Sunday, January 29, 2017

Back to the Grind

Mistress and slave are back in River City again.


It's cold, damp and gray here.  None of that brilliant white snow that we left behind on our mountain.  No lovely sunsets to shorten our late afternoon apres ski naps.

Just duty to family and clients.

Mistress had lunch with the Dowager Domme yesterday, as slave worked on doing the grocery shopping and getting my home office organized.

Mistress did mention being in contact with Jay, her lover, who has been sulking a bit over her long absence. I suppose there are prospects that they will "hook up" sometime soon.

In the meantime, poor Mistress will be left to resort to the pleasures that her slave can provide with his devoted tongue and work-a-day cock.

Maybe today I should dust off her special power tool, which has been languishing in that bag in our closet, awaiting the return of her demanding clean shaven folds.

Somehow, she will survive!

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Mistress Mulls Her Cuckolding Options

Here in our little corner of the SW the snow gods have been generous. Our mountain has been buried in a bout 4 new feet of snow over the last week.  Mistress found herself up to her thighs in powder yesterday afternoon -- on a trail that is typically groomed as smooth as silk.  I was proud to see her navigate her way through the morass, a big smile on her frozen face!

Meantime, slave has been doing my duty - morning sex and afternoon worship  - to keep her on "maintenance" satisfaction as she considers how (or whether) to get our new novelist buddy into a status beyond ski companion.

Here are the ideas we received from our readers and some reactions:

1. Slave, with a lame excuse,  begs out of dinner at nice restaurant with Mistress, and suggests that Dirk take her our instead. At dinner Mistress makes her play.  (Mistress seems a little reluctant, at least for now, to be so "forward").

2. Slave shares a beer with Dirk, suggests he has ED, and proposes that Dirk play a therapeutic role in our marriage.  (Not sure this would be credible long term, since it would be hard for us to hide our healthy sex life..... plus slave has an ego, after all!)

3. As an alternative, (proposed by blogger Lapsed Catholic Wife), slave takes Dirk out for a beer, mentions that we have an "open marriage" and mentions that Molly "fancies him" thus opening the door.

Now here are a couple of other ideas I came up with that could also move the ball forward:

4. Slave picks up on Dirk's career as a novelist, and mentions that I am a bit of an amateur writer, with an infamous blog that maintains a world wide reader base.  I offer him a link and see if her bites.  If he reads it, he might figure all this out by himself.

5. As a variation on the ED concept, Slave mentions to Dirk that we have a Femdom relationship, that I routinely wear a cock cage, and that Mistress mistakenly left the key back in River City. She could use a spare cock while I am "indisposed".

6. We invite Dirk over for dinner, Mistress dresses on suggestive lingerie and a skimpy robe, and when he arrives, she greets him at the door and explains that her husband was unexpectedly called away for a family emergency.

Despite all these excellent ideas, I suspect Mistress will want to go slow with this. And she has been receiving and exchanging text messages with him this week re: innocent subjects like snow conditions, etc.

Maybe we just let nature take its course.....

Monday, January 23, 2017

Is Mistress Due For A Spanking?

There was a major snow storm here over the weekend. Mistress and slave hunkered down Saturday to avoid the clouds and the blustery weather – substituting “two a day” sex and a romantic dinner out for a day on crowded, windy slopes.  But yesterday the sun was out, there were 22 inches of fresh powder (Our new POTUS would have called it 5 ft., but who’s counting?); and we were back up the mountain enjoying a winter wonderland.

On the cuckolding front,  Mistress has traded a few texts with Dirk (the novelist) over the last few days. And she and slave are mulling over some of your helpful suggestions on how to best fertilize this potential cuckolding relationship. It turns out we may see him again on the slopes today….. one step at a time. 

In the meantime, our Western Correspondent contributed a little speculation of his own on how Mistress might get a little extracurricular action:

 Well I left a comment for Mick and Molly yesterday and thought I could have some fun with it

And Diane you might like it too!

You see the Scarlet Ranch is actually a very upscale club

They have a very nice property on 5 acres

Nice big back yard with 10 cabanas and many tables

So last night I was "thinking" about what might happen if Mick and Molly went there

Of course Molly being the little show off would strip naked and have Mick go get her a drink as she sat down to talk to everybody

Of course she would be the only one naked....

She would rock forward in her chair and press her little clit on the seat

And rock back and forth...

