Saturday, July 1, 2017

Mistress in the Bush

No, don't worry readers.  Mistress has not decided to re-grow her "lady carpet".

Instead, she's spending a few days in the rift valley in Kenya in one of those swanky safari camps, where they reside in well furnished tents and eat sumptuous meals prepared by a local staff.  She posted this photo which gives you a sense of her surroundings, which, in an odd way, are not much different that the landscape here in the high desert. Minus the roving leopards and large beaked birds.

But Mistress must be getting horny, right?  She was unable to follow her new lover's directions to self abuse on the plane, due to the close proximity of her sister and the Dowager Domme. And their sleeping accommodations may also be an obstacle to that sort of privacy.

But there is some potential.

The ladies are guided by a 50-ish gentleman from Kenya. He's biracial, born in Kenya during British rule and educated in England. But a life long resident of Kenya.  He accompanied the group last summer, and Mistress acknowledged there was a bit of a spark.

"He likes me, slave.....".

Mistress found David to be attractive and interesting. But despite some mild flirting and shared drinks, there was no real action last summer.  But what about this summer.  Mistress has a very poor internet signal now. But yesterday we exchanged some tweets at lunch time here.

"David and I are going for a hike in the morning, slave."

"Hmmm..... do you think he will hit on you?"

"Who knows...."

But at least there might be some privacy.

When I woke this morning (there is about an 8 hour time difference) there was a text message waiting for me.

"Heading out for morning hike....", with a couple of red heart emojis.

I will be curious to hear if Mistress got anything more than some exercise this morning in Africa.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Donuts in Doha?

As I type here in our adobe hideaway, Mistress, her sister and the Dowager Domme are still jetting to the middle east, dodging Saudi airspace on Qutar Air, bound for Doha.  By now they may be over Turkey or Iran. Let's hope they don't have to make an emergency landing in Tehran.

"I don't want to have to see that nightly update in the News listing how many days you've been held hostage."

"Not funny, slave....."

The ladies are flying business class, which means they have one of those sleeping pods, and a certain degree of privacy.

"JJ has been texting me slave.  He wants me to play with myself in my pod."

"Can you get away with that?"


"I wouldn't disobey your new dominant lover, reason to get off on the wrong foot.  You might be punished."

"We'll see......"

I look forward to the update.

As she languished for too many hours in the lounge at O'Hare, Mistress was bored. So we talked and texted for a good part of the afternoon. She had instructed me to "self-abuse" daily, and as proof of my compliance I sent her a snap chat of her fully engaged "work-a-day" cock.

"Ummm..... I love my cock, slave", was her response.

I asked her if the Dowager Domme was wearing kinky shoes.  She sent this piece of evidence:

Functionally kinky, I suppose. With an open toe to encourage sucking by an eager submissive?

Then Mistress sent me an image of her own shoes:

A little more skin for tongue access.  But you can tell the daughter is not falling far from the tree.

The traveling party had not yet decided whether to take up the airline's offer of a hotel room to languish in while waiting for their flight to Nairobi.  It could be more trouble than it is worth to leave the airport and come back through security. And Ramadan is over, so there will be food available in the terminal during daylight hours. But if they do leave, will they be suitably attired.  No doubt the DD planned ahead.  She might look good in something like this in basic black.  But then why not expand the color palate a bit and make a statement.

As for her slave, I busied myself here with some painting and other home improvement projects.  I also had a brief text conversation with JJ about his "bon voyage" party for Mistress on Sunday night:

Slave: "sounds like you gave Mistress a nice send off last night."

JJ: "Yes. We had a date in public and then I fed your wife my cock several times... we discussed hard core possibilities for your wedding anniversary."

Slave: "Sounds like you satisfied her appetite at least for now.  She will be horny when she gets home.  I wonder who will get first dibs."

JJ: "We will see.  I will be returning about the same time as she does."

Later Mistress told be that she and JJ had planned a three way "date" for her return on her simultaneous birthday and anniversary, which led to one more text exchange:

Slave: "Sounds like we all are going to celebrate her birthday and our anniversary.  That should be entertaining."

JJ: "Oh yes."

At around 6:15 pm, I was heading out to meet some friends for dinner and music.  Mistress was settled into her Qutar Air "jammies" and seemed pleased when I sent her that required photo of my encaged cock.

"Good slave".

I try my best.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Bon Voyage, Mistress

 As I write, Mistress is heading to the airport in River City with the Dowager Domme (her mother), for one of those long forced marches through the "dark continent".  Mistress's  sister will be along for the ride, and our youngest daughter will be hooking up with them in about a week.

