Saturday, April 4, 2020

A Day In the (Self-Quarantine) Life

Out here at our SWH life has taken on a familiar and contented routine these last few weeks.  Slave wakes up earlier than Mistress, brews some coffee, settles down with his laptop, maybe to do a little work, communicate with family, and update the blog.

Mistress typically wakes after the sun rises and calls on her slave for his service-- first with coffee, then, after some lolling in bed, our daily "wake-up sex.  You can see her here in post-coital mode, in one of those skimpy outfits acquired over the years.  (There are quite a few by now).

Once we are out of bed, there are some domestic chores to attend consider.  We have been on a rather effective low-carb diet of late.  But Mistress still has a sweet tooth. So she's taken to baking some very tasty but non-sugar cookies.  Here she is whipping up a new batch.  No need for a bath robe here.  I must say that I've never seen someone wield an electric mixer with such allure!

Once the sun is high enough in the sky, it's time for our daily exercise.  Our Governor's order says we should stay at home, but allows for socially distant exercise in the great outdoors.  For us, sometimes it's  hiking or snow shoeing.  But more typically a long bike ride along some familiar routes with lots of hill climbs to get the blood pumping.  Here she is at the top of one of those long hills,  with an impressive vista in the background.  She definitely has a thing for tie-dye.

Exercise behind us -- and after some annoying work related calls - it's time for a little lunch and relaxation out on our patio.  Even if temperatures are barely breaking 50, the sun is warm at this altitude (about 7300 ft.) and Mistress has nothing to hide,  since our neighbors are off in the distance. So she strips down to black undies, with a Mexican blanket handy to wrap herself in if the sun hides behind an occasional cloud, or the FedEx Man drops by to ask for a signature.

If Mistress had to choose between me and her Kindle during a "stay at home" order I am not confident what the choice would be.......

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Distancing in the Wild

We have it pretty easy here at our SWH (Southwest Hideaway).  We can "distance" and still get plenty of exercise.  Most days it's a long bike ride with great views.  Yesterday, after our morning 'wake up' sex, and a business call for Mistress,  we drove up the canyon, past our shuttered ski area,  to a trail that wound up through snow covered meadows. Our goal was  a stunning snow covered alpine lake.  We couldn't have done it with our new snow shoes. (Thank you, Amazon).

The stroll was over pristine snow, with the occasional ski, dog or boot track that helped us follow the trail. And we were barely winded when we reached our objective after about 2 hours of smushing, seeing not a soul on the way up to about 11,250 ft of altitude.  Now that was distancing.

Back at the SWH, Mistress made us a light lunch (tuna salad) and we then found ourselves back in bed for a refreshing nap.  By then, Mistress had changed into her sexy lounge ware, which made it easy for me to indulge in some post-nap worship before we arose.

By dinner time we were back outside on our front porch, enjoying the sunset.  Mistress did not bother to dress in anything other than a serape and wooly shirt to brace herself against the evening breeze.  That left her showing a lot of leg!  So the "scenery" wasn't just another colorful sunset.

As I said, while there may be no cuckolding going on in this age of keeping our distance, we have it pretty easy.