Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Autumnal Update: New Address for UCTMW World Headquarters

It's been a busy fall here in River city.  Mistress and slave packed up the UCTMW "home office", got rid of much detritus, and have escaped to a new venue: a river's edge apartment in our semi-bustling downtown. It's a big but unexpectedly pleasant change from our three floor rambling old house that we called our HQ (at least some of the time) over the last 15 years.

Suddenly freed of leaves to rake and quirky and unexpected  maintenance issues to resolve, it's given us more time for afternoon walks along our riverfront, and evenings re-introducing ourselves to restaurants and bars that we had avoided over the years as a little too far afield. We've also had more time for sex!  We actually accomplished the elusive "daily double" two days in a row over the weekend.  (What else are you going to do when the local NFL squad is in competition for the hallowed title for worst team in the nation? We shall under-come!)

And while the "side dish" situation has remained dormant, it has not been for lack of trying now that we have "settled in" to our new, downsized digs.  We have switched back on Mistress's OKCupid profile, and remain listed on Collarspace.  (If you do OKCupid, check her out at "Molly Collins")

But so far, only the typical losers and / or  liars have crossed Mistress's radar screen:

Example 1:  a guy who connects with us via Collarspace talks all big time Dom, claims he is single and available. Willing to meet up and see if there is chemistry, we show up at the designated bar on a sultry Monday night.  Get a table outside. And wait. And wait.  The guy "ghosts" us, and fails to even send an email explaining why he changed his mind.

Example 2:  Another would be Dom does meet us at the same location.  But .....pffft. Some lame story about how he and his wife remain married and co-habiting in the cliched "sexless marriage". While he represented he had a "free pass", he seemed very anxious to get out of there pronto, apparently worried about missing his curfew.  But the ultimate deal killer?  He told us he was a runner.  What we hadn't bargained on was his runner's bod.  Mistress does not go for scrawny dudes. And this guy was so scrawny it seemed like either one of us could bench press him.

Example 3: Guy with a seemingly appealing profile on OKCupid reaches out.  He says he's 60, a few years  older than her and a few years younger than me. In the "potential" ballpark.  Mistress plays along a bit. E mail addresses are exchanged. We trade photos. He gives her his real name. After a little googling Mistress determines that the guy is really north of 70.

"I already have someone older than me slave.  Why bother with someone even older!"

"Exactly, Mistress."

I am instructed, as her corresponding secretary , to convey the news, and I do, without calling attention to his massive age fib.  He responds with an "I get it, but am disappointed."  So we've heard the last of him, right?  Uhhh, no.

An hour or so later another email pops up in our "burner" in-box: "Are you sure?" he asks, and attaches this photo:

Yes, dude. Mistress is  even more sure.

So the hunt goes on.  If any of our readers have any thoughts on where to open a new "front", let us know.

In the meantime, enjoy those falling leaves.  I, for one,  will not be raking them!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Update from River City

Mistress and slave are back in River City, in a transition phase.

We are packing up our things (way too many things!) and getting ready to downsize to a local apartment building. We hope that a year from now we will be full timing it at our SW hideaway.  There's been some groaning from our daughters about this.... they don't like the idea that feeling there is no homestead where they can occasionally return and keep all the stuff they've had no use for in years.  But they can visit us in the West can't they?

These last two weeks, our daughter who's been "studying" in Europe has camped out with us. along with her European boyfriend.  He's a clever guy, and they seem to get along well. But their occupation of the adjoining bedroom has required Mistress and her slave to resort to stealthier sexual practices than we prefer.

That means stifling our sounds of passion, and keeping the buzzing sounds of Mistress's favorite power tool at bay.

And though we've been laying low on this blog site for some weeks now, I was surprised to discover that some of you are still reading us!  The internal tools here show that we still get several thousand page views each week, mostly from the US, but also from "the continent" and Asia as well.  Not sure what has kept people dropping by, but it makes me feel a little guilty that we've done nothing to fuel your sexual fantasies of late.

But after we make our move to our new local digs, we may be able to improve on that.  We recently had an overture from a local gentleman via the Collarspace website interested in a meet up.  We will have to see if Molly is ready to get back in the water and interview this potential cuckolder.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Getting Lucky.