As you might expect, the Dowager Domme likes to travel in the ultimate in luxury, so she insisted on booking their travel via Qatar air, known for its sumptuous pods and posh food and service.  Never mind that Quatar is now in a spat with its Gulf state neighbors over who coddles terrorists more. So  all that aloft luxury will be extended an hour or so longer as their wide body  dodges Egyptian and Saudi air space.  I hope they get a good look at Turkey and Iran as they thread that needle at 30,000 feet.

The delay means they will have a longer layover in Doha, the sandy Quatari capitol where ladies need to cover themselves discretely. The trip outside the airport for a 12 hour stay in a "luxury" hotel should be interesting.  Is it BYOB?  (Bring your own Birka?) Who knows.  But I'll bet that the DD has spent a few grand on a designer black cover-all in anticipation. Mistress packed a head scarf.

But at least Mistress had a nice send off from her new lover, JJ. She gave me an update after he left last night, a bit after midnight. (They mutually decided on no sleepover, because Mistress decided she needed a good night's sleep).

"It was good, slave.  the best sex yet with him. "

"Sounds nice, Mistress...."

They went out to dinner at a local watering hole before the "main event".  I was out too (in my cage, as directed) and texted her that I was home at about 10:30 pm her time.  Her response:

"In the middle of some sex here slave...."

At least she let me know she was safe and soundly being satisfied.

After he left, and again this morning, I got a more detailed read out.

"He was a little gentler, after I told him to go easy on me because I'd be flying all day today.  Either that or I'm getting used to that big cock, slave."

"Well that's a relief, Mistress. But did he make you cum enough?"

"At least three times, slave.  There was lots of oral, and of course some of that pounding he likes to do."

"Poor Mistress" (he says snarkily).

"He spent a lot of time talking about what he wants to do with the three of us...."

"And that is?"

"Well he wants you to be know.... fluffing and clean up....."

"And you told him?"

"That you seemed more open to the idea than I expected. And more than maybe I am....."

"It's your call, Mistress....."

"He also wanted to know if you were in the cage....I told him you were."

"Does that seem to amuse him, Mistress?"

"Oh yes, I think he likes the idea of you being caged...."

Sounds like the "getting to know you phase" is going well.

"He says it's a waste of time to really "get to know" someone until you know the sex is good."

"Interesting philosophy.  Sounds like he must think the sex is good then, because he bothering to get to know you."

"I think that's an appropriate conclusion, slave."

We will have to see how all this develops when we are all back in River City again, around July 15th.  In the meantime, I will see if JJ has much to say about how things went last night.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Mistress Delayed, But Not Denied.

Mistress and slave had a romantic evening in one of the US's most romantic evening's on Friday night, culminating in dinner at a cozy joint we love. We then adjourned to a funky sort of "not tell, motel", where there was some final furtive fucking in the middle of the night, before a pre-dawn alarm went off for our trip to the nearby airport.

The plan was for Mistress to take off at 6:40 am and be back in River City by 1:30 pm or so. She'd have a chance to re-fresh, maybe even exercise before her big date with her new lover, JJ.

So much for good planning.

When I dropped her off at the tiny regional airport, skies were clear, her flight was "on time",  and the plane was there waiting for her.  No problem! But then thunderstorms in Dallas delayed Mistress's flight. First for an hour. Then two.  But it was still taking off, right? Then even boarded and taxied to the tarmac.

But then.... a weather hold.  Then the flight crew "timed out". Plane emptied. Flight cancelled. By then I had driven back to our hideaway, getting the updates by text message. I got back on my computer and re-booked Mistress on a late afternoon flight, from another airport an hour to the south. I even offered to drive back and haul Mistress to the other airport. Fortunately, she was resourceful (and cute) and bummed a ride from a Dallas Swat Team leader who also was left high and dry by American Airlines.  At least she was in good hands!

Of course, we talked several times during the day as she traveled through Minneapolis back to River City.  She wouldn't arrive back in Cincinnati until near midnight, killing her chance for some pre-travel hijinks with  her alpha lover. She had planned to have dinner with a female friend on Sunday, but her schedule was now rearranged.

"I cancelled with her and now will get together with JJ tomorrow night, slave.  He's been texting me all day to check on where I am and what's been going on......"

I also texted with JJ, while I was watching a rock-a-billy band at a local watering hole as Mistress languished in the "Twins Bar" up in the Twin Cities last night.

slave:  "She may have to fire her travel agent. (me)."

JJ: "I am sure she will find ways to punish you."

slave: "More cage time?"

JJ: "Very likely".

Speaking of cage time, Mistress has imposed certain rules while we are sadly separated these next three weeks or so:

1. Wear the cage when you go out in the evenings.
2. Take a "snapchat" photo of the cage when that occurs as "evidence" of my compliance.
3. I am allowed to "self-abuse" no more than once per-day.

Rest assured I followed rules one and two last evening before I headed out for a burger, some beers and some music. Let's hope this travel snafu does not make her change her mind about rule # 3. Otherwise it could be a long three weeks!