As Mick was returning with her drink three kind of bikers walked in

Kind of because you could tell they were really doctors or  lawyer or something

Clothes were too clean

But they dressed the part

Blue jeans and black leather chaps

Big thick leather belts 

Tee shirts and black leather vests


Molly saw Mick talking to the big one, the best looking one

She thought she saw some money change hands

Then he walked right over to Molly and took her by the hand and stood her up bare naked!

Young lady your husband tells me you are a little trollop who needs a good old fashioned bare bottom spanking 

I do not Molly protested!

But your are a trollop?

No answer......

He ignored her and pulled her over to the nearest cabana and pulled her over his lap

Hard legs under the jeans and chaps

He still had black leather gloves on and pulled her cheeks wide open

Exposing her pretty little bottom hole and labia

He reached down with his left hand and pried her labia open with two fingers

He then roughly pushed a leather clad finger right up her vagina

He pulled it out and smelled it

Then he turned to the crowd and said  

She is soaking wet!

Now Molly      and Diane if you are reading

I will continue if you want me to


I will need a comment telling me why:)

Looking forward to sensing Molly's reaction to this, WC.  It's been a while since I gave her a good "switch day" cropping.  Maybe she is due!

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Slave Finds Mistress A Potential Suitor On the Mountain

Recently Mike, our on again, off again Western Correspondent (should we call him a "stringer" now?) suggested that we might be better off looking for a local "Ski Bum" to satisfy Mistress's need for a little extra sexual attention on our long trips west.

Surely there are guys up on the mountain who wouldn't mind cuckolding old Mick and taking advantage of Mistress's lush, demanding body?

Well, for the most part, the ski bums here in our little corner of the Rockies are an unkempt lot. Think a guy with an untrimmed beard and ponytail, duct tape holding together his ski gloves, who hasn't showered for a week because he sleeps in a van in the ski mountain parking lot to make sure he doesn't miss any of that that early AM powder.

This is not Vail or Aspen, where the "ski bums" are the sons of hedge fund managers or Silicon Valley Barons, with slope side condos to retreat to  after their ski valet stores their skis and boots until morning.

But once in a while you do run into a potential candidate on the mountain. About two weeks ago we shared a lift with a novelist  (let's call him Dirk) who lives an hour north of here, high on an abandoned ski resort.  He seemed interesting, and we shared information, and actually found him on Amazon. We talked about getting together again on the mountain, and although we traded a few texts (I cleverly gave him Mistress's cell number to contact us), we did not "hook up" until yesterday.

It was a blustery snow day on the mountain. Mistress took a few runs and retreated to a fire side lounge at the base, while slave added to his run count.  As I boarded a lift after a run through the trees,  who pops up on the chair next to me next to me but Dirk.  We chatted on the ride up, took 2 more runs together, and I then declared my plan to go meet Molly at the base and take her home for lunch.

"I'll go down with you and say hello."

Mistress was a little surprised that I had Dirk in tow when I found her warming at fireside in her foxy, form fitting black  ski wear. We chatted a bit, then I left the two of them alone with the pretext that I had to change out of my ski boots before heading home.

When I returned, Mistress and Dirk were sitting side by side on a little couch in front of the fire, looking very cozy.  We all talked twenty minutes more, then I took my "matchmaking" thing a little farther.

"If you want, stop by our house for some coffee on your way down the mountain."

He was interested, and we made sure he had our address. He even said he noticed our black Subaru pulling out of our drive on the way up the canyon, so knew exactly where we were located.

Dirk did stop by. I lit a fire, made some coffee. Mistress was stretched out on our couch when he arrived, reading her kindle.  He stayed for more than two hours, and we traded opinions and stories on politics, books, and movies. (He has been an extra in several movies filmed in these parts and had amusing tales about famous and not so famous actors and directors).  He had some interesting (if far out) theories on the Kennedy Assassination and UFO's. But then this is crazy country!

Finally, he took his leave, but not before commenting "I like you guys! You're interesting."

He's divorced, and shared some interesting opinions on how most of the local ladies are a little too . . . . how shall we say it . . . flannel shirty ..... for his taste. He clearly is looking.  And he prefers a woman who shaves her legs and wears a little make-up to a lady lumber jack.

Mistress clearly falls into the former camp. (In fact, as is well known to our readers, she shaves more than just her legs!)

So what happens next?

"He's interesting slave.  But how do you broach the subject that I am "available". Won't he think that's a little weird?"

Well that is the problem, isn't it?

SO dear readers.... you help us make the call.  How does one introduce the concept of consensual cuckoldry to a guy like Dirk?