Saturday, October 28, 2017

"Honey I'm Home....."

Mistress had a busy day on the cuckolding front yesterday, while her slave was traveling to and fro from our state's boringly flat capital for a continuing education seminar. (I had to leave too early on Friday for our traditional "wake up sex").

First she had a "first meet" luncheon with a prospect from OKCupid. He's a native of Liverpool,  now based in these parts, with a busy travel schedule as an airline pilot.  As I headed back down the highway, I got a quick debrief by phone from Mistress on this new prospect.

"He's the best one so far of this new crop, slave....."

She summarized for me: smart, interesting, easy to talk to, tall. He's a single guy who seems comfortable with the sort of "side dish" role that Mistress has in mind. And he's not too pushy, like some guys.

"He seems willing to take this slowly, slave.... not like some of these guys who expect you to jump into bed with them after the first drink."

Presumably, these two will schedule some sort of follow up get together in the coming weeks.

But even while Mistress is in the recruiting phase, her lover Jay is trying his best to get back in her good graces.  Jay's son is out of town this week, so the two scheduled a sleepover for last night.

I wasn't scheduled to be home until about 6:30 pm, so there was an opportunity for some early "nookie".

"He's arriving at 5 pm or so some sex, then the three of us can go to dinner. Is that OK?"

Of course, who would I be to say "no".

When I arrived home, Jay's car was in the driveway. But no one was downstairs. They had clearly adjourned to the "executive suite" upstairs.

As I walked through the door, I yelled a somewhat sarcastic, "Honey, I'm home!", in the general direction of the bedroom. Then I poured my self a glass of red and settled onto the couch to blast through some accumulated emails.

It would have been a classic scene of husband catching his wife "in flagrante" if I wasn't a well trained and complicit cuck.

Maybe 20 minutes later, Mistress came downstairs to join me, dressed in nothing more than some lacy yellow panties and a matching bra.

"Hope you don't mind that we got started without you, slave", she teased.

Of course I didn't mind.

About 10 minutes later, Jay joined us, now fully clothed, if a tad sheepish. Mistress changed into something more presentable and we were then off into a chilly, rainy night for some bracingly spicy Japanese noodles.  After dinner, we stoped off at a local bar where a political event was unfolding, chatting with the usual suspects, and introducing our third as "our friend Jay".  If folks were raising eyebrows about the third wheel, we could not tell.

Back at home, there was some light chit chat before Mistress announced that "'it's time for bed, Jay."

As far as I can tell, the two love birds drifted off quickly, as I retired to our daughter's room. But I am guessing there will be a little more action before Jay heads home this morning.

Slave may be waiting until this afternoon before I get to break my going on 48 hours of abstinence!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

They're Back......

Yes, tights season is back!  Here in River City, we had the last gasp of summer over the weekend. Sunny skies. Temperatures in the 70's.  But when we woke here Monday morning, temperatures were falling and skies were gray.

"I think tights season is here, slave....."

Of course, since slave has a long and viral tights kink, Mistress had a devilish grin on her face as she let me watch her shake out some black tights that had been languishing since April in her mysterious tights and undies drawer. I stood there slack jawed watching her bunch them up and slither those shapely mountain climber legs into them.


The sad part is that it was one of those Monday mornings when Mistress had a way too early meeting, meaning that slave would have to defer his own sexual release until later in the afternoon. Compound my horny by the fact that Mistress had been away since Friday morning, visiting our daughter in GA. When she arrived back at the UCTMW World HQ late Sunday night, she was way too tired from a long flight back for any "catch up" sex. So slave had actually been on abstinence watch for more than THREE DAYS.  Dang.

Slave's been back at a "2nd career" sort of job these last few weeks. But thoughts were lingering on Mistress in those black tights, and the prospect of breaking that long, sad abstinence streak when I got back to her.

Mistress threw some kindling on the smoldering fire with a test around 3:30.....

"Let's have sex this afternoon, slave....."

"Absolutely", I quickly responded, hoping those in the meeting would not be offended by my distraction.

"I'm in bed now....."

That gave me the extra motivation to steer my meeting to a prompt conclusion.

My bonus: Mistress was still in those black tights, with nothing more, when I slid into bed next to her an hour later.


Tonight Mistress will be entertaining at home one of her OKCupid suitors. This is Ken, for those keeping score. Slave will be cooking.

"I won't necessarily be having sex with him tonight slave.  Not sure we are ready for that."

Ken is the guy working on a Ph. d. (of sorts) in "sacred sexuality". But entertaining. And clearly drawn to Mistress. However, the jury is still out for Mistress on whether sparks will fly between the two of them.

