Sunday, March 14, 2010


Mistress has been taunting her Slave lately.

Taunting me about her right to share her body with whomever she pleases. To take (or be taken by) other men. To suck their cocks, whether at her own initiative or at their command.

When I wrote it into the contract (yes, it was my crazy idea), It was to show the extent to which I was prepared to surrender control to my Mistress. Here is the language:

4. Mistress has the right to engage in other relationships with men or women, of whatever nature, without obtaining additional consent from the Slave. Such relationships may include “vanilla” relationships, her taking or training of additional slaves, or her submission to other men or women.

The point was that Mistress had certain rights that her Slave did not have. I hoped that this would show Mistress my devotion to her, and that I wanted her to have absolute power over both my body and her own.

It was not until Mistress had her little cyber flirtation with an old college lover in the Fall that we discovered that the notion of Mistress taking another lover was a strange turn on not just for her, but for me too. I won’t bore you loyal readers with the amateur psychology of it all. But the thought and the talk of it makes things happen down there. Believe me.

Mistress has been encouraged to tell me when someone flirts with her, or when she comes into contact with a man (or occasional woman) who makes sparks fly.

And she does.

Of course, there is now her part time Dom. She lets me know when she sends him an email to set up or adjust their next scheduled meeting. Or if he responds with a comment about how he is looking forward to seeing her. ( I am sure he is, since Mistress stripped of her cloths and dripping with desire is quite a sight).

When she sucks my cock, I can’t help wondering: is she imagining doing the same for him, or any of the other guys who have hit her radar screen of late. And if I ask her that, she coyly suggests that it’s none of my business. That I should just enjoy her attention as long as I have it.

On Friday, Mistress had an appointment downtown with a ‘business contact.” He is a a poobah from a local family that owns some primo real estate and controls a well known sports franchise. I was hoping she would stop by for some worship after what turned out to be a lengthy meeting. But she called on her way home, saying that she could not visit because a surly teen needed some mommy-ing.

“How was your meeting, Mistress?”

“Excellent, Slave. He’s an interesting man.”

There was that little taunt when she said it.

“Oh….? Please explain, Mistress.”

“Well you like me to tell you when men flirt, don’t you, Slave.”

Of course ….and was he flirting?”

“Let’s just say that the meeting lasted longer than I expected. We talked about all sorts of things ….and the way he looked at me…One can tell.”

“And what did you think of him, Mistress?”

“Interesting, Slave. He’s a few years younger than me, but ….”

She was leaving it unsaid: the fact that she could imagine the two of them together was turning her on, and turning me on too.

Of course, my cage was locked on tight, and the surge of blood to my cock and balls had me squirming. I had to stand to ease the discomfort.

Later, when I was home, I quickly offered to worship my Mistress. And it seemed she was already quite ready for my tongue.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Deploying the Crystal.

Mistress’s photo of that upscale sex shop in Soho inspired me to reach for one of our favorite toys yesterday evening.

We had planned a bike ride, but it was raining out, so some indoors recreation made sense before feeding the surly teens.

Both of us relaxed on our bed, after a busy work day. I helped Mistress out of her black pants, then her silky black undies.

She already seemed aroused by the time my head slid between her legs, and my tongue darted out to get its first taste, since that morning’s “wake up” sex.

I made sure Mistress was squirming and juicy before sitting up and reaching for the elegant box that sits on the little table next to Slave’s side of the bed.

“What are you doing now, Slave?”, she asked a bit petulant about her interrupted service.

“Getting out the crystal cock”, Mistress.

“Ummm.  Haven’t used that I a while, Slave.”

No, we had not.

Since acquiring the Hitachi Magic Wand, we had been a little too reliant on its diabolical efficiency. In comparison,  the crystal cock is sort of like one of those old style hand cranked egg beaters lined up against a Waring Blender.

Pulling the drawer of the little box, where the crystal cock sits nestled in its little groove, I thought back to when we had acquired it. We were in the Big Apple in the Fall of 2008. Not long after our trip to Denver for the Democratic Convention. Mistress had a business trip, and I met her there. It was one of those beautiful early fall weeks when the heat had subsided, the sun was shining, and folks were still going to work at AIG and Lehman Bros.

We were still living a crazy commuter marriage and trying to re-group after my infidelity fuck-up. Our experiments in a Mistress/Slave relationship were just beginning. But the sex was very hot and we were on the market for accessories to make it even hotter.

We did a google search for sex shops and located Kiki de Montparnasse, a place that had been written up in the NYTimes a few months before. It’s always nice to have a “mission” on a trip to Soho.

We have been in several shops over the years specializing in sex goodies and bondage equipment, But Kiki  stands out  for its high lux setting and displays,  and, of course, the high prices to go with it.  Yesterday’s blog shows its swanky window display. Inside is every bit as elegeant, with staff  decked out as if they were at Bonwit Teller. The tasteful lingerie was tempting to Mistress. And the accessories were even more amusing. Sterling Silver cock ring anyone?  Fine leather restraints? You can find all the goodies on the website.

We soon focused on the crystal phalluses. Some curved. Some straight. All with nuanced colorings and useful ribs. We adjourned later that evening to our Hotel room to try out our acquisition. I recall that Mistress was tied to the bed for the occasion. That was before she put me in my place.

But I digress.

Back in our bedroom, I slid back next to Mistress, crouching over her. And as my tongue teased her clit, I gently and slowly slid the crystal cock inside her. He hips seemed to rise to meet it as I began a gentle in and out, still licking, then sucking at the moist parts between her spread lips. A little additional upward pressure….Mistress was breathing harder now.

