Friday, January 12, 2018

In Her Dreams

Mistress and slave took a brief vacation from our vacation this week, heading north into Colorado for some deeper and fresher snow than we've been able to enjoy here during a very dry winter in our high desert environs.

Oddly, we discovered that one fading side dish prospect, a fiction writer we had met on the ski lift down here, has now decamped to Crested Butte, where we were powder hounds in exile for a few fun days.  He noticed out posts on facebook, reached out, and then met us up on the mountain for a few runs.  Later that evening her joined us  for coffee at our charming little B&B. While C certainly has caught Mistress's eye, it's a little hard to break the cuckolding ice with him.

"Not sure how you broach the subject with a guy like that, slave."

"Agreed Mistress. He clearly sees us as a happily married couple, and is mining us for ideas for his fiction and that screen play he's working on....."

C is single, twice divorced, about Mistress's age, and refers occasionally to a "girlfriend", though they clearly don't cohabitate. Would he be interested in being Mistress's occasional side-dish? Who knows? And how do you even ask without (potentially) creeping him out?

Do our readers have any ideas on how to break the ice with a male acquaintance who could recoil when it's suggested that that happily married couple might be willing to "share" some spousal booty?

Regardless, we aren't likely to see C again until this summer.

In the meantime, we decided to pass on the rather large and somewhat goofy guy we met for drinks and dinner last week, and have moved onto S, the only other local prospect from OK Cupid. We met S for drinks last Thursday, and plan to invite him over for dinner on Sunday night. He's a former "investment advisor" from the East Coast, who has come to ground here in the high desert where he is building a new home (solo) out in the hills across the Mesa from us. The jury is still out on whether any sparks will fly, but he's an interesting fellow worth getting to know.

But that's not to say Mistress hasn't been getting any action. Of course, our daily sexual rituals remain  healthy and on schedule. And on Wednesday night, Mistress got a little outside action, if only in her dreams.

"I had a sex dream last night, slave..... with [a former politico employer who is now a big whig in DC]. "

"Funny, we were just talking about him last night with C."

Politico's name came up as one of those guys of a certain age who, amazingly, has not been swept up into the #MeToo moment.  He certainly crossed a few lines with Mistress when she worked for him back in her 20's. But then Mistress has always been the type who could confidently rebuff  inappropriate overtures from bosses or co-workers. As she did with Poltico back in the day.

"So how was he, Mistress..... and was he the old guy we now see on CNN, or the guy you knew back in the 80's...."

"He was the guy I knew, I suppose. And it was pretty good, slave......"

"Hmmmm..... does that mean you now regret blowing him off all those years ago?"

"No, slave....."

Well at least Mistress has gotten a little outside action in the new year, if only in her dreams.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Bachelor #1

Mistress and slave had an entertaining evening last night, with "R", her first local OkCupid prospect. We met at a local bar/radio station, and broke the ice over conversation concerning his early days in California and his participation in the "lifestyle" in Albuquerque, which is a few hours drive from here.

We later adjourned to a local pizza joint for a shared meal.

The most entertaining part of the evening? R told us about his sort of girl friend down in Albuquerque, who often plays the field via various social media sites. In fact, the two met via Tindr, an app Mistress has never tried, for various reasons, mostly the need for anonymity. In River City her face might be a little too well known, possibly triggering double takes during that swipe process.

He mentioned that he and his girlfriend recently visited his "ex" up in Denver,  over the Christmas holidays. His Ex turns out to be  a professional Dominatrix named "Mistress Kiva". He even showed us her webpage on his I-phone (Mistress Kiva).   He also shared that when he and his girlfriend visited, they slept in the cage in her "dungeon".  Apparently there was no guest bedroom. Of course, both Mistress and I had the same question that many of you are asking:

"Were you locked in?"

His response: "No. But I guess that could have been arranged."

Mistress also had a follow up.

"So when you were with Mistress Kiva, did you play the sub role?"

"No. Although she sure tried to make me submit to her.  It wasn't in me, I guess."

