Friday, July 8, 2016

Mistress's Thursday Morning Double Header

When slave took advantage of his Thursday morning wake-up sex privileges I had a vague recollection that Mistress might be going to visit her lover Jay later in the morning. She mentioned it as an aside the evening before, but without any clear indication that her visit would be any more than a "social call" - two friends who had not seen each other in several weeks, with some catching up to do.

And even if Mistress and Jay clearly had some "hanky panky" on the agenda, Jay has never been the type of cuckolder who gave directions limiting Mistress's sexual activities before one of their "dates".  Maybe there is a little sub in Jay's psychic make-up, because he's never had a problem with "sloppy seconds".

Mistress called me on her way over to her lover's cottage in the hills outside of town.

"I'm on my way over to see Jay, slave....."

"Oh. I forgot.  Anything on the agenda, Mistress?"

"Not sure.  I guess what will happen will happen, slave.....stay tuned."

You can bet I was, though Mistress had been permissive, not requiring her slave to wear his cage.

I had a lunch meeting myself, and it wasn't until about 1:30 pm that I heard again from Mistress. She called as she was leaving Jay's planning to meet him at Orangeleaf for some after action yogurt. (Healthier than a post-orgasmic cigarette!).

"So how did it go, Mistress?"

"Some very raucous sex, slave....I will fill you in at home tonight...."

Of course, this piqued slave's curiosity. I actually left work a little early, to discover Mistress in our bed. A nap must have been in order after her late morning exertions.

Mistress allowed her slave to taste and soothe her clean shaven folds.  It's always interesting to see if my taste buds pick up the disparate flavors of another lover mingling with Mistress's musky, addictive juices.

"Can you tell I've been busy slave.... "

"definitely some alien flavors down there Mistress...."

Clearly fatigued, Mistress provided only a brief after action report.

"When I got there we just talked for a while, slave.....then he took me into the bedroom and undressed me."

"And what happened next, Mistress?"

"Some cock riding slave....and his favorite .....taking me from behind as I bent over the bed.  It was pretty physical slave....he said it was just like old times....."

I imagined things unfolding as depicted in this helpful illustration:

Clearly Jay had some pent up demand.

Not surprisingly, after her Thursday morning double header, Mistress was in no mood to indulge her slave after a bonus cum resulting from my brief and fruitful worship.

But she is resilient. I suspect she will be more than welcoming this morning.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Back Into Our Groove

After two weeks with Mistress away, it was almost like starting from scratch when it comes to the restoration of conjugal routines. So there has been a certain amount of retraining for slave when it comes to satisfying Mistress's needs and desires here.

She seems to have finally overcome some of the digestive issues that dogged her on her return from Africa, but even that didn't stop our daily sexual routines of evening worship and morning wake-up sex.

And what about extracurricular activities?

"I may try to go over and see Jay on Thursday, slave....."

Hmmm.  I'm sure Jay has been missing his married lady nookie. There may be more to report on this subject tomorrow, for all of you cuckold afficianados.

On another subject....

Yesterday Terri asked whether the Dowager Domme had actually seen that snapchat shot of slave's "equipment" locked in his cage when she was looking over Mistress's shoulder in their rustic tent in Kenya.  I had asked the same question to Mistress but her answer had no real assurance.

"The jury remains out on that one, slave. She clearly was in visual range of my screen when your photo popped up.  Whether she actually saw and understood what she was looking at, I have no idea.  She didn't ask me about it."

So I guess the next time I see the Dowager Domme, I will have in the back of my mind the notion that she may be eyeing my crotch and wondering "is he or isn't he."


Monday, July 4, 2016

Independence is Overrated.

Just in time for the celebration of our nation's independence, Mistress has finally returned from her long, arduous African adventure. And just in time....Slave was getting tired of his independence!

She was a little under the weather.... she must have swallowed some of that nasty, bacteria clogged local water..... but she was all in one piece.  I've been trying to nurse her back to health.

She did come bearing  some tasteful gifts, and a rather kinky flogger made of zebra hair that should be interesting to deploy.  And pictures of all sorts of wildlife and native life.

As for sexual hijinks....

"There was this guide we spent the last week with slave. Named David.  A few years younger than you. Half Anglo. Half Kenyan. He knew all the local history from years as a guide. I could tell he liked me, and there was some flirting going on but, well... with my mother and sister hovering around and always checking on my whereabouts, it was hard to find any opportunities to get in trouble...."

For shame.  That would have certainly added to the adventure, wouldn't it?

As for our own resumption of conjugal rituals, it was a little dicey at first.  Mistress needed to overcome some intestinal distress and exhaustion from all those hours on planes and in airports.

We showered together after returning from the airport on Saturday night, and Mistress confirmed that her clean shaven folds had "gone to seed' a bit in the bush.  She quickly solved that problem.

On that first night home, slave was happy to settle for some worship  to get back into the groove. After more than 14 nights alone, the musky flavors of her natural juices were a very satisfying treat. No need to OD!

Sunday morning, after a long night's sleep following her 36 hour journey home, Mistress was rested and ready. She rode my cock to a couple of cums, before allowing her slave to take his own much deferred pleasure.

All that self-abuse while she was gone was hardly a substitute for the real thing, and I had to aplogize for the hair trigger once I was turned loose.

"That was a little embarrassing Mistress.... cumming so fast for you."

"Oh slave.... it was kind of cute. I could tell you missed me."

That's for sure.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

"Grooming" in the "Bush"?

Slave is back from our hideaway. Mistress is still off in the wilds of Kenya. Thankfully she returns on Saturday, and we were able to talk briefly today. She regaled me with stories of some lions munching on the neck of a giraffe. I'm just grateful they weren't noshing on her.

Sounds like the close quarters with her sister and the Dowager Domme has kept her sexual fun in check these nearly two weeks.  I suspect she will be a pretty horny Mistress when she touches down.

And her slave will be aiming to please.

I do wonder if she's been able to keep those clean shaven folds maintained, what with the close quarters and her limited access to showers in the "bush" ( pun fully intended).  Which brings me to an article I noted in today's NY Times, which surprised me. Most Women Prefer to Go Bare.

The report suggests that the "clean shaven look" is more common than I expected:

A new study published in the journal JAMA Dermatology on Wednesday confirmed just how widespread the practice is. Sixty-two percent of a nationally representative sample of 3,316 women said they opted for complete removal of their pubic hair; 84 percent reported some grooming.

While the report says that the percentage of ladies going for the clean shaven folds look skews younger (18-34), the 62% number was larger than this old slave would have expected. Not surprisingly, some ladies do it to accommodate a man in their life, as Mistress did at the request of one of her earler cuckolder lovers some years ago:

Women were more likely to groom if their partner expressed a preference for it, the study found. But while earlier smaller studies had shown a link between grooming and sexual activity, particularly oral sex, this study found that while some women groomed for that purpose, it was not the primary reason: For example, 22 percent of the women reported grooming around the area of the anus, but only 10 percent had partaken in anally related sexual activity in the prior year.
Instead, the researchers said, providers of health care and aesthetic treatments should become attuned to the diversity of reasons that women groom. The women also said they did so for vacation and because they see their own genitalia as more attractive when groomed.

Whatever the motivation, I can vouch for the fact that it is certainly easier for me to ply my craft at pleasing Mistress with my avid lips and tongue without all that clutter in the way. Hopefully her days as a “Jungle Girl” will not change her grooming habits once she returns to “civilization”.