Sunday, October 9, 2016

Hunkered Down in Hurricane Leftovers

Mistress and slave are on the Jersey shore this weekend for a family memorial service. We enjoyed a leisurely drive east in bright sunshine on Thursday and Friday, but the sun has long since abandoned us and we are now wallowing in the remnants of that nasty hurricane that climbed up the coast over the last few days.

Fortunately, we got in some bike riding Friday afternoon and yesterday morning before the rain arrived. And Mistress and slave know how to have a good time when stuck inside for hours at a time in a nice hotel room with a view.

Yesterday there was some wake-up sex before our ride and breakfast at a greasy spoon with an ocean view.  And while we logged in the appropriate amount of time with family later in the morning, we wisely retreated into the dry environs of our hotel for most of the afternoon. After absorbing news about Mr. Trump's latest scandal, and portions of another miserable performance by my alma mater, there was round two.

"Why don't you insert your device, slave (the aneros)...."

I improvised lubricant with some hotel provided moisterizer, and pleased Mistress with my lips and tongue before she rode her slave's cock for another cum or two.

We had to abandon our hotel room at 5 for a large family dinner at a local restaurant, but passed on the "after party". With the rain only intensifying, it seemed that the most prudent option was to return to that warm bed.

Friday, October 7, 2016

New Strategy?

Mistress and slave are on the road this weekend. A family memorial service has us heading to the Jersey shore, with a stop last night in Gettysburg, PA.  Mistress is still snoozing in our cozy bedroom upstairs in a reputedly haunted house. I'm down in the parlor, early rising as always, catching up on the news.

The best news is that the hurricane no longer seems to be heading further up the coast to where we will be this weekend. Though we feel for our old neighbors in Central Florida. We know what it's like from our years down there -- including the hassle of long power outages and missing roofs in the summer of 2004.

When I last posted I was touting the likelihood of a cuckold sleepover Tuesday evening. Sadly, things did not work out. Another last minute cancellation by Jay due to child care issues left Mistress with only the solace of Slave's work-a-day cock.

On the drive East yesterday she talked about her frustration.

"It's getting annoying, slave....It's nice having a lover, but it seems he's rarely available when I am...."

It seems it's been more than 6 weeks now since the two of them were able to get together. He watched the Clinton / Trump debate with us, but no sex.  Then he went to a Thursday night football game with me. But Mistress was out of town.  Is Jay turning into my buddy rather than Mistress's sidedish?

Over dinner last night we discussed options. How to "acquire" a new or alternative lover for a sexually adventurous wife?  It's not easy in our town, and Mistress's job does not get her exposed to potential partners on a regular basis.

"Maybe test the waters at AM again?", I speculated.

"We'd have to start with a different identity and profile, slave...."

We even talked about new names....


"That's a little weird, slave..."


"What's with the biblical names?"


Mistress raised her eyebrow.

"Yeah.... that works..... I always liked Veronica...."

This might give us a worthy distraction from the family drama of a weekend memorial service.

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Cuckolding Dry Spell Over?

Mistress spent the day on the road for work yesterday, but gave me a call mid-morning with a scheduling change.

"Jay and I were talking slave.... we had been planning to get together tomorrow night, and he wants to come over for dinner and spend the night...."

Hmmm.... another debate night with Jay?  Last Monday Jay came over and we all watched the monumental showdown betwixt the two presidential candidates. Jay is a bit of a political junkie, so he and I stuck with the "drama " until the end. Mistress retired early, and the understanding in advance was that Jay would go home when the political fireworks were over. So it was an unusually  chaste night for Mistress and Jay.

On the other hand, tonight the agenda is different: Slave will prepare dinner for the two lovebirds. And while we may spend a little time watching the "undercard" debate between the two boring white guys running for VP, I suspect the will both retire early to the marital bed, leaving slave to clean up afterwards . . . (Get your minds out of the gutter.... I meant the dishes!).

While slave will be sleeping alone tonight, it's only fair that Mistress gets in some extra-curricular action after all these weeks of relying on the same old lips, tongue and work-a-day cock, isn't it?

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Childhood Trigger?

Mistress has been off to the windy city with the Dowager Domme for a few days for her sister's birthday fete. Slave was left to his own devices, and Mistress indulged me by not requiring me to wear my cage Friday or Thursday. My bike ride to work is an excellent alibi, isn't it?

She also indulged me in another way: allowing me to "touch" on Friday.

"But only once, slave...."

I was happy to oblige.

Now she's on the way back, and I'm looking forward to a Saturday evening at home with her.

But since I have little of substance to report on, why not flashback to my childhood. I was a big comic book fan and collector in elementary school, hooked on both the DC and Marvel galaxy of super-heroes. And of course there were plenty of bondage scenes with Wonder Woman and a variety of other heroes and heroines.  But I recently noticed this Superman cover posted over at Instagram, which brought back some fond memories of youthful curiosity.

Do you think this was the seed for my femdom curiosity?