtaining additional consent from the Slave. Such relationships may include “vanilla” relationships, her taking or training of additional slaves, or her submission to other men or women.

Of course, not every husband may respond positively to a wife’s request for a contractual right to enjoy the occasional benefits of  a alpha side-dish. But if you put a comprehensive agreement in front of your spouse, and gently explain that he can’t fairly expect you to spend the rest of your life limited to his underwhelming sexual efforts and undersized “equipment”, you may be surprised by his response.

It might be relief. For some sexually voracious women, and you may be one of them, “it takes a village”. Some husbands feel they can’t do a very good job of replicating the efforts of an entire village!

Who knows? The thought of his wife out there on the prowl, always on the look out for a guy who might get her motor running, or do a better (or more interesting) job of filling her orifices, might actually be a huge turn on for him.

You won’t know if you don’t give it a flirtatious whirl.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

He Prefers Her Naked.....

Slave got a clean bill of health from my surgeon yesterday.  I had already been "performing" pretty much as normal -- walking about 6 miles with Mistress on Sunday; a bike ride on Monday; and of course regular sexual activity with Mistress.  But it was good to hear that his inspection of my repaired loins were ready for normal action. We were discussing his findings in bed last night,

"But I forgot to ask him about whether I can go back to wearing a cock cage, Mistress...."

She just laughed.

"With you at home all the time now, I don't think there's much need for the cock cage, is there, slave?"

Well I wouldn't be the one to suggest more cage time, but then maybe our readers may have other thoughts.

As I cuddled next to her, I felt the smooth texture of one of her black nighties, one I had picked up for her at some past V-Day or Christmas. My complement led her to say "I always like the lingerie you get me, slave...."

"I suppose it's selfish.... it's really a gift for my gratification as well as yours, Mistress....and I suppose its something your lovers like too".

But that got me thinking.

"Does Jay like your lingerie collection, Mistress?"

"Actually, he prefers me naked, slave...."

Hmmm.  And now my motor was starting to run as I contemplated that conversation between my wife and her lover.

"So how does he express that preference, Mistress...."

"Well, I am usually in something like this (referring to her current attire -- short black nightie, sans undies) and he tells me to take it off...."

" And do you comply with his directions, Mistress?"

"Of course, slave".

Now that really got slave's motor running.

I guess you either get the cuckold thing, or you don't.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Slave Serves Mistress After Her Date Night

It wasn't until Friday morning that slave had another chance to catch up with Mistress following her good night kiss before she walked upstairs to join her lover.

I had slept (alone) in the bedroom next door to the lovebirds, waiting a discrete 90 minutes before hitting there sack. By then whatever "action" had taken place was apparently concluded, tho I could here them murmuring quietly, imagining this a post-coital chit chat as the cuddled before nodding off.  I woke earlier than they did, heading back downstairs to beer coffee and catch up on the overnight news of the latest mayhem in DC.

It must have been at around 7 am that Mistress visited me, still a little groggy, in a revealing black nightie sans undies.

"Long night, slave", she said, coming in for a good morning kiss. No doubt I was not the first guy to taste those sumptuous lips that morning.  At her direction, I made Jay a latte.

"He'll be leaving in about 30 minutes, slave. Then you should come upstairs."

"Yes, Mistress......"

She resisted my inquiry about what had happened, other than to confirm that there had been two rounds of sexual frolic: one before they went to sleep, and again that morning. No wonder Mistress looked a little disheveled and sleepy.

True to her word, Jay did come down in about 30 minutes. We shared some small talk about the latest Trump news, and the late night take on his epic press conference, before he headed out into the early morning sunshine. Again, not a word about what some might see as the elephant in the room: his night in bed with my lovely wife.

As ordered, I immediately went upstairs, bearing the morning papers. Mistress was back in bed.

"So how was it Mistress?"

"Hot sex, slave..... my parts are very tender this morning....but I will let you gently worship...."

As you can imagine, I was happy to oblige. And as I applied my well trained tongue to those musky, well exercised folds, Mistress filled in some details about her night with her lover.

"It was the usual stuff slave.... some cock riding..... Jay standing and fucking me against the side of the bed....Jay on top....."

"Sounds like a lot of orgasms for you, Mistress?"

"Lots and lots, slave....."

I was able to coax one more from her, but her message was clear.... there would be no more fucking for her on Friday. Slave would have to patiently await the recovery of her tender lady bits.

And of course I did.

The good news was that by Saturday morning, Mistress was fully recovered. Her resilience allowed slave to fully exercise my conjugal "rights" (to the extent that a slave has such rights).  I guess compared to some of my fellow slaves / subs I am still pretty pampered. Aren't I Terri?