Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Public Service

Here in the high desert, where we are officially "sheltering in place" under the Governor's order, there is not much we can do to help out in this time of national crisis.  Apparently the best we can do is just stay out of the way so as not to burden the health care system, and offer some support to our far flung kids who are doing the same.

Mistress has been helping out in her way by doing some reporting about social service agencies back in River City for a local (back there) media outlet. Slave is still doing some remote advisory work for his employer back there as well.  But things have pretty much ground to a halt. And somehow we don't think that's going to be resolved by Easter, as someone recently proclaimed.

That's given us some time for lots of exercise, reading, video streaming, sex, and a return to more active blogging, something that had fallen by the way side over the last year or two.

The least we can do is to provide some entertainment and diversion for our readers.  Looking at our stats, there are at least a few hundred of you out there, looking for something to provide a smile, or a fantasy, to help them through a tedious afternoon or night.  And while we have no active cuckolding to titilate you with, we can at least provide some visuals.  Like one of Mistress enjoying some rays yesterday afternoon on bright SW sunshine:
Or maybe one of Mistress in her "lounge ware" watching TV with her slave last night:
