Monday, July 18, 2016

Sleepover Sunday

Slave is  drinking his morning coffee, watching the RNC warm-up coverage. It's the  sort of thing I do every morning before Mistress completes her beauty rest.

The big difference is that slave slept in our daughter's room last night, while Mistress's lover Jay joined her in the mistress bedroom and our marital bed.

Our Sunday started normal enough for a birthday celebration. Some furtive wake-up sex, which would be slave's last of the day. Mistress took advantage of national ice cream day by enjoying an impressive Birthday Sundae with our daughter and her boyfriend at the local ice cream parlor, just a short walk up the street. Then there was sunbathing time at the pool before we hauled daughter and boyfriend off to the airport.

That's when the kinkier fun began for Mistress's special day.

"when is jay coming, Mistress?"

"I told him at 6, slave, but he's always a little late."

I did some prep in the kitchen. Mistress's requested menu was mushroom risotto and BBQed salmon. So there was some slicing and marinating to do to make sure the meal was ready to cook when Mistress gave me the sign.

Jay arrived around 6:30 pm, knocking then letting himself in, and bearing a bottle of red to share and some fudge as a gift for Mistress and her legendary sweet tooth.

We adjourned to the garden for some adult beverages, chatting about the political wars, Mistress's Africa trip, favorite TV series and the Dowager Domme's lizard shoes. Anyone popping into our conversation would have perceived a couple and a male pal spending a quiet summer evening together.

At some point Slave shifted into chef mode, trying my best to time the completion of the grilled salmon with the stirring of the bubbling risotto. Mistress and Jay stayed in the garden, continuing the conversation.

Fortunately, my juggling worked, and the meal came together, earning praise from both Mistress and her lover.

By the time the sun set over our little secret garden,  the party of three was sated (at least when it came to food and drink). Mistress, with a twinkle in her eye, was the first to ask "so what's next, gentlemen?"

It was clear that Mistress was ready to bed our guest. Jay is always a little sheepish about sleeping with another guy's wife -- at least when he's present and part of the conversation.  To that extent, he's hardly your typical cuckolder. But he showed no reluctance in spending the night.  Mistress rolled her eyes when he facetiously suggested that he could "sleep on the couch".

The table was cleared, and slave was tending to the dishes and sticky risotto pot as Mistress took Jay's hand and led him up to her/our bedroom.

By the time I polished off the clean-up detail and climbed the stairs myself, Mistress appeared in the hall outside my assigned sleeping quarters in one of those sexy and revealing black nightie's I had gifted her  for some V-Day or Christmas past.

She looked quite fetching as she gave me a deep and lasting kiss.  When she broke the kiss, she gave me some parting instructions.

"So slave, remember no touching... you'll just have to wait until tomorrow night."

It sounds like she has some plans for Jay this morning too.  And not just sleeping in.

I settled into bed with the Sunday paper, but the accumulated eating and drinking of the night was quickly taking it's tole. I must have quickly nodded off.

The next thing I remember is Mistress hovering over me.

"I'm heading down for some water slave....just checking on you....did you hear all that raucous sex?"

Oops.  I must have slept right through all those late night sounds of passion.


I guess I'll have to get her after action report later today.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

A Special Cuckold Birthday and Anniversary Celebration

The empty nest was not so empty here this weekend.  Our older daughter arrived Thursday evening with her boyfriend for a weekend visit. She's been living in the southland with him these last few months, sort of playing house, and enjoying the challenge of launching life after college.

Mistress was especially glad to have her around, and the Dowager Domme was also lurking, wanting time with her first grand daughter. So there was a large family dinner here Friday night, and other socializing crowding our schedules. It also meant that our wake-up love making was more furtive than usual, with both Mistress and slave required to stifle the sounds of passion so as not to disturb the little love birds nesting across the hall.

But tonight things will be quite different. It's Mistress birthday and our 23rd Anniversary. And our daughter's flight is at 4 pm. After we drip her off at the airport, we'll be returning here for a special birthday / anniversary dinner for three. Mistress's lover Jay will be joining us for dinner and "what not" afterwards.

Slave's planning a meal that Mistress requested: Mushroom risotto and grilled salmon. Weather should allow dining in our secret garden. Wine is chilling already.

And after dinner?

"Jay's say's he may stay the night, slave....."

What better birthday / anniversary treat for a hot wife than a special guest appearance from her alpha lover.

