Monday, January 4, 2016

In Her Dreams

Mistress and slave have fallen into a bit of a groove here in the SW, which can make blogging a little challenging.  How many times do our readers want to here about more sex, more skiing, more sunshine, more beautiful sunsets. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

I did break out Mistress's reserve hitachi yesterday morning to give Mistress a change-up from her slave's devoted tongue. So that's something.

But there was one thing kind of amusing to break the repetitive cycle.  Mistress mentioned it when she woke up Sunday morning:

"I dreamed I was having sex with Mike (our unproductive Western Correspondent), Slave.  And (our youngest daughter) caught us."

I laughed, but seeing some blogging material, asked for some more details --

"Where was this Mistress?"

"In my old bedroom, at my mother's house...."

Hmmm.  I am wondering if the Dowager Domme got a look at Mike's special occasion cock?  Or if Mike got a look at her kinky shoe collection?

"And what did (our daughter) say about all this?"

"I told her that you knew about it and thought it was OK.  And that Mike was the guy I used to text with a few years back.  She was always curious about that.  I told her that Mike was just a friend of me and her father's.... after that she seemed cool with it."

It's good to know our daughter, now off to Europe for yet another adventure,  is so understanding....

"So what sort of sex were you having with Mike?"

"I can't remember much about that ... just regular sex I guess."

Mike, if you're still paying attention, how was it for you?

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year From Molly and Mick

As  the sun set here on 2015 at our little high desert hideaway,  Mistress and her devoted slave send Happy New Year greetings to all of our friends, devotees and lurkers!

Our own New Year's Eve celebration was pretty laid back - luscious wake up sex, skiing in bright SW sunshine, a little apres ski nap, worship for Mistress, and then a quiet dinner for two at one of Mistress's favorite restaurants, where she could special order a crisp gluten free pizza. I think she also enjoys the attention of the flirtatious Italian owner, with a very bushy moustache, who always gives her a big hug after guiding her to our table.

We always try to be back in bed together before the clock strikes midnight, and (barely) achieved our objective last night.

There is no place like being quietly snuggled in Mistress's arms when the new year arrives!

We hope all of you enjoyed 2015 as much as we did, and will have even more fun in 2016!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Snow Day

Mistress and slave did a full day on the slopes Tuesday. With the sun out and most of the mountain open, there was plenty of  terrain to tax our flatlander legs.

So when the snow clouds rolled in Tuesday night, and we woke to a cloud bank concealing our dawn mountain views, we took the course of least resistance.

"Would it kill us to take a day off, Mistress?"

"Count me in, Slave...."

So our day was spent lolling about, a fire blazing through the day in our little kiva hearth. We both did a little work, some reading, and of course, plenty of sex.

There was your bracing morning wake up sex, featuring Mistress requiring her slave to insert his "device", priming her cock for a dawn cock ride.

Then, after all of that lolling, there was a lengthy interval back in our bed, for round two.  A much needed nap followed, before the sun peeked out for a blazing sunset.

Sure we will be back on the mountain today, but who can complain about an unscheduled snow day.

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

David Dodges Goliath

In the old bible story, David took on and beat Goliath with his slingshot. Long odds were overcome.

But sometimes its best to avoid a bad bet rather than hope you'll be lucky. So  slave  plotted a course Sunday night that had us dodging the path of that ugly Goliath snowstorm that was barrelling across Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico in our direction. We drove longer than we wanted Sunday night, heading west across the dark prairie, dotted with grain elevators and silos adorned with holiday lights. We finally came to ground in a rather cozy Marriott in Garden City, KS., a town made famous by Truman Capote when he covered the murder trial that turned into his book "In Cold Blood".  fortunately, there were rooms at the Inn and we didn't have to seek shelter in the Clutter family home.

After unpacking a few things, we both collapsed onto our bed, too tuckered to find a late dinner. But slave did have enough energy to provide Mistress with some attention to her clean shaven folds before we conked out for the night. So at least one of our cum streaks remained alive.

Fortunately, slave was able to make up for lost time on Monday.  We only had about 6 hours of our drive left, and the snow was now off to the east of us. So there was plenty of time for some leisurely wake-up sex before we hit the highway for our SW hideaway.

It sure was nice to see and feel that sunshine after several days of gloom, as we crossed the high plains, following the old Santa Fe Trail, and caught first sight of the Spanish Peaks and the expanse of the Rockies.

It also allowed us to arrive in our hideaway by mid-afternoon, with the sun blazing on new fallen snow. Someone had a white Christmas!

There was nothing on the we found ourselves in bed, long before a brilliant sunset, napping then ....

"How about some worship, Mistress?"

"Sounds good, slave...."

She seemed pleased with my efforts. But wait, there's more....

"Why don't you put in your device slave...."

She was referring to the aneros, which I lubed up and duly inserted. The additional stimulation was more than enough to turn one groggy, road weary slave into one horny slave.  And Mistress made sure my hardened cock was put to  productive use.

It was a good way to start our somewhat delayed Christmas holiday.