Friday, July 29, 2016

Fast Week....

Mistress and slave have been whiling away our time here at the UCTMW hideaway, enjoying morning sex and bike rides, long hours on our patio with Mistress sunning herself and slave hunkered down on some real work for clients, followed by afternoon naps and worship as the late afternoon thunderclouds gather and bluster in the sky.

It's the sort of getaway where the days blend together and you wake up and realize a week has gone by.


If things go as planned we have another week to go. But we already know it will go too fast.

Rather than watch Convention coverage last night we had two couples over for dinner - locals we have known for some time who are good with silly stories that riff off one another until everyone dissolves into giggles.  Of course the fact that they brought with them some of the latest high-tech marijuana delivery systems certainly helped.  With all this new vaping stuff going on, slave will never have to hear about how he can't roll a  joint again!

Of course these folks are not in on the kink side of Mistress and slave's double life. They would be shocked to know that slave sometimes don's a cock cage at Mistress's command. (I know what you're going to ask Teri and Diane -- no the cock cage was not brought with us on this trip!)

But they did have a funny story about a party they recently attended. One of the ladies had complemented a 60 something woman we both know on her remarkable chest.

"They were hard not to notice", as she used her hands to signify the magnitude of our mutual friends 'girls'.

"But then after a few drinks I finally asked her 'are they real'. So right in the middle of the party she lifts her top, then her bra and they just spill out.

'No... they're brand new', she says...'feel them'...."


As it turns out only one of our friends took up the offer. But we were all laughing so hard I can't recall what her reportage was on how they felt. At least the nipples were still in the right place,

Of course, slave hopes Mistress never resorts to such foolishness. Her 'girls' are more than lovely  au naturale.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Reapperance of an Old Friend

Mistress and slave had a semi-work day here yesterday. We had some tasks for clients to perform and did so diligently. But of course, there was time for wake-up sex, a bracing bike ride and soaking up some sun.  After her trip to Africa, Mistress has whined that her typically glowing tan is not up to its usual mid-summer standards. But there are clearly ways to resolve that problem.

Last evening we spent some time with friends at a local music venue, but got home in time to watch a bit of the political spectacle in Philadelphia. We've attended that event in the past, but somehow the thought of the East Coast heat, compounded by the hot air emanating from the podium and the assembled political class makes us more than happy to be hiding out in our hideaway rather than seeing if we can catch an uber along with 8000 other foot sore political hacks and their attendant media horde to and from the Convention Hall. It's a lot of hassle just to get a decent cheese steak.

When home I noticed a short email in my blogger in box. It was word from a long lost sex blogger compadra, Sin. She slipped off the radar screen some time ago. She announced she's back. Here's her blog address Finding My Submission.

Back in the day, we had some mutual commenting going on betwixt our blog, and several others. But like a lot of our past blogger pals, some folks move on. As I recall Sin had some security issues which threatened exposure and long distance Domme, Big Bad, who enjoyed pulling her strings to rather compelling erotic effect.

Hearing from Sin made us contemplate how long we've been at this, and why we keep on going when so many other bloggers have slipped away.  While we enjoy the community aspect of things, and the back and forth that ensues, I suspect we do it more to entertain ourselves. The ritual of Mistress reading the blog while I ply her clean shaven folds with my lips and tongue each morning I post a new edition. And when we are apart, blog posts allow us to keep some sort of carnal connection going.

And of course there probably is a certain narcissistic element to sharing images of Mistress's lush curves and aggrandizing our healthy sex life.

Whatever the diagnosis, we are still getting page views, now approaching 2 million over the nearly 7 years we've been at this. I suspect we will keep at it until it gets boring, or we get busted!

Monday, July 25, 2016

What You've Been Waiting For.....

Mistress and slave spent a pretty laid back weekend here at our hideaway. There was lots of sun, beautiful vistas from our private patio,  some long bike rides and also lots of sex, relatively speaking.

We had a "two a day" Saturday.... some wake-up sex before our trip to the local farmer's market. And then some late afternoon sex following a bike ride and a much needed nap.

Sunday morning, slave deployed Mistress's favorite power tool. And I did have one question as Mistress squirmed beneath it's relentless power of "persuasion".

"So Mistress, does Jay use it differently than I do?"

It seemed a little difficult for Mistress to focus on her response, since that Hitachi tends to make her squirm and cum so quickly and efficiently.  She whimpered out something like "It's pretty much the same way you use it, Slave...,", morfing quickly into "Can I please cum now?"

Who was I to say "No."

But she did have a confession to make in early afternoon, as she relaxed in the sun with her kindle.

"My body's feeling the effects of all that sex this week, slave....I don't think I can do it again this afternoon."