Have  you missed us?

This old slave realized that it's been since April that we updated our vast array of followers about the ongoing adventures of Mick and Molly.

We are now ensconced in our SW hideaway for a long summer respite, enjoying the sunshine, cool temperatures and, of course, lots of sex.  Rest assured that we have not broken our ongoing record of daily sexual antics while out here all by our lonesome in the land of enchantment.

But, sort of sadly, there have been no kinky, cuckoldy activities to report. Maybe a few nibbles via collarspace, but nothing that we can mark on the calendar as even a prospect.  This got Mistress reflecting yesterday on whether the days of "side dishes" are really behind us.

"It's been a while slave.....do you think I'll ever have a side dish again?"

"Not sure Mistress.  You can't force these things. And you do have high standards....."

"I do, don't I?"

"And you have the right to high standards."

So while we haven't given up all together, we haven't been forcing the issue either.  Maybe when we get back to River City in August we can resume our search in a more active fashion.

But there is an amusing story to share about a tag line in some advertising for a local saloon.  It's something we've heard on the radio and at a local concert series sponsored by the saloon.

It goes this way:

"The Motherlode Saloon.  Where you get lucky when you go home alone....."

It's a catchy and thought provoking phrase.  And the general response among our friends has been ....WTF?  What does that mean?

One explanation...... the crowd at this saloon is so notoriously scruffy and outlaw that you don't want to take the risk of going home with one of its clientele.

Not particularly enticing, but certainly clever and contrarian.

But could it have a different and kinkier connotation, a theory I've not shared with any of our friends who might be put off by the connotation. It's a theory I can share here.

If a cuckold couple went to the Motherlode, and the "hot wife" hooked up with one of those scruffy outlaw types ..... then the cuck husband, going home alone, might actually feel "lucky".  Right?

I wonder how to get in touch with the Motherlode's ad agency to confirm my theory.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

The Decline and Fall of America's Sex Life?

Mistress and slave are wrapping up a three week visit to our SW hideaway, where we've enjoyed both blazing sunshine and the final days of a phenomenal ski season. And, of course, plenty of sex.

Nothing too kinky. And no cuckolding action....but certainly doing well by most couple's standards.  While we skipped one day of skiing on this trip -- high winds threatened to shut down the lifts - we haven't missed a day of hot, steamy copulation in our sun lit bedroom.

But a recent article in the Washington Post suggested that we are becoming the out-est of  outliers when it comes to sexual frequency.

The decline and fall of our fellow country-mens' (and women's) sex lives is reflected in one chart that shows 23% of American adults have not had sex IN THE LAST YEAR?  Huh?  This choice of seemingly permanent celibacy flies in the face of reports that the Catholic Church has had trouble recruiting new priests who do not have a "thing" for little boys or girls.

About 38% report having sex once a month or less frequently, which put them at risk of simply forgetting how to do it. We are clearly in the top end of that remaining 39% who report having sex weekly or more.

Sadly, trend lines are going in the wrong direction, with frequency sloping consistently downward since 1989, the end of the Reagan era.

So what's driving this emerging sexual desert?  Is climate change impacting our sex drives?  Has President Trump's creepy take on the propriety of "pussy grabbing" turned off an entire generation on sex? Looking a little deeper at the stats, there seem to be two sources of the problem,
1) Some of us are getting older. Apparently  aging baby boomers (yours truly excepted) aren't "doing it" as much as they did in the 1960's and 70's.  Now I suppose that's not big surprise.
2) But the real anomaly is that youngsters in the 18-29 bracket are leading the new celibacy movement.

As shown by the chart above, a whopping 23% of 18-29 year olds are "just saying no" when it comes to sex. Has screen time and video games replaced a roll in the hay as the "go to" activity for young people these days? Or are they just more particular when it comes to finding a sexual partner, despite all the buzz about the instant coupling on apps like Tinder?

In any event. here at the UCTMW World HQ, we plan to simply move forward with our daily game plan. Some of us have to pitch into reverse those ugly trend lines!