Saturday, December 5, 2015

Mountain Man Sighting

Mistress and slave have been enjoying some plentiful early snow up on our ski mountain this week. The holiday crowds have yet to arrive, giving us the feeling of having our own private ski resort with open trails for getting our legs back in shape for the season.

And with the much missed privacy, we have also had the chance for more raucous and sustained encounters betwixt the sheets.

Of course, one thing missing is that Mistress does not have a side-dish lover in these parts (yet) in order to fully exploit all this privacy.

As if to highlight that one missing piece of the puzzle, she spotted HIM.  It was a post lunch lift ride that traverses a steep double black downhill run, not open yet for need of a few more feet of snow. Below us was a tall, rangy ski patrolman, side stepping down the steep pitch, compacting the first layer of snow with his skis.

"I think that's HIM, slave, Mistress whispered to me."

Sure enough, it was Mistress's "fantasy date", the mountain man of her dreams, who has climbed Mt. Everest more than any other American climber (which guy in this photo do you think HE is?).  Mistress's mountain man  lives somewhere in  our neighborhood here and when he's not leading climbers up Denali or Everest, he spends his winters working the ski patrol to keep in shape and acclimated to high altitudes. Mistress has been drooling over him ever since we saw one of his lectures/slide shows of his adventures. And all week she's been speculating aloud about whether HE is in town rather than climbing some mountain in Antarctica as he is wont to do at this time of year.  Mistress was able to confirm from HIS facebook and instagram posts that he was, indeed, on our mountain this week. She's been craning her neck every time a red jacketed skier passes by.

I yelled an hello to HIM as we passed overhead, and he yelled a jaunty hi back.  But Mistress, blushing a bit, remained silent. No doubt she was distracted by her quickening pulse and the sudden slickening of those clean shaven folds induced by the sudden appearance of her mythic crush.

Of course, Mistress has talked to HIM before. And they are even facebook friends, exchanging a few flippant comments from time to time. But Mistress has never had any extended opportunity to work her lethal charms on HIM.

Alas.   Maybe someday.  Until then, slave will have to do his best to keep Mistress's engines running.

Thursday, December 3, 2015


Mistress and slave headed west early yesterday morning and are now safely ensconced in our SW hideaway. It's great to be here, as the milky way sparkles overhead, and the temperatures dip to 10 degrees.  There is even a little snow pooled around the house, with more up on the mountain where we intend to get the first turns of the season in this morning.

While our early departure precluded wake up sex yesterday morning in River City, we made up for lost time yesterday afternoon as we settled into our bed.

"It's nice not to have to stifle, slave", Mistress said as the dust settled following some robust post sunset coupling.

"No doubt, Mistress....."

While all that TG family time was fun, we have missed our empty nest.

Another person who seems to miss Mistress's empty nest is K, her side-side dish.

As we drove to the airport yesterday, Mistress noticed some text messages from K.

"He knew we were leaving today, but wasn't sure when.... he wanted to come over first thing, while you were still here, and have a little fun."

"Bummer you missed that chance, Mistress."

"Not sure what got him going so early in the morning , but I told him I'm happy to be used  in that way, slave....."

On the ride up to our house later in the day, it seemed that Mistress and K kept up some ongoing text banter about plans for when we get back, which will be all too soon.  And let's not forget J.  He's had some hard family issues to deal with lately, but the two of them had a chaste lunch on Tuesday, and he apparently indicated a desire to get back to basics with Mistress.

At least Mistress has some extracurricular action to look forward to after we return to family and friends for the Christmas holiday.

Monday, November 30, 2015


Mistress and slave finally got a little breathing room here at the UCTMW World HQ by last evening.  But it did not come without some additional struggle.

First there was the 3:30 am drive to the airport to off-load our daughter on a way-too-early plane back to her east coast campus. It seemed we barely got any sleep at all.  Back home by 6 am, we tried to get a little more sleep, which was easier for Mistress than her over cafientated slave.

By 8:30 am, we were restored to some level of consciousness, and engaged in some furtive Sunday morning sex, conscious of the fact that our other daughter and the boyfriend were still parked across the hall, sleeping in after a late night on the town with friends.

