Saturday, May 28, 2016

Threesome Part Deaux

I believe Mistress and I were on the same page when it came to our discussion of a hypothetical threesome. It was in the context of her instructing me to ask permission if another woman ever caught my eye (or some other less discerning body part).  So when I said I was not interested in spending time with another woman, but that a threesome might be fun, I was clearly referring to a 2 babes / 1 guy dynamic, and probably of the traditional sort - Where the guy gets to mess around with two babes who just can't get enough. I think Mistress understood exactly what I was talking about.

Of course,  the opportunity to get some R & R and watch while the wife and another woman go  at it has it's appeal too, particularly if one of them is taking charge....

But then Diane chimed in and suggested that the only way Mistress should allow her slave to get involved in a three way is when his cock is safely caged away, the way she Paul, and Terri roll. Sadly, none of Mistress's male lovers have ever wanted me to witness their sexual shenanigans with my wife.  The closest I have come has been spending the night in an adjoining bedroom, or watching some relatively chaste kissing before they adjourn to the bedroom.

But I suppose there's hope that Mistress will find a lover more willing to embrace the cuckold element of this sort of arrangement. And a three way with Mistress and another woman could certainly involve restrictions on my own release, whether caged or not.

There's the pegging approach:

Or the blindfold and plug treatment:

Or the old trusty face ride while riding the strap on approach:

But I have to say I am still partial to something more conventional, at this the first time around:

Friday, May 27, 2016


On Monday night, Mistress and slave attended a political fundraising event downtown, mentioned here on Wednesday morning.  That was the evening that tall black gentleman gave Mistress a gratuitous hug and complement about her "sexy" demeanor.

But on another front, Mistress got to talk in person to a woman about her own age that has been involved in local politics for a while, and that slave had lunch with a few weeks back. Our lunch involved comparing notes on some local political machinations, as well as the ongoing Hillary v. Bernie wars that have been raging on social media.

When we got home, Mistress gave me that raised eyebrow look.

"I think she has an eye on you, slave...."

Mistress does have a proclivity to suspect that some of slave's female acquaintances have ulterior motivations. I tend to scoff.

"I doubt it Mistress.  What sensible woman would be interested in this mouldering specimen?"

"Don't be so sure, slave..... you're still quite handsome. and very clever. women like that...."

Slave snorted. Maybe a decade or so ago I picked up some vibes from women every now and then. But not in some time. It's what happens when you're over the hill.

Then Mistress took things in an unexpected direction.

"You know slave, if you even have an inclination to get involved with another woman, you just need to ask permission...."


Now how does a husband under contract to his wife go there?

Is this a trick question?  It seemed that way, and slave wasn't biting.

"Well I don't anticipate that happening, Mistress.  In my years of experience the one thing I have learned is that getting involved with another woman is much more trouble than it's worth... with you as the one notable exception."

"I'm serious slave.  If I have permission, maybe you should too.  But you need to let me know."

"Rest assured Mistress, I'm not interested in getting involved with another woman. I have enough trouble making sure I've pleased you sufficiently...why would I take on someone else. Way more trouble than it's worth."

Of course there I was risking offending Mistress. I wasn't suggesting she was "too much trouble", just that finding the time and energy to amuse and satisfy another woman at my age would be too big a hill to climb.

But I did throw her a change-up.

"But I think a threesome would be entertaining."

"Really, slave.... a threesome?"

"What red blooded American guy hasn't fantasized about taking on two women at a time... or seeing them please one another?

I think I piqued her curiosity.

"Hmmmm...... how would that happen.....?"

Good question.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Day of Denial

Mistress must have been listening to all of you whiners about her slave not spending enough time in his cage. Monday - a day when I could not ride my bike to work - she insisted that I had gotten off the hook a little too often.

"No excuses today, slave...."

"Yes, Mistress."

The worst part was that she had one of those very early morning meetings, which meant slave went into lock down under less than optimal circumstances - there had been no discharge of those manly bodily fluids since Sunday morning.