"Makes sense. Let's just play it by ear."

Updates, tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Wonderful Movie Kink

Time for one of our occasional movie / tv reviews. Over the weekend (after Mistress's cuckold sleepover) we took some time to walk up the street to our local cinema to check out the new biopic about the creators of the Wonder Woman comic character.

Of course, Wonder Woman has a place in the psycho history of any submissive male of a certain age. As a baby boomer who came of age in the 1960's I was a comic book addict. In the stone ages before cable and the internet, a pre-teen's entertainment relied on the fantasy world created by DC and Marvel comics. And I must say I was particularly drawn to  those oft repeated scenes where some comic book villain put some "hero" into a fix involving chains or rope. Then there was Wonder Woman, with her magic lasso, who saucily made the male bad guys confess their crimes while in her tight  golden coils. Of course, it was also common for WW to find herself within the confines of some bad guy's (or girl's) bondage. It definitely got my young impressionable motor running in all sorts of kinky ways. no wonder I ended up a world renowned sex blogger!So when we saw the trailer for the new movie "Professor Marston and the Wonder Women" , it was "must see" viewing, particularly when it debuted at our local cinema. Here is a link to the trailer.

We were not disappointed. The movie chronicles the "adventures"  launched when Harvard Psychology Professor William Moulton Marston, his wife Elizabeth and their TA Olive Byrne invented the lie detector and simultaneously began a polyamorous relationship that lasted decades. Of course, messing  with a student would get you fired even in the 21st Century. The Marstons were booted from Harvard once their "deviance' was discovered. But their experiences and Marston's ground breaking theories on the role of dominance and submission led to their creation of the female comic book  character who became a lasting femdom poster girl.

The movie chronicles the efforts of the "decency" crusaders in the 50's to crack down on Wonder Woman's kinky proclivities, and Marston's subversive efforts to indoctrinate  his young readers with his theories on female dominance and male submission.  At least for this young reader, it seemed to have worked!

But was the movie hot?

Uhhh..... yeah. There are several smoldering three way scenes of the two attractive "wonder women" and the Prof cavorting in all sorts of kinky ways.  And a very hot scene of Mrs. Marston  binding Olive when dressed in a kinky costume that became the model for the comic WW. It certainly had  slave squirming in his seat.  And Mistress confessed she thought it was pretty hot too!
Rating: two nipples and one caged cock up! Don't wait until it makes Netflix.

Monday, October 16, 2017

Three Way Date Night

Mistress, slave and her lover Jay had what amounted to a  date night on Saturday evening. Jay seems to have gotten over the funk that had him dropping off the "side dish" map earlier in the year, and has made it clear he wants to spend more time with Mistress. That led to her invitation to join us for a night out on the town.

River City had a big "light show" extravaganza downtown over the weekend, which packed streets, bars, parks and restaurants. The three of us joined the throngs oohing and ahhing over all those bright, shiny things illuminating the sides of old 19th Century buildings. Under cover of darkness and the crowds, it was easy for the three of us to have a tasty Vietnamese dinner and then wander the streets together. And while we ran into several friends along the way, it was easy to blend in and simply say "this is our friend Jay".

Little did they know that "our friend Jay" would be sharing the bed with Mistress at the end of the evening, while slave slid under the sheets of our daughter's bed.

We got home rather late, and sat in the living room for a night cap. Mistress and Jay took the couch, and it wasn't long before her long and athletic legs were stretched over Jay's lap, her toes toying with his legs. Was she a little randy? Teasing me? or just relaxed with the notion of sharing her night with the two of us?  I wasn't sure, but it certainly had my motor running.

Soon we "retired" to our respective beds. Slave nodded off quickly, not sure what was transpiring in the bedroom next door. But certainly curious.

I slept in later than normal, but then so did the two love birds. It wasn't until 9 or so that Mistress emerged, ordering up some coffee for Jay.  She was still in a skimpy nightie, sans undies (of course) and had obviously been doing more than sleeping.  I took advantage, embracing her from behind, and letting my fingers rove a bit, over her breasts, and betwixt moist thighs.

Later we would walk up the street together for breakfast at a local diner. Then Jay was off and we took a bike ride before the rains started.  When we got home from our ride, the agenda was lazing in bed with the paper, and a nap to catch up on lost sleep.

"Are you horny slave?"

"Of course, Mistress....."

And why wouldn't I be. It had been more than 24 hours since our Saturday morning wake-up sex.

"Well you may have to wait until later, I've had a little too much sex already today."

Awww. Poor Mistress.