We did loll in bed a bit longer than normal, where we had some semblance of privacy.  But by 11 am or so, Mistress was making breakfast for her slave before I headed out to the Pussycats's game in a cold damp chill, accompanied by two daughters and the boyfriend.  Mistress was dressing for her own family outing.  She was going to the theatre with her mother, the Dowager Domme, a mission that seemed not too much fun either, after a long weekend of forced family "fun".

Indeed, Slave whined a bit to Mistress about a little too much family time.

"Of course I enjoy spending time with my girls, Mistress.  But sometimes going to a football game with your "buddies" for a little trash talk and a little too many intoxicants can be a lot of fun. With the girls you have to be the proper role model."

In other words, there is no chance one of the people behind or next to me at the stadium will be reporting me to the JERK text line when my daughters are along for the ride.

Mistress didn't seem any happier about going to the theatre with her Mother, but she did point out an intriguing fashion choice.  While she was wearing pants, "I put on some of my peek-a-boo tights, slave", sharing a little glimpse as I headed off for the game.

So when We returned 5 hours later, celebrating a Pussycats victory, it was natural for us to huddle up under the sheets for a late afternoon nap.  I was pressing up against Mistress in my black running tights, while Mistress had on her peek-a-boo tights.  (I suppose it would have been a good time to break out the 'selfie-stick' for our readers, particularly you guys who enjoy sliding into some tights yourselves).  But I can share this older photo to give you a touch of last afternoon's attire.

And when we woke up from that nap, rest assured that Mistress allowed her slave to worship her through the little opening in her black tights between those warm and toasty thighs.

By bedtime, the boyfriend was finally off to campus, after a four night sleepover with our daughter.  At last.....

So after all those days of a crowded house, we are now down to three as the work day begins.  Fortunately, Mistress kept those tights on through the evening which means slave will have a special treat as we engage in some wake-up sex this morning!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Spinning Season

Mistress and our last remaining Co-Ed, in town for the holiday, have been going to morning spinning classes the last few mornings. And while it's cut into our shared bike rides, slave didn't realize that spinning has it's own kinky allure.

The costume.

Check out the rather fetching black tights Mistress combined with some cowboy boots for her trip to the spinning salon:

I was a little surprised how fetching Mistress looked just to go to a morning exercise class.

"You don't actually spin in cowboy boots, do you Mistress?"

"Of course not, that would be silly, slave....they provide special shoes there."

"Sort of like bowling?"

"NO it's nothing like bowling actually work up a sweat. Try it some time with me."

No. spinning isn't for me. I actually did it once with Mistress a long time ago. way too exhausting for an old, pampered slave.  And my sense is this place is mostly a babe thing. But if the babes where hot tights like this to exercise, maybe I should reconsider.  It would burn a lot of calories, and the view might no be too bad either.

Of course, Mistress and slave were able to enjoy their morning wake-up sex, playing a little music to mask our furtive couplings from the two daughters and one boyfriend across the hall from us before that mid-morning spinning session.

Then we were off to run our respective errands. Slave had some household chores to do, a trip to Home Depot, and even did a little Christmas shopping.  Mistress and our daughters went to the third consecutive family meal with the Dowager Domme and her sister and brother in law at a local restaurant, which I was able to get a pass on.....

When we got together back home at around 2:30 pm, Mistress explained how she let us dodge another big feed bag family feast.

"My mother was a little miffed when I told her we would not be coming to her house tonight for "leftovers", owe me....."

Yes, I definitely owe her. The thought of three nights in a row chowing down with the same in-laws was a little more than a pampered slave could handle. And a night at home with Mistress was a lot more appealing.

Plus there was a bonus....Our Co-Ed was lured to grandma's house at the thought of leftover turkey and pies. And truth be told, she doesn't get as much time to spend with family as we do. With our recent grad working late and her boyfriend out with boyfriends, well that left us with a temporarily empty nest for at least a few hours, starting at 6 pm sharp.

You can bet we fully exploited it!

There was some introductory worship, some very enthusiastic cock riding, and then, after she had enjoyed several cum, Mistress gave her slave permission to cum.

So rather than Black Friday, Mistress and slave celebrated Two-fer Friday.

It was so much better than getting in a brawl at Best Buy over a wide screen TV!