I had to self lock on Monday morning, since Mistress was already gone to her meeting. my balls were particularly un-cooperative as I attempted to wiggle and smush them through the hard steel ring. Maybe I should have opted for the plastic CB brand lock, which has its own shortcomings - those moving parts that tend to pinch flesh and snag pubic hair at inopportune times. I always wonder if folks ask themselves "what's Mick squirming and fidgeting about" when that happens.

In any event, it wasn't like I was on the "honor system". Mistress was stopping by at the end of the day to join me at an early evening political event. That meant She could verify that her slave was securely locked down, which she did when she arrived at my office at around 5:30 pm.

Of course with Mistress in my office, it would have been negligent not to offer her the chance for some sexual relief - it had been since Sunday evening that I had the chance to pleasure her at home.  She seemed content after I finished my job, kneeling before her as she stroked my head in satisfaction. But the fresh taste of her sweet juices on my tongue, lips and face made slave a little uncomfortable, as my restrained cock jerked and shuddered in frustration against that hard steel confinement. Mistress may have noticed my discomfort.

"Awww.... poor slave... all locked away....."

We walked over to a local bar for the political reception, and spent an hour hob knobbing with old friends and hangers on.  I doubt any of them suspected that the gentlemen in the blue suit with the hottest babe there was in a steel cock cage.

At one point I was talking to one group and Mistress was in another,next to the bar. I noticed a tall, slender African American man, probably in his 40's,  approach Mistress and give her a hug, whisper in her ear, and then move to the other side of the room.

Hmmm.... no one I recognized. On our way back to our cars I asked Mistress who the guy was who gave her that hug.

"I have no idea slave.....he just walked up, gave me a hug and  and said "you sure look sexy...."

She didn't seem to mind at all.

We stopped at a local BBQ joint for an al fresco dinner before sunset, extending my time on lock down.  At home around 8:30 pm, Mistress finally allowed me to pop off that steel contraption and let the family jewels loose.


Sadly, we were both a little too tired for a sexual nightcap. It wasn't until Tuesday morning that slave finally got to break that long tortuous  48 hours of denial.  And we did it in good style, with some exuberant cock riding by Mistress as a prelude for slave's own release.

Sometimes the wait is worth it.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Evening On the Town

Mistress and slave have been homebodies of late. We enjoy our own company and there have not been many excuses for us to hang out with other folks.

But on Saturday night we were out in our rebounding downtown, Mistress all dressed up in a sexy and elegant black dress, and slave in a dark suit. A male couple Mistress works with were celebrating their first wddinganniversary. They had been married in NYC about a year ago, only weeks before the Supreme Court decided our more backward state also had to allow same sex marriages. As a practical matter, this was the fancy wedding reception that had skipped a year ago.

The festive event was held at one of those stuffy old gentlemen's  clubs which in the last century was restricted to Ivy League grads and their lunch and dinner guests. On the wall was "the Big Guy" William Howard Taft, glowering down on the proceedings. One can imagine what his reaction might have been to two gentlemen celebrating their mutual vows in his old haunt. Then again, he would have been down for the all-you-can-eat beef tenderloin and potatoes.

At the risk of sounding politically incorrect, let me just say this: gay guys throw the best parties!
Betwixt the martini bar and the wine bar and the raw bar and the charcuterie bar, Mistress and slave were certainly well fed and a little tipsy by the time the party ended with a champagne toast to the loving couple.

But for Mistress the best part was the macaroon bar. It's an addiction for her that slave has trouble relating to. But vive le difference!

As the party concluded, we decided to skip the official "after party" and trolled down the moonlit avenue to a tasteful piano bar run by a fellow who always gushes over Mistress when she graces his door. And of course he did that again on Saturday night, giving Mistress a tight hug when we found him at the bar.

As you might imagine, we slept in a little later on Sunday morning, and our wake-up sex was slow and leisurely.  Mistress seemed grateful that I pulled out her favorite power tool for a double cum before she indulged me with the favor of her clean shaven folds.

But a new work week has dawned. Mistress has one of those way too early meetings this morning, so there will be no wake up sex.  And slave can't ride to work because I have a "dress up" work day today.

"No bike, know what that means.... in your cage...."


"Yes, Mistress."

I wonder if Mistress has been paying attention to Diane's crack down over at "A Married Sissy"?