So I guess this is not a photo of R with Mistress Kiva that I found on google images?

Of course, this revelation offers an opportunity for Mike, our Western Correspondent, to do some further investigation. Maybe he'd like to do a "profile" of Mistress Kiva. R tells us she could be persuaded to offer a "friends and family discount" which I am sure could be extended to you Mike.  Just give us the word.

So where did things end with R?  Mistress seems intrigued. At this point she's not sure there is chemistry, but she is willing to give it a further shot. She invited him over for dinner on Friday evening.

And there is another prospect lined up for a similar meet and greet on Thursday.

We will keep all of you updated.

Monday, January 1, 2018

Happy New Year From Molly and mick

We are wishing for a better 2018 than 2017 for all of our devoted readers. Maybe a little more peace, love and understanding?  And a little less tweeting? More sex and a little less sexual harassment?

Here in our SW hideaway there is a shocking absence of snow so far this winter.  That means more cycling and hiking and less skiing. The picture to the right is from a hike we took on Saturday, to an area that would typically be inaccessible due to a few feet of snow by this time of the season. Climate change?  Could be.

So we will have to find other forms of amusement to supplement our daily sexual rituals. We've spent some time with friends, and Mistress has a couple of "meet and greets" set up later this week with a couple of local OKCupid prospects.  Both seem a little exotic compared to the more vanilla types that pop up in River City. Both seem cool with the idea that Mistress's husband will be on hand for the initial meeting, something that can seem a little odd in the heartland.

Will Mistress  be able to supplement her outdoor activities with a little indoor fireworks on this trip west?  Stay tuned.

Friday, December 29, 2017

Merry Sexmas!

Mistress and slave are safely huddled up at our High Desert Hideaway (HHD) for the next few weeks. We enjoyed a week back in River City with our two Dommes in Training, but, quite frankly, it's a whole lot less stressful and cozy here in our cabin in the shadows of the Sangre de Christo Mountains.

It's also nice to be able to "vocalize" while having sex. After a week of trying to quietly "stifle" during our morning wake-up sex, we can now engage in something more natural. And then there was that "busted" moment, the day after Christmas.

There we are, quietly fucking, my head facing Mistress, her's shadowed by mine. Suddenly there's the sound of our bedroom door opening behind me. A 2 second pause. Then the door slamming closed.


I froze in mid-thrust.

"What was that?", I gasped.

"Not sure", Mistress responded with a moan.

I had been soooo close.

We re-gathered our focus, and resumed. But there in the background was that nagging thought.

Which one of our daughters had their image of their "aging" parents shattered that morning?

Neither one of them confessed, or apologized. I guess we can only speculate. Was it the one who is engaged and was sleeping across the hall with her fiancé? If so, was she wondering whether she and her prospective hubby would be having morning sex when they were ancient like us?

Or was it the daughter who lives in Europe, and relentlessly whines whenever we dare to enter her room without an engraved invitation?  If so, pay back is a bitch, I suspect.

Let's just hope the trauma will not last beyond New Year's .

Speaking of which, I noticed this article Celebrating Sexmas! in my email in box. The gist is that the slow week betwixt Christmas and New Year's Day is a good time for "hook ups", those hot but fleeting encounters that can provide some shared bodily warmth for a lonely single (Maybe a  daughter lonely in her childhood bedroom forced to listen to her parents trying to stifle their morning sex?) during that visit home for the holidays.

And who says "Sexmas" encounters should be limited to singles?  What if you're a "hot wife" with a free pass from your devoted cuckolded hubby?

Here at the HDH, Mistress (so far) does not have a "side dish".  But hope springs eternal.  We have re-opened her OKCupid account for the holidays and have a few prospects in the Q. Her luck here has been limited. And I doubt anyone will pop up on her dance card before new year's day.  But with the temperatures falling, and the slopes untypically brown so far this year, it might be worth making an effort to find her someone to supplement her slave's work-a-day cock until we return to River City at the end of January.