Slave better get his own shot in this morning, before our guests wake up, because I have a feeling I will be sleeping alone tonight.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Caged Cuckold Wednesday

I suppose I need a "cuckold calendar" like Terri keeps to stay on top of Mistress's plans. On Wednesday morning she reminded me of something that somehow I had missed on Tuesday:

"Slave, I'll be heading over to Jay's house around noon shouldn't you be wearing your cage today?"

Oops.  I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention to Mistress's scheduling disclosures, altho she may have soft-pedaled it.

"Well I do have a doctor's appointment, Mistress...."

I suppose I was hoping for a cage reprieve.

"Oh really?  What sort of doctor's appointment, slave?"

" primary care md said it was time for an eye exam...."

Mistress gave me a scoffing snicker.

"I don't think you'll be stripping down to your undies for an eye exam, slave...."

"I suppose you've got me, Mistress....."

So after our wake-up sex, Slave scrunched and squeezed my "junk" into that little steel ring, and let Mistress close the lock on my cage for the duration of the day.

I was then off to work, and Mistress was off for a morning bike ride, preping for her afternoon at Jay's little bungalow in the hills outside of town.

We touched base as Mistress headed to her lover's house, around noon. It wasn't until about 3:15 pm that she came up for air and I heard from her again.

"How's the cage, slave?"

She was teasing me.... with a smug and satisfied sound in her voice. Or was I just imagining that?

"Tight, Mistress...."

And it was just tad tighter, as I heard her voice and her tease.

"How was it, Mistress?"

"Hot slave.... very athletic. Jay says we're back to 'porn sex'.   I'll give you a full report later....."

And of course she did, as I knelt before her later that afternoon, dining out at the juncture of those muscular thighs.

"It seemed to go on very long, slave....he said he could do it for three hours, but I wasn't sure I could handle all of that action much longer....."

"What happened, Mistress?"

"Hmmmm..... lot's of cock sucking and cock riding. And him doing what your doing now.....and more of him standing while my legs were up at  the side of the bed.....I think I'm way too tender to have sex with you now.... sorry....."

"Not a problem, Mistress....."

I went back to savoring the fruits of her afternoon, soothing her into one more of what surely was a collection of cums for the day.

But I'm hopeful she's feeling up to it this morning.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Molly and mick's TV Reviews: The Girlfriend Experience

On a quiet night at home, Mistress and Slave are wont to cook up some comfort food and settle before our modestly sized flat screen and consume the TV series de jour. We usually only spend about 90 minutes. Sometimes less.  But there are so many quality shows on these days (we lean to ones we can watch without commercial interruption) that we always seem to have a backlog of shows that pique our interest. We've already worked our way through the two O.J Simpson series, which are definitely worth viewing.

This week we've dipped into the Girlfriend Experience, a series that was on STARZ earlier this year. It focuses on a nubile young law student with commitment issues who decides to supplement her income and pay off those burdensome student loans by becoming a high priced "escort". She's the  type that has no qualms about going all the way, "bareback blow jobs", and (a euphemism Mistress was surprised I had never heard before) "dining at the Y". Here's the trailer for this year's season 1.

Suffice it to say that the storyline is a tad incredible. We can't figure out how this fetching young woman has the time or energy to attend 2nd year law classes, study, hold down an internship at a high end Chicago law firm, fuck her way around the loop with a variety of older "johns" and also cavort with her boss at the law firm. Ah, to be 24 again!

But there is ample cock riding, and many shots of the lovely leading lady in various states of undress in high end lingerie. Not much kink yet, but a few shots exploit slave's tights fetish. It's just the sort of frothy, light weight summer  entertainment that Mistress and slave find appealing.

But here's the ultimate test of hotness: Mistress was lounging next to me on the couch, the sexy nightie she donned at the end of her work day barely covering those fetching clean shaven folds.

Actually not covering them all.

That look can be a little distracting to slave, sometimes causing me to multi-task. So it was no surprise that my fingers soon found themselves fiddling with Mistress wantonly exposed lady parts as "Ashley" mounted yet another cock on the screen.

The surprise was that Mistress came in about 15 seconds after I so boldly assaulted her.

"Wow... what was that about Mistress...."

"I don't know, had been since this morning.... and the show is kind of hot, isn't it?"

So based on that review, the GFE gets two thumbs (and one throbbing cock) up.