Sunday, June 7, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day - Leftovers

Over the years, Mistress has had the occasional "sleep over" nights with her various lovers.  But more often tonight she's come home to her slave.  I get the opportunity to massage well used folds with my devoted tongue, often tasting what her lover left behind.

Usually Mistress is too tired to let me fuck her at that point. But if I do a good job - bring her to one more gentle cum - the cage gets unlocked.

It's a Win Win, as far as I am concerned.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Cuckold Meme of the Day- While Husband is at Work

Mistress was languishing on the living room couch when I got home from work, a little after 6 pm.

She was in the black negligee I gifted her on a recent Mother's Day. (With our empty nest, it is no longer risque to provide gifts that draw snickers from children as they are opened).

The black heels were a little out of character for an afternoon at home.

Her hair was askew.

Lipstick smeared.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Looks like you've had a rough day, Mistress."

"I was naughty today slave.  My new friend - the banker - decided to stop by."

"Really?  You forgot to mention."

"It was impromtu.  We were texting at lunch time, and well, I must have gotten him a little wound up.  He shuffled his schedule and got here around 3....just left before you got home."

"Hmmmm..... how did it go?"

"It was hot, slave..... things started down here, and adjourned to our bed."

"Is that what you were wearing when he arrived?"

"I figured why overdress.... he thought the heels were a nice touch.  And when I told him you gave me the lingerie,  he said you have good taste."

"Glad he was pleased, Mistress."

"So what happened?"

"Why don't you get down on your knees here and taste, while I tell you all about it....."

"Yes, Mistress."