Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekend Round-Up

Mistress had a busy week.

Last night, after we had enjoyed some "reunion" sex upon my return from work to the UCTMW World HQ, we did a little count of Mistress's sexcapades of the week with her "tag team":

Tuesday: wake up sex with her slave. Then pre and post dinner sex with her lover Jay.

Wednesday: wake up sex with Jay. Then some gentler homecoming sex with her slave.

Thursday: wake up sex with her slave. Then some "raucous" (her word) sex with Jay after dinner. ("We had a few drinks with dinner, and I think we just kind of passed out when we were done, Slave....quite frankly it's hard to remember it all").

Friday: some early morning cock riding by Mistress with Jay. Then our "kinder. gentler" brand of copulation at the end of the day.

So 4 days, two lovers, and lots of cums for Mistress.

"I'm a little tender down there, Slave.... and tired too."

And who wouldn't be.

Last night we took in a movie at home, Mistress spread across the couch, her feet on my lap. I took the opportunity to suck and lick them, while rubbing them with my hands, savoring that musky, earthen aroma of her soles.

But while Mistress had her clean shaven folds on full display, still a bit damp from our evening's activities, it was clear that while I could look, I'd better not touch.

"No touching slave.... my parts need a rest."

No doubt.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mistress Demands Photographic Proof

As agreed with Mistress, I made sure to pack my cock cage and its sturdy lock in my work bag before leaving the house on Thursday morning. After my MD appointment (and, btw, the relatively hot dermatology nurse practitioner did "take a peek" as part of her full body exam), I headed to my office and made sure that the first order of business was to "drop trou'" and wiggle my balls and cock into the cage, snapping the lock shut before I had a chance for 2nd thoughts (and also before the mail girl popped in with her morning delivery).

I think Mistress probably blushed a bit when her I-phone lit up with my text message and accompanying photographic evidence that confirmed I was back under lock and key.  I even added one of those silly emoticons with a little frown and tear in the eye. Aw heck, why not share it with my devoted readers:
Obviously, I could use some grooming down there. But I can't do a thing about those knobby old slave knees.

Mistress texted back shortly:

"love that, slave!"

I'm glad she was amused. But there was one thing I had not planned on.  I put on a new pair of black pants in the am. Some off the shelf cheapies that were not properly tailored to accommodate a cock cage. I quickly discovered that the pants were too tight in the crotch with my new accessory, producing a rather obvious bulge for anyone taking a close look. And also making it rather uncomfortable whenever I sat down.


When I reported this to Mistress she was not overly concerned about my personal comfort, but was a little worried that some of my female colleagues might see something new in old Mick they had not noticed before.

Fortunately for me, I do have a stand-up desk in my office, which relieved my discomfort until it was time to head home for the day.

I did talk to Mistress on her way to Jay's house for their 2nd sleepover of the week. And she called again later in the evening, when she gave me permission to remove the cage so I could take a bike ride.


She called again at around 6:30 pm from a grocery store parking lot, while Jay was inside picking up some wine.

"Funny, Slave. I feel like I'm having an affair with you... calling when Jay is in the store so we can talk privately...."

"I'm glad you could 'sneak away' and check in with me, Mistress...."

She reported that their plan was dinner out, and then 'other activities' once back at Jay's house. And I suspect they're probably at it again this morning, before Mistress heads home.

"He likes me naked all the time, Slave". That's what she shared with me earlier in the week. And who can blame him?

As for me, I spent a quiet evening at home, missing Mistress and looking forward to our weekend together.

But I suspect I will have to be a little gentle when we are finally reunited after work this evening. Those clean shaven folds have had a whole lot of action this week.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Mistress Gets Tag Teamed

Mistress and Slave had their poignant reunion last night after her "sleep-over" with her lover, Jay.

I arrived home from work to find her relaxing in our bed, already attired in some very sexy lingerie.
It was a very nice welcome, after a lonely night at home in my cage. Well, at least part of the night in my cage, as pathetically described in yesterday's post. In fact, she had just finished reading the blog.

"Wow, Slave. You actually tried to wear the cage all night? Were you trying to impress our readers?"

"Maybe I was trying to impress you, Mistress. But obviously, it did not work out as planned."

"Awww.... poor Slave....."

But soon the snappy patter died away as my lips and tongue found their way to the musky juncture of Mistress's toned and muscular thighs. Mistress had mentioned in an afternoon phone call that she was "tender" from a night of the more athletic brand of sex that she and Jay enjoy. So I was particularly gentle with her, trying to soothe her orally, but ultimately producing the type of starter cum she has every right to expect from her devoted Slave.

Of course, Slave was increasingly desperate for my own release after more than 36 hours of chastity. And Mistress indulged me after I had done my worship. As I took my own pleasure, she described some of the things she and Jay had done  during their evening, and again Wednesday morning.