It was a rare admission by Mistress. Clearly cuckold week had taken it's toll. Despite her typically voracious sexual appetite she was saying "no mas." Throwing in the towel.  If Jay were here, I'd give him a high five.

But I have a feeling she will have rebounded by this morning. At least I hope she will.

Now, as a special gift to our readers, what you all like the most about our trips to our hideaway: shots of Mistress in sun-basking mode:


Saturday, July 23, 2016

Cuckold Week Ends With a Bang

Mistress and slave spent yesterday afternoon and evening traveling west. Our reward was waking to a beautiful sun dabbled morning here at our SW hideaway. Unlike smoggy and steamy River City, the air is fresh, cool and sparkling clear. Mistress is already threatening not to go home.

We've yet to break in the fresh sheets here, but it's worth turning back the page to Wednesday evening / Thursday morning back in River City for the conclusion of "Cuckold Week".

Mistress had invited Jay to join us at home for dinner, but the plans after that were a little unsettled.
As it turned out Jay and I arrived at our house almost simultaneously. I pulled into the drive on my bike, sweaty after an up hill climb in the steamy 90's. Jay was in his car, pulling in right behind me.

 Cleverly, he had stopped to pick up a little gift for Mistress: a box of her favorite fudge. By now Jay knows that the path to her fertile delta leads directly through her sweet tooth!

Mistress was determined to get some exercise, so the three of us were off to the pool. Again, Slave and Cuckolder sipped beers while Mistress flaunted her muscular strokes. After she was done, we all rested a bit at poolside, letting the sun drop in the sky and the air cool.  Then we went back home where slave whipped up some dinner: flank steak on the grill and corn on the cob fresh from a local farm, consumed in our lovely hidden garden. We shared some wine and enjoyed a quiet work night evening at home. Then Mistress's attention turned to the evening's remaining agenda:

"Well Jay, are you spending the night?"

Jay was so inclined.

But it was not a quick trip to bed like Sunday night.  Jay and slave have some mutual political interests, and elected to watch the assembled crazies in Cleveland for a while. As the crowd turned on the Canadian Senator from Texas, we heckled the spectacle from our couch, as Mistress decided to abandon us.

"I'm tired", she pointedly said. "You boys can keep watching this silliness, but I'm going to bed".

She leaned over, kissing us both, then retired to her executive suite.

Jay and I did not last much longer after Smary Ted was booed from the stage, and Il Duce II made his entrance to cheers...  It wasn't clear if this was a WWF production or a political convention. But it clearly wasn't going to get any better. And Mistress awaited.

We both headed up stairs. Jay wished me good night. But it was clear what the sleeping arrangements would be: He headed to Mistress's bed. I was off to our daughter's chambers.

I didn't stay awake long, but rose early the next morning, settling into the morning papers over coffee. At some point Mistress came downstairs to give me a good morning kiss.

"No sex last night slave.... but I have a feeling there will be some this morning. "

She padded back upstairs.  And sure enough,  within about ten minutes I could hear the tell tale sounds of some rather athletic sex. The rhythmic force of Jay pumping into Mistress that literally rattled the floor boards above me. And the sound of Mistress's guttural moans of passion in response.

I guess what I was hearing was proof of the old adage that "variety is the spice of life".  Our own love making style is considerably more tender and hushed. It's good that Mistress has found a lover who can unleash that beast in her, isn't it?

The storm and fury of their couplings did not last much longer.  It was a work day after all. So soon Mistress was downstairs asking me to brew her lover some coffee, which I dutifully prepared. She decided to serve the coffee myself, sparing (or denying?) her slave the servile task of rewarding a fellow who had just so royally fucked his wife in their marital bed.

Slave showered downstairs, but once again had to retrieve his work clothes and other belongings from the room where a still naked Jay was lounging in bed, sipping my coffee.

"Great coffee, Mick".

I averted my eyes, retrieved my socks and undies and belt, and slinked off, after sharing some details about the morning's news coverage of the previous night's drama in Cleveland.

Just another day in cuckold-land.

On Thursday morning, Slave left before Jay.  I did wonder what might happen after I left. But Mistress later confirmed it wasn't much.

"I had work to do, Slave...."

That evening it was another late night, with my daughter and son-in-law over for dinner and watching the Donald's 78 minute rant with me. So Slave had another unscheduled abstinence day.

But Mistress did allow me to worship her very tender clean shaven folds, and also filled me in a little on Thursday morning's action.

"He used the hitachi on me slave.... then there was more of that athletic fucking with him standing at the side of the bed".

"Sounded like lots of cums, Mistress...."


Poor Mistress. It will be just the two of us for the next two weeks. Unless she catches the eye of some mountain man or cowboy.