Friday, January 15, 2016

Back In River City. . . Argh!

Not much to report here at UCTMW World HQ.

We are back in town after a very pleasant two weeks of empty nesting at our beloved SW hideaway.  It always takes a while to come back to earth here in the heartland.

Adjusting to the time.

Breaking away from the heavenly routine of sex, skiing, napping, more sex....

And it's that time of year when clients and employees expect you to get your head back in the game and do their bidding.


Rest assured that Mistress and slave have made sure to keep certain rituals in tact: I've had to wake Mistress for our morning wake-up sex these last few days.  She hates to break away from mountain time!

And there's been some post-office worship, of course.

Sadly for her, rendezvous with Mistress's side-dishes have been a little hard to organize.

It's said that Jay's foot is in some sort of boot. Which apparently cramps his sexual stylings.

And with our daughter on a rather unpredictable work schedule, it's a little hard for Mistress to know when or whether to invite her side-side dish K to "stop by for lunch."

And of course the weather here in River City this time of year can also make things a little gloomier than normal.

Maybe once we get past the denial stage things will perk up!

Until then.....

Monday, January 11, 2016

Heading Back to The Heartland.

The sun was bright all weekend as Mistress and slave enjoyed the final two days of our glorious Holiday escape. But duty calls. We head home today, most reluctantly. If not, sooner or later the folks we work for might notice that we are missing!

Of course, we did get in some weekend nookie. Sunday morning slave deployed most effectively Mistress's favorite power tool to supplement the more mundane attentions of slave's attentive tongue. The result was what you might expect: a nice shuddering climax for Mistress that primed the pump for further proceedings as the sun rose over the mountain that lurked outside our bedroom window.

Mistress returned the favor by having her slave insert "your device" (the aneros) which always has the effect of making slave's cock particularly insistent when it comes time for Mistress to do a little cock riding.

Awaiting us back in River City seems to be a week of gray gloom, with the first dusting of snow of the season bound to put the locals in a bitchy mood. And of course there is the long depressing hangover the community will be struggling to shed after Saturday night's embarrassing melt-down by the local Pussycats, who once again were not ready for prime time.

Of course we do have some darling daughters and grandkids to catch up with.  That's good right?

But all in all, Mistress and slave seem most content out here in the sunny southwest, where life is laid back, the sun is shining, and a neighbor with a 50 year old tractor named Sam can be enlisted to help unclog a snow buried driveway.

Now if she can only find a cowboy side-dish.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Let It Snow

Mistress and slave have been buried in what seems like about 18 inches of new snow over the last two days here in the high desert.

Of course, there are some benefits in being snowed in.  While we had some work to do on Thursday morning, we worked in a mid-morning "sex break" (as previously reported) and also a post-nap late afternoon two-fer, that involved Mistress doing some rather enthusiastic cock riding to top off her orgasm count for the day. (But who's counting).

Yesterday we could not resist the impulse to drive up to our local ski mountain to enjoy a powder day.  But what was the rush?  we lolled in bed a little longer than usual for some pre-ski delight, before struggling to get our car out of the driveway. Slave is not into shoveling at 7000 ft., but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.

We look forward to the first sun in a few days here today, and some more morning sex before we head back up the mountain.

But before signing off, I wanted to respond to some speculation about the potential plot twist on Downton Abbey: the notion that Lady Mary might save the families struggling estate by selling her services as a Domme to the aristocracy.

Terri over at A Married Sissy asked what an antique strap on might look like. And despite exhaustive research., I must say I came up short.  Certainly the Brit twits of the Victorian era were no strangers to pegging. But the notion of synthetic or plastic faux cocks for rear entry was out fo the question in those days. The best I could come up with were some rather exotic  "rectal dilators" that the cracker jack set and artifact designers for DA could replicate or dust off for Lady Mary's use:

Certainly these could be fitted with an appropriately authentic leather harness for Lady Mary to put to good use.  And then there is the old stand-by  "double header" which could also be adapted to punch up this story line. 
It would certainly be better than implicating Bates in yet another murder of yet another good for nothing.

But Lady Mary probably doesn't need a whole lot of "kit" to play the role of a Domme, does she?  She already has that superior attitude that can put any male, regardless of title or the size of his trust fund, in his place. This photo is a good example:
Can't you imagine what's going on just below where this photo is cropped. No doubt some less than adequately endowed suitor with a fancy title is doing his best to please her with an avid if unskilled tongue. And she's totally unimpressed with his skills. Hopefully by the final episode she can whip a few of those twits into shape!

Terri, I know you and I could do better considering our experience and training! But we could never nail those posh accents.

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Shelter From the Storm

It's probably good that Mistress and slave planned a ski break for today, after 7 consecutive days of hitting the slopes. Slave's aging legs were feeling the mileage. We had some pent up work demands, including some long conference calls. Plus, last night the "big dump" occurred, burying our little hideaway in about 10 inches of fresh fluffy.

It was our first snow storm of the season, and to show the contrast, here are some photos. The first shows Mistress last summer, absorbing some rays on our patio.  (You can also see my rather sketchy effort to stucco the wall, but rest assured it looks better now).  I might add that by the time we returned to River City, those tan lines were hard to discern.

The second photo shows our patio this morning, where only a few short months ago, Mistress was lounging in the bright high desert sunshine.

While all that new powder will be fun on the mountain, driving up the canyon to enjoy it would probably be a challenge this morning.

So instead, SLave listened in on a long business call while Mistress worked on her computer in our toasty bed.

We've been talking about whether slave will "work from home" once I retire from my permanent gig.  Mistress already uses a home office for her business. We discovered one advantage of both of us working from home at about 9 am this morning.  We both set aside our work projects for a "sex break".

While I was up to early and on the phone for our typical wake up sex, this could be a nice change of pace.

"It's better than a coffee break, Mistress", I added as we snuggled after the action was concluded.

"It definitely has it's advantages, slave."

Of course, now I need another cup of coffee.