Monday, May 4, 2020

Back in River City..... But for how Long?

Mistress and slave have been back for a week now, catching up on work, reducing the cat.  We'll be venturing out to see some family and friends today.... at a distance of course.

But in all honesty, things don't seem nearly as safe from infection here as they did back at our high desert hideaway.  Too many people.  Elevators. And very few people lowering themselves to mask up.  Maybe we're getting paranoid, but really folks.... pay attention.  Maybe your chances of being really sick are low.  But some basic precautions can help protect the entire community.

Fortunately we have a cozy apartment, with a chance to sit out on a balcony for some fresh air and sunshine.

And we can walk along a riverfront park, and head out for daily bike rides as long as the it's not raining.

There's plenty of time for sex here too, in the morning, with some worship thrown in during the day.

But social distancing definitely cramps any impulse for cuckolding.  And the sense that the dread virus is a bigger threat here has us considering how to get out of town and back to the hideaway sooner rather than later.

We will just have to keep our powder dry when it comes to cuckolding, if not Mistress's panties!

Monday, April 27, 2020

Self Isolating On the Road

For what now seems like no particularly good reason, Mistress and slave are on the lam again, heading back from our SW hideaway and into the (comparable) heart of darkness back in the more crowded, urban and infected River City.

We decided to take our time, turning a typically 2 day journey into 3, and staying at off the beaten boutique lodgings in small town Kansas and Missouri.

Since restaurants remain shuttered, but for take out, we had a cooler full of fixings and made a Walmart stop in Great Bend, KS for various provisions that may be in shorter supply back in the heartland. Lots of toilet paper was on hand, and now sits in the back of our mobile UCTMW HQ. And few of the customers wore masks, or seemed particularly paranoid about the dread disease.

Our accommodations turned out quite pleasing to Mistress.  At the "Historic Wolf Hotel" in a tiny picture post card Kansas town, there was a cozy four poster bed, and a plush kitchen and living room all to ourselves.

"In the old days you would have tied me to the bed, slave."

"Damn. Should I text the owner and ask if he can bring over some rope?  he said to let him know if we needed anything?"

We did slide in a sexual interlude early on Saturday evening,  the completion of a double header for us, before Mistress composed a salad from goodies in our cooler.  We had the whole place to ourselves.

Last night  we also were the only guests at a charming B&B in a tiny railroad crossing town in central Missouri.  The only one around was a cute brown cat that took a shine to Mistress.

Arriving in time for a walk around town and a late afternoon nap, we shared an old sleigh style bed, where Mistress got some post nap worship before we enjoyed a home made meal outside in the garden.

Sadly, our little road trip vacation will end this evening when we come to ground back on the River.

Hoping this will be a short visit before we head west again. Maybe the so called "invisible enemy" will not even notice  we were there before we are gone again.