As compared to the power tool, the crystal cock takes a little more finesse, a little more time. It’s the difference between painting a portrait  and spray painting a wall. But things turn out the same in the end don’t they? Mistress ultimately succumbed to my manipulations, in a series of little explosions, her hips thrusting against the head parked between her legs.

“Good, Slave.”

“My pleasure, Mistress.”

I lay the crystal cock against her thigh, and took the picture above to share with you.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

HNT / Window Shopping

Mid-morning yesterday, Mistress sent me an email with this photo – the window of a place we have visited in Soho from time to time, Kiki de Montparnasse. The store features lots of sexy things for Mistress to wear and play with. One of our purchases there was our “crystal cock”. Something long, firm, hard and aesthetically pleasing, that is fun to use in combination with my tongue when its time to worship.

Of course, I was even happier to receive a text 2 hours later indicating that Mistress was on board her flight back to River City. While she was only gone about day, the cage was getting particularly uncomfortable, and I missed her, with or without the key.

Winter has quickly transitioned to spring here in the heartland, and it was about 70 degrees when I got home. Mistress was in those tight, body hugging riding shorts, that are black and kind of shiny. No doubt there is some fetishist out there specializing in them.

But I was more interested in having her pull those shorts down to her knees. She lay back on the bed. I kneeled and worshiped.

Mistress writhed against my tongue. She came with a quick frenzy, pumping her hips against my head.

“I guess I was pretty horny, Slave.”

My competent performance won me release from the cage. Ahhhh.

Free at last, I shed the work cloths, but Mistress elected to defer further gratification until after a long bike ride and dinner with the kids. Freed of the confining metal, who was I to complain.

In our bedroom later that evening, Mistress instructed me to insert my little white probe.

“I want a particularly hard cock tonite, Slave.”

“That will not be a problem, Mistress.”

By the time we climbed into bed, I was past ready to luxuriate in the warm welcome of Mistress’s body, covered only in one of her particularly sexy bedroom outfits.

We clung, my fingers sliding between her legs, soon bringing Mistress to another release.

“Time to suck that cock, Slave.”
I lay back. Mistress went to work, her long hair draped over me as her lips and tongue began to slowly drive me crazy. Soon I was squirming, moaning a bit, suggesting that maybe it was time to fuck.

“Hmmmm. Why so soon. Aren’t you enjoying this”, she said using her soft, well manicured fingers to tease me more.

‘Very much so, Mistress.”

She kept it up. And of course my mind drifted to her doing this to her new Dom a few weeks back.

“Have you been thinking about sucking your friend’s cock, Mistress?”

“You don’t get to know everything that goes on in my head, Slave.”

Argh. By now I am on the verge. But know that Mistress will want to fuck me, not have me explode in her mouth.

Fortunately, Mistress had a good sense of how far she could push her Slave.

She pushed me back, and mounted me. Controlling the action, her head arched back, she had one and then another of those nifty orgasms that come for her in this position. All the while her hands are behind her stroking my balls. I was so close again….but could not quite get over the top.

Mistress gently slid off me after her second orgasm, and allowed me to mount her. And I took the time to relish having her back in the bed with me, before ontaining her permission to come.

I know, it was only little more than a day. But when you are addicted, withdrawal symptoms set in quickly.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Slave's update after 24 hours in the cage....

So far I have survived Mistress’s business foray to the Big Apple with only a minor level of discomfort.

Before she headed for the airport she locked me away. I focused on work, though heard from her occasionally through the day. It was not really much different than a typical work day for me, though there was no mid-day worship opportunity.

Mistress was at a Board meeting, then a reception at a nearby club attended by some “almost A list” celebrities. So while Mistress was schmoozing with  former Oscar and Tony award nominees (I can’t name names because that might blow Mistress’s cover) I was back home making gnocchi for the teens and helping the junior surly with a school essay (she claims the computer at school has no spell check, does that make sense?).

I did go for a bike ride before dinner. It was challenging to wedge myself up on the seat (which I have raised pretty high) with all this metal wrapped around my balls and cock. It went smoothly enough except for the up hill part. The angle made things a little pinchy down there. So I stood as I pumped a bit more than normal.

On my ride, I did encounter Mistress’s Mother (is there a title for that?) walking her dogs. (This is a small town).I chatted her up a bit, and could not help but wonder what she would thing of her daughter’s new “assertiveness”.

Mistress found her way back to her room around 10 pm. She reported a bit of flirting, but she apparently planned to sleep alone.

“Does that disappoint you, Slave?”

“Of course not, Mistress. The point of you having the right to “mess around” is that it’s your right. Your body. You can use it however you want. I just like to hear about it when you choose to use that right.”

“Exactly, Slave”.

She directed me to take a photo with my computer of my caged cock and email it to her. Sort of a check up. And I did. “Hot” she responded.

I am not the world’s soundest sleeper, particularly when sleeping without Mistress. Having her there next to me to press up against at night is the best way to get me relaxed and zoned out.  So I tossed and turned a bit, listened to Jon Stewart try to make sense of some nasty guy allied with Liz “don’t call me Joe” Cheney. Not relaxing at all.

After I drifted off, I woke up a few times as my cock involuntarily tried to “stretch its legs”. This little trap is not so bad when things are relaxed down there. But if the blood begins to flow and is trapped. Ouch. It takes some mental gymnastics to cool things down and get  back to a comfortable level of restraint.

Now I am up and will give Mistress her morning wake up call. As you can imagine I will be anxious to please her and win my release when she makes it home this evening.

Praying for no LGA rain or wind delays.