Wednesday, February 22, 2017

He Prefers Her Naked.....

Slave got a clean bill of health from my surgeon yesterday.  I had already been "performing" pretty much as normal -- walking about 6 miles with Mistress on Sunday; a bike ride on Monday; and of course regular sexual activity with Mistress.  But it was good to hear that his inspection of my repaired loins were ready for normal action. We were discussing his findings in bed last night,

"But I forgot to ask him about whether I can go back to wearing a cock cage, Mistress...."

She just laughed.

"With you at home all the time now, I don't think there's much need for the cock cage, is there, slave?"

Well I wouldn't be the one to suggest more cage time, but then maybe our readers may have other thoughts.

As I cuddled next to her, I felt the smooth texture of one of her black nighties, one I had picked up for her at some past V-Day or Christmas. My complement led her to say "I always like the lingerie you get me, slave...."

"I suppose it's selfish.... it's really a gift for my gratification as well as yours, Mistress....and I suppose its something your lovers like too".

But that got me thinking.

"Does Jay like your lingerie collection, Mistress?"

"Actually, he prefers me naked, slave...."

Hmmm.  And now my motor was starting to run as I contemplated that conversation between my wife and her lover.

"So how does he express that preference, Mistress...."

"Well, I am usually in something like this (referring to her current attire -- short black nightie, sans undies) and he tells me to take it off...."

" And do you comply with his directions, Mistress?"

"Of course, slave".

Now that really got slave's motor running.

I guess you either get the cuckold thing, or you don't.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Slave Serves Mistress After Her Date Night

It wasn't until Friday morning that slave had another chance to catch up with Mistress following her good night kiss before she walked upstairs to join her lover.

I had slept (alone) in the bedroom next door to the lovebirds, waiting a discrete 90 minutes before hitting there sack. By then whatever "action" had taken place was apparently concluded, tho I could here them murmuring quietly, imagining this a post-coital chit chat as the cuddled before nodding off.  I woke earlier than they did, heading back downstairs to beer coffee and catch up on the overnight news of the latest mayhem in DC.

It must have been at around 7 am that Mistress visited me, still a little groggy, in a revealing black nightie sans undies.

"Long night, slave", she said, coming in for a good morning kiss. No doubt I was not the first guy to taste those sumptuous lips that morning.  At her direction, I made Jay a latte.

"He'll be leaving in about 30 minutes, slave. Then you should come upstairs."

"Yes, Mistress......"

She resisted my inquiry about what had happened, other than to confirm that there had been two rounds of sexual frolic: one before they went to sleep, and again that morning. No wonder Mistress looked a little disheveled and sleepy.

True to her word, Jay did come down in about 30 minutes. We shared some small talk about the latest Trump news, and the late night take on his epic press conference, before he headed out into the early morning sunshine. Again, not a word about what some might see as the elephant in the room: his night in bed with my lovely wife.

As ordered, I immediately went upstairs, bearing the morning papers. Mistress was back in bed.

"So how was it Mistress?"

"Hot sex, slave..... my parts are very tender this morning....but I will let you gently worship...."

As you can imagine, I was happy to oblige. And as I applied my well trained tongue to those musky, well exercised folds, Mistress filled in some details about her night with her lover.

"It was the usual stuff slave.... some cock riding..... Jay standing and fucking me against the side of the bed....Jay on top....."

"Sounds like a lot of orgasms for you, Mistress?"

"Lots and lots, slave....."

I was able to coax one more from her, but her message was clear.... there would be no more fucking for her on Friday. Slave would have to patiently await the recovery of her tender lady bits.

And of course I did.

The good news was that by Saturday morning, Mistress was fully recovered. Her resilience allowed slave to fully exercise my conjugal "rights" (to the extent that a slave has such rights).  I guess compared to some of my fellow slaves / subs I am still pretty pampered. Aren't I Terri?

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Mistress's Dinner Date With Her Lover

With Jay freed up from his child care duties this week, Mistress was able to schedule a real "date night" with him for Thursday night. I made some alternative plans -- taking pizza over to my daughter's house to chill with my cute grandkids.

Coordinating our schedules was necessary.

"So when are you leaving slave?"

"About 5:30 Mistress."

"OK. So I'll have Jay come over around 6:00."

She shared that they planned to go out to a local restaurant - on of their and our favorites - before returning here. It was clear I would be sleeping in air daughter's room, so I moved a few essentials there -- my kindle, the Times, etc.

Unlike a typical evening when Jay comes over and we "entertain" him, it was clear Mistress would be hosting her lover all by herself. As I left, she was still in her undies, primping for her date. I didn't get to see the outfit she had selected. But it was clear that she was planning to wear the black tights she had worn to a business meeting that afternoon .... they always attract my eye. I wondered if Jay had the same response.

I kissed Mistress goodbye around 5:30, my hand roaming over her tights clad bottom, creating a surge of smothered lust.  I was surrendering my hot wife to a night on the town with another guy. Crazy, huh?

Dinner with the grandkids was fun, ending with reading some books to my lovable 2 yr. old grand daughter, who finally has taken a shine to her old grandpa.  When I got home, at around 8 pm, I could see the signs that Mistress and Jay had spent some time in our living room. There was an empty  wine  glass (Mistress's) and an empty beer mug (Jay) resting near the edge of our couch. Was there a little make-out session there earlier? Or just some innocent chit chat before they left for dinner?  Or maybe they'd fully "indulged" to whet their appetites?  I knew they were not upstairs in bed, because Mistress's car was missing. Jay's was in our driveway.

I adjourned to my "man cave", off our kitchen, to waste some time on the computer. But soon enough, maybe at around 9 pm, Mistress was coming down the stairs.

"Jay's on a work call, slave, so I thought I'd come down and say good night."

At least that's what I think she said.  Quite frankly, I was a little too distracted my the outfit she had chosen.  It was a black and VERY short dress, hanging over those sexy, black tighter legs, that barely graced her thighs.

'Wow, Mistress..... Is that really what you wore?"

I actually thought she was wearing a tunic, and maybe had already taken off some jeans or pants.....

By now my hand was drawn magnetically to her thighs, rising what seemed like only an inch or two above her hemline to the apex of her fit and seductive thighs.


Mistress shrugged off my question.

"Why slave.... do you think it's too short.  I guess it might have shrunk in the wash", she giggled, seeming to be amused by my unexpected concern about her "modesty".

Slave is not typically jealous on these matters. I've grown accustomed to Mistress's occasional dalliances, confident that I will soon be back in her bed and that her tales of sex with other guys will fuel our own lust.

But I must confess that the thought of Mistress out in public flashing all that black sighted thigh while in the company of another man got me going. I would have readily traded places with Jay when it came time to take Mistress to bed and peel off that alluring costume. And I had no trouble imagining all the other heads Mistress had turned at that restaurant as she laughed and flirted with her lover over drinks and dinner.

We chatted a while, Mistress checking for emails, and slave ogling her long, shapely legs. Definitely distracting.... Then Jay was calling for Mistress. His call was done and he apparently was ready for "desert".

Mistress rose from her chair and gave me one final kiss.

"Sleep tight, slave....."

Then she was up the stairs, into the arms of her lover....

I'll fill you in tomorrow on Mistress's account of her night . . . and morning . . . with her lover.

Friday, February 17, 2017