Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Eve with the Dowager Domme

We had a very laid back Christmas Eve here in River City. And though we missed the timeless rituals at the old Pueblo near our SW hideaway, we had the unusual luxury of a sunny balmy day here.

Slave spent some time at the office in the morning, shutting down for the year, then watched Bing Crosby's White Christmas for a while with my addled Mother.  The treat was coming home in time for a bike ride in shorts and a T-shirt before a gorgeous sunset.  It was 65 degrees. No white Christmas here!

Last night we enjoyed dinner at Mistress's Mother's house.  The Dowager Domme made an excellent meal, and though she only had on black pants and a top (as Mistress was attired I might add), you gotta love these kinky shoes!

Dinner was pleasant -- no annoying relatives were included - and we got home at a reasonable hour under a blazing full moon. It was bright enough that we longed for the view of the moon rising over the mountains behind our old adobe house. But soon enough. We head there in Sunday.

I made sure to service Mistress before we turned off the lights. I wonder if visions of sugar plums mingled with thoughts of my tongue betwixt her clean shaven folds, or maybe J or K's cocks, as she faded off listening for the sounds of Santa and his reindeer on our slate roof top.  Who knows what she might find under the tree?

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas Time Is Here.

Mistress and slave are hunkered down here in River City for the holidays, our daughters under one roof these last few days. My older daughters are also in town so we have a big Christmas dinner planned here in our overcrowded nest.

While we miss spending the holidays in the tranquility of our adopted SW town, and the ancient Christmas Eve  rituals at the local Pueblo, it's also been a chance to re-sample the traditions here in River City, including a funky hipster holiday jazz show last night just up the street that our "sophisticated" Co-Ed actually seemed to enjoy.

Of course Dad picking up the bar tab also seemed to help.

Even better, we plan to head West, just the two of us, on Sunday morning after we dump our youngest at the airport for another one of her overseas adventures.

We look forward to some time there together,  where the snow has been falling this last week, off the clock and on the slopes.

A year ago we were all in Paris together, for a magical Christmas season in the City of Light. We were lucky to have been there at a more innocent time, before the horror and resulting paranoia of terrorism descended on a City that has seen so much joy and horror over the centuries.

It makes us realize how fragile the "heavenly peace" of the holiday season can be. The key seems to be: enjoy and cherish while you can. As the old song goes "through the years we'll always be together... if the fates allow." Fortunately, the fates remain on our side this Christmas season.

To all of our blogger friends, and those of you who just stop by for a little pick-me-up during the course of your day or week,  may you find the peace, joy and love of the season with your own friends and family this holiday season.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Molly Nightingale

As the days dwindle down before Christmas in our crowded house, poor Mistress has not only had to squelch her extra-curricular sexual adventures, but she's been tending to her slave and some places where the Domme-otologist did her carving on my back last week.

When you have to clean and dress several chunks on your back, it's awful hard to do it yourself.  I'd need an arm that was about 6 inches longer and an elbow that flexed at a very strange angle.

So not only has Mistress been forced to forego cock riding and stifle her sexual expression because our Dommes-in-training are in residence, she's also had to deal with my yucky medical needs.

I'm thinking maybe I should get her a suitable outfit to match her new accidental vocation.  How about this one? Mistress does tend to wear black more often than not.
Or for a change up, maybe something in white?

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Run in With the Domme-atologist

After Mistress's "2 lovers in three days" adventures earlier this week, things definitely went downhill fast here at the UCTMW World HQ.  Poor Mistress has the dreary duty of traveling to the east coast and pack up and retrieve our last remaining Co-Ed from her college campus for the holidays. It was a long drive home, and it sounds like our "loving daughter" was at her bitchy best.

She may be a "Domme in Training" but can't she take it out her angst on some pathetic frat boy rather than her parents?

You can bet that slave missed Mistress while she was out of town on her daughter retrieval mission. And relieved when she arrived back after that long drive on Thursday evening. I made sure there was a warm dinner and even warmer bed for her, with some extra Worship tossed in at the end of the day.

So we now have a particularly crowded house - including our older daughter's recently graduated boy friend, who has been hanging around more frequently this week. All of these occupants have forced us to crank up the Christmas music in our bedroom to mask the sounds of our furtive couplings.

It's not the best way to get into the holiday spirit.

My own Friday was less than relaxing. I've had some feisty and demanding clients this week, just when I thought that things would calm for the end of the year.  On top of that I had another run in with my Domme-ish lady dermatologist yesterday afternoon - the one in the leather pants and kinky boots.

After having me strip down to my skivvies and don one of those pathetic back open robes, She and her rather butch assistant spent about 30 minutes torturing me with sharp objects and some strange electric device that sizzled my skin.  Thankfully the magic of lidocaine dampened the pain. My guess is that her more masochistic patients  pass on that little numbing shot to add to the thrill. As the process unfolded I began to empathize with the Thanksgiving Turkey we carved up a few weeks ago.

At some point, as she reached for a sharper carving tool, she asked me in her vaguely middle eastern accent "how are you doing...."

"Other than the humiliation of laying here in my underwear, I guess I'm doing ok."

I figured Terri would appreciate that line.

And it made me  question why I had worn those old cotton briefs, rather than the glossier black or turquoise and much silkier undies that Mistress purchased me for my birthday last month.

(No readers, they aren't ladies' wear. But they are of a synthetic fabric that is much clingier and softer to the touch than what my traditional  undie drawer used to be stuffed with.  I don't think this is the first step in some sort of "sissification" reprogramming by Mistress, is it?)

It made me wonder if the Domme-atologist and her assistant had ever had some seemingly alpha- patient strip down to his skivvies and find some alluring pink panties instead.

It also made me grateful that Mistress hadn't insisted that I wear my cock cage to work on Friday.
