Monday, December 31, 2012

Still Horny After All These Years

Mistress and Slave have settled into a very comfortable two-a-day sexual routine here in the high desert, where right now a light and fluffy snow is falling. (Better to provide a cushion if we fall off that over-hyped fiscal cliff tonight?)

Yesterday was a relaxing one for us: morning sex, then several hours of lolling about the cabin as Slave watched  some meaningless football, and Mistress plowed through a book.

I was a little disappointed as the NFL chips fell and it became apparent that my Pussycats would be playing in Houston rather than New England this coming weekend.  Mistress and I were contemplating some sexy stakes to bet against Suzanne, Jay and Tammy over at All Mine in the event her Pats and my 'Gals had that momentous confrontation in the "wild card" round.

Oh well, maybe next year.  I don't think it's very likely the Pussycats will make it past both Houston and then the WC's Donkeys to the AFC Championship game.

At some point in early afternoon, we rallied for a cold weather, high altitude bike ride, all bundled up for temperatures at around 30 degrees. It was definitely a challenge, but we survived, ending up both sweaty and freezing by the time we slid into our snow covered drive. Then it was time for a nap, some afternoon sex, and a dinner date with some old friends from Oklahoma at an old Cantina in town, where some laid back jazz was provided by a local combo.

Both of our friends are retired from higher ed. But, amazingly, they drove out here with her parents, both in their early 90's. The close confines of an 18 hour car ride, and an overheated condo had given them a bad dose of cabin fever, so they were happy to ditch their elderly companions for an evening out with us.

They did share an amusing tale: At Christmas her Mother (the one in the early 90's) quieted the crowd with notice of an important announcement: was it plans to move into assisted living, or pass on their ample firearms collection to those more capable of a straight shot?

No, she proclaimed to all, including her grandchildren:

"I'm 93 .... and I still get horny!"

Now those are encouraging words for a sex blogger heading toward mid-60's!

Happy New Year to all of our friends, followers and lurkers!  May 2013 cum early and often for all of you, with or without a fiscal cliff to tumble down!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Ski Day

After some lovely wake-up sex here in our Mountain Hideaway, Mistress and Slave braved the crowds of Texans on Christmas break and headed to the up to the slopes on Saturday morning to exploit one of those beautiful sunny ski days.

We skied until the sun slipped below the ridge line, and the chill of a 10 degree day had its effect on fingers and toes. Then we stuck around at the Lodge a little later than normal to listen to some local musicians and enjoy some apres ski beverages.

By the time we pulled back into our snow covered "driveway", the sun was down and the Western sky was afire with those lovely reds and purples. We slipped into bed for a quick nap, bodies fried, rallying 90 minutes or so later to build a fire and fix a simple dinner. Slave enjoyed snuggling against Mistress who was too tired to strip of those sexy black ski tights.

It seemed we left all of our energy on the slopes.

And this morning, this pampered house slave's body is aching from every muscle. It almost feels like Mistress had me plow the back forty yesterday.

Maybe I need to call the rather odd, long bearded fellow we met at a picnic table outside the Espresso hut yesterday. We got talking - he lives in the neighborhood and his wife said she teaches yoga. Then he slipped me his card, muttering something about "healing."

It turns out that he is a "manual therapist and gifted clairvoyant", as well as a "Physical Pain & Emotional Trauma Release Specialist." Here is his web site:

When I showed Mistress his card we got talking about the scope of the services he was offering.

"So he can manipulate your back and predict the future all in one session, Mistress...."

I suppose you could save cash and time by consolidating massage and soothsayer appointments.

"Do you think there is a "clairvoyant" trade association that licenses him? And provides CCE?"

It did give us an idea though. If we sign this guy up to treat the UCTMW staff, maybe we could save money on those skyrocketing Worker's Comp premiums that the WC has been generating.

"Better yet, let's have him interview staff members before we hire them. He could predict which ones are inclined to crash their bikes during phone sex, or let their cocks get frostbite. "

I'll be giving this guy a call today.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Hunkered Down

There's plenty of snow on the ground here, a big change since our last visit a few weeks back. And the ski slopes await us today. But yesterday we elected to do little of consequence and just enjoy some time here alone.

Of course, there was some cuddly wake-up sex. Then Mistress decided to join in a local Yoga session, just down the road at a former grade school now community center.

After I collected her (we wouldn't want her to catch a chill by walking), we picked out some new light fixtures from a local potter in the neighborhood, then called an electrician he recommended.

Amazingly, the electrician answered the phone and offered to come over and look at the project in an hour! This is a genuine rarity in a laid back community where "manana" is a watch cry, and the radio ad for one service provider ends with a bold promise: "We show up!"

Slave had just built a fire, and Mistress had switched to her nightie and was reading under a warm blanket on our couch. But with the electrician promising to come it presented a scheduling challenge:

"Sex now, Slave.... or do we wait until he's done?"

Of course, Mistress and Slave do not use "manana" as our watch cry, so we headed into the remote executive suite and engaged in some more raucous sex, which sent us both off to dreamland. Luckily I woke and struggled into my jeans just before the electrician arrived.

It turned our he couldn't do the work just then, but says he'll be back Monday. Hopefully we'll get fair warning!

One thing the local paper runs is a weekly summary of amusing "Police Blotter" reports - ranging from the comic to the bizzarre - with a year end summary. I saw the attached promo in this week's edition, which leads me to conclude that there are some latent kinksters out here in the high desert too:
The fine print reads:

October 20, 2012
 4:30 pm. Miscellaneous, Civic Plaza Drive -- Caller reported that he was "playing around with his wife" and he couldn't get the handcuffs off. Caller requested to borrow the keys from the police.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Finally, Not in Kansas Anymore

Mistress and Slave finally made it to our mountain Hideaway, where we hope to hang out for the next ten days or so. Our cute Co-Ed will be joining us next week, having dodged at least one way of that long road trip with the excuse of wanting to spend the New Year with some friends back in River City.

And we didn't give her much of an argument about that, since we will certainly take full advantage of some private time here!

Even that long slog through the back roads of Western Kansas and Eastern Colorado was fun for us. Mistress reading or talking to friends. Slave zoning out on the lovely scenery and the music on our I-Pod.  Maybe this should be our next career. Do you think we could get Hitachi to pay us to be itinerant sex bloggers, sort of kinky Charles Keraults?

"I bet we may be the only adults to have sex twice within 12 hours in Russell, KS for many years, Mistress."

"You may be right Slave...."

This brought up the image of Liddy and Bob Dole going at it.

Let's not go there.

In any event, we can't help but have fun crossing America and burrowing into some of those less beaten paths. And now I know where to call in the event of a bait emergency:

We hope our readers and friends enjoy what's left of the holidays. We certainly plan to do just that!