"He likes to spend time between my legs too, Slave....."

"And did you suck his cock...."

"Oh yes.... it wouldn't be fair if he was the only one down there, would it?"

I suppose it wouldn't be fair. No fair at all.

She did mention that Jay has been working out a lot.

"He's really buff these days, Slave....he says that since he's turning 50 this year he wanted to make sure to get back into shape."

All for the good. Mistress deserves a fit and (slightly) younger lover to complement her older, if still crafty,  Slave.

After Slave had been given permission to cum, and took full advantage of the privilege, Mistress broke the news that she and Jay will have a return engagement this evening.

"I have a hair appointment in his neighborhood tomorrow, so he suggested I spend the night again. He wants to take me to a new restaurant out there for dinner. I hope you don't mind?"

Well what standing does a good Slave have to object when Mistress decides to spend another night with her lover?

"Of course I don't object Mistress.... you might as well take advantage while his son is away for a few days."

"That's exactly what I was thinking, Slave...."

As we settled into bed last night I mentioned it was nice to have her back beside, if only for the  night.

"It's sort of like having a girlfriend sleeping over, Mistress.... kind of different, but fun."

But it could get a little tiring for Mistress, with her Slave and her Lover tag teaming her this way. She may end up with four consecutive "two-a-days": with her Slave fucking her this morning and Jay having his way with her this evening; then reversed tomorrow.

When the dust settles, she may be a little tired cum Saturday.

AS for my own status today, Mistress was a little disappointed when I mentioned that I have a MD appointment this morning, which will prevent me from wearing my cage out the door. We've discussed my taking the cage to work, putting it on in the office, and sending her a photo confirmation.

"Maybe we can do a video chat to assure me you are locked up tight for the duration, Slave."

You can never be too careful, I suppose.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Slave Blinks

Mistress seemed to be enjoying her sleepover date last night when she checked in with her devoted Slave last night at around 10 pm.

"There was some pretty hot sex when I got here Slave. Then we went out to dinner.... no we're heading back to bed...."

"Sounds good, Mistress. Give my regards to Jay."

"He says 'Hi',  slave...."

Of course Slave was still in his cage, watching some TV in lieu of spending time myself in bed with Mistress. I shared with Mistress a little of the details about my dinner with a colleague, then raised the subject of my cock's sad 'condition'.

"Are you planning to ride your bike to work in the morning, Slave?"

"Yes, Mistress....."

"Well then I'll let you self release ....."

She changed the subject to her morning plans.... leaving Jay's around 9:15 today before heading to a meeting, and she was about to sign off for the night. I felt a little guilty redirecting her to the subject of my cage.

"Ummmm..... you haven't told me where you put the key, Mistress...."

She giggled a bit.

"Oh dear, Slave .... I suppose you're right....."

The little tease.

In any event, she ultimately relented and clued me in on how I could unearth the little key to obtain my parole.  But at bed time, Slave tried to be a little more macho, if only to respond to all those  taunts I get from some of our readers about how pampered I am when it comes to "cage time".

How hard could it really be to spend the night on full lock down. I mean if Harry can do it for weeks on end, would 24 hours kill me?

I headed to bed, cage in place, thinking there was no reason why I couldn't make it until morning with my "junk" (as Fury put it yesterday) in the close confines of a hard steel compartment.

Generally, walking around in the cage is no big deal. The need to sit to pee during the day is the most significant, if vibrant,  reminder of my "sad" status as a caged cuck. I'm not the sort of guy who sprouts a raging hard on when I see some hot babe waltzing across the square at lunch time. Been there, done that in my 20's,  I suppose. But self control is no problem for the conscious Mick.

But the unconscious Mick still does not roll that way, even at my advanced age.

I first woke with a start at around 1 am,  from the pain of my swollen cock and balls pressing against the walls of it's containment device. (I wish I could tell you what dream, if any, caused the blood to flow in that direction, but I come up blank.)


It's pretty danged excruciating when things go stiff down there, stretching my sac and grating it against the unyielding steel.

I tried to shake it off, visiting the bathroom, reasserting mind over matter, then went back to bed and asleep.

But when it happened all over again around 2:30 am, harder and more painful than ever, Slave blinked.  I fumbled around in the dark and found the key where Mistress had told me it was hiding.

Things were so stiff and swollen down there that it was a bit of a struggle just to pop the lid off my tight little container. Getting my enlarged red balls to pop back through that tight rigid ring was even more difficult. I had to resort to a cold, wet wash cloth to relieve the situation before the "extraction" process was complete.


I guess Slave really is a wimp.

Hopefully I can persuade Mistress to kiss it and make it better tonight after work, once we are reunited.