Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Monday, November 16, 2015

What is it With Mistress and Scorpios?

Mistress and slave are back in River City after a very nice getaway.  It was a lovely weekend of sex, long walks on the beach, sex, eating, sex, college football, and more sex. A great way for slave to celebrate his birthday.

Although there was almost a tragedy: Slave had deployed Mistress's favorite power tool on Sunday morning.  And after a long walk on the beach and tasty breakfast at a local restaurant, slave almost forgot to pack it for our return home.

Luckily, I noticed it at the side of the bed in our cute little bedroom as I was completing my packing.

"Well that's a relief, slave. If we had gotten home without it, I would have expected you to have one sent to us overnight!"

I wonder if Amazon has that drone delivery system set up yet for just such an emergency?

So here we are back to the grind after only a brief weekend away. Mistress let me know that she would be out a little later tonight, for a dinner with Jay to celebrate his birthday, which occurred last week.

"Strange.  Last week we both had birthdays...."

"And K's Birthday is next week, slave...."

"So all your lovers are Scorpios?"

"Apparently, slave...."

If any of you are experts on such things, maybe you can give us a brief psychoanalysis... why does Mistress gravitate to Scorpios?

As for me, I have some out of office appointments scheduled, which means despite some nice weather, I won't be biking today.  Which means....

"It's a cage day for you slave....."

With Mistress having dinner plans, it could be a long day for this not quite as pampered as I used to be house slave.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Lake Escape

Mistress and slave bolted from River City early Friday morning for a weekend getaway on one of those Great Lakes to the north. There has been plenty of sex. To the point where Mistress is considering shutting me down for a day or two. 

"It's been a busy week for me. "

True. Jay last Saturday. Me all week. Then K on Thursday. 

Poor Mistress!

We also got in some walks on the sunny beach. And an afternoon at my alma mater for some college football. 

Not much time to blog now. A little more r and r before we head home. But here's a special treat from this morning:

Friday, November 13, 2015

With Her Slave Locked Away, Mistress Will .....

Thursday started like any other day here at the UCTMW World HQ.

Blog written.

Blog read by Mistress while being worshiped.

Wake-up sex.

Slave into his cage and Mistress closing the lock.

Slave off to work, while Mistress works from her home office.

But then.... I was "slaving away" at the office when I got a text from Mistress.

"Lunch with K, slave..... he's coming here...."

Hmmmm.... this required a follow up phone call. Mistress explained that her lunch appointment canceled, so on a flier she texted K (her side-side dish) and asked if he wanted to meet for lunch at the restaurant they've been a few times.  Further texting ensued....

K: Is your daughter working today?

M: Yes.

K: Why don't I come to your house?

M: Really?

K: I've got a hard cock for you.

While it had been a while (maybe 6 months) since they had "hooked up", Mistress was clearly intrigued.  Not one to shirk a hard cock, the answer, of course, was "Why not?".

Slave went back to work, attending a lunch meeting at my office, but my cage seemed a little tighter than usual as I downed the catered eggplant parmesan and tried to pay attention to my blathering colleagues.  The fate of a  cuckold husband is to imagine the things happening in the marital bed when his wife is entertaining a lover. And I have a very vivid imagination.

Turns out, what happened was even beyond the imaginings of my in-the-gutter brain.  Here is a brief summary of Mistress's after action report, served up in our bed Thursday evening, after Mistress woke from her much needed nap.

"When I opened the door, he just pushed me against the wall, slave.... and kissed me, his hands going where you might expect....I was a little worried that the neighbors might see...."

Hmmm.... hands all over her?  I was imagining Mistress had some work-a-day jeans on.... or maybe her bike riding clothes....

"So what were you wearing Mistress?"

"That little black nightie I lie around the house sometimes when you're here slave.... I figured after I took my shower, knowing K was coming over, well why get all dressed up...."

Why indeed.

"Was that hot, Mistress.... him pushing you against the wall....very dominant...."

"Of course, slave... He said I looked incredibly hot...."

Mistress does like a complement. But then K's observation was dead on.

"And then?"

"Then he told me to walk up the stairs in front of him, so he could fondle me on the way to our bedroom....'

"Like with his hand between your legs, Mistress?"

"That's right, slave."

I couldn't help but imagine how wet Mistress must have been, after K's 'surprise attack" at the door, then his fingers probing those clean shaven folds as she was hustled up the stairs.

"And then?"

"Well then I was in our bedroom, him stripping for me, then me sucking that cock, slave...he really likes that...."

"No doubt."

"There was cock riding, and more conventional fucking.... he stayed for about an hour and a half.. We did it three times in all....."

"Huh . . . are you saying he came three times while he was here?"

"That's right, slave. He is kind of amazing. Very fit...."

That is a jaw dropper. K is about 8 years younger than Mistress, a very macho hockey player type.... but how many of us, even in our 30's could do it 3 times in 90 minutes?  Not this humble and pampered house slave.

No wonder Mistress was tuckered out by the time I got home.

But she did let me worship, adding one more cum as a nightcap after her rather busy day. And K's lunch time "hat trick" left a compelling and complex aftertaste to Mistress's lush, well exercised folds.

It made for a sweet and savory nightcap for me too.