Monday, March 16, 2020

Sheltering In Place

We hope all of our readers (those of you still paying attention to sex blogs!) are taking the sorts of precautions recommended to keep you and your families safe.  We probably have not been perfect, but are doing our best!

With slave's job on hiatus for at least the next three weeks - and maybe longer - we loaded up an aging Volvo and headed West, coming to ground yesterday afternoon at our SW hideaway.  The drive had a surreal quality - all that "breaking news" on the CNN feed we monitored describing increasingly draconian efforts to close normally open societies. And yet..... when we chatted up or overheard the conversations of locals along the way in Illinois, Kansas and Colorado, we got the definite impression that most folks are still buying the "no biggie",  just a politically motivated "hoax" version of reality they've heard on a certain cable news network.

Out here in the southwest, social distancing should not be a problem.  There's plenty of elbow room. But last night we did go to a (premature" end of the ski season celebration at a Rathskeller up on the mountain to hear our favorite local troubadour.  and before you scold: the crowd was definitely under 50.

We were observing the "no shake / no hug" protocol.  But others, not so much.  In fact, at one point when Mistress went to the ladies, slave was actually approached by a rather hot blonde of a certain age who invited me to join her on the dance floor.  Of course, I deferred, despite her insistence. I did not use the "social distance" excuse. Just said, "No thanks.  I'm good" with a smile.  No slave worth his salt would have dared take to the dance floor without his Mistress's permission!

Of course, I immediately explained to Mistress what happened when she returned.  And she was definitely amused.

"I wouldn't have mined, slave", she assured.

Right. I could just imagine her reaction if she had returned to discover me out on the floor, wiggling with the blonde, less than 6 feet away.  What would Dr. Fauci say?  It would have been a recipe for a very sore bottom and some cage time.

But the good news is that after a 6 week sexual hiatus, due to Mistress's surgery, we are "good to go" these days, with full sexual privileges restored!

At least we have that to soften the blow of no spring skiing and our self-quarantine.

Friday, February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day from Molly and mick

Here in River City we are hunkered down in the typical cold, damp and dreary weather typical of a midwestern winter in the global warming era.  Still no meaningful snow here.  And to make it worse they've already had about 3 feet of snow in February at our favorite SW hideaway ski valley.  Ouch!
We are missing some nice powder.

The good news is that Mistress is slowly recovering from her surgery, walking each day to build her strength.  The full blown sex embargo remains in effect for another 3 weeks or so, but we have continued with some hot and fantasy inducing morning "activities".  First, a little cum inducing oral worship. Then some oral attention to slave's work-a-day cock. At that point, Mistress encourages her slave to bring himself off as she watches, fondling a bit, grinding against me a bit.

"But remember to ask for permission, slave....."

"Of course, Mistress...."

This morning the routine was enhanced by a new nightie Mistress was gifted for V-Day.  Smooth, sexy and very feminine.

And a little smutty talk too.

"What if one of your lovers, and not your MD imposed this embargo, Mistress?"

"That would be hot, slave...."

"What if he demanded that only his cock had the privilege to  fuck you?"

"Mmmmm..... that would be pretty demanding; slave?"

"Would you follow his orders, Mistress.  Would you limit me to this sort of release?"

"I might, slave.  It would depend on how good he was, wouldn't it?"

"But at least I would still get to come, Mistress."

"Yes, consider yourself lucky.  What if he had you caged and made me give him the key?  That might get your attention....."

It was about then that I asked for permission.

Fortunately, Mistress was in an indulgent mood.