Saturday, October 3, 2015


Mistress was definitely in a feisty mood when Slave emerged from the early October gloom at the end of the work day.

I was allowed to shower off the detritus of my bike ride home through a mix of blustery wind and mist. But after that, the agenda was hers. And, very conveniently, our daughter had just left the house for the evening.

"It's been a very long time since I fucked you in the ass, slave....go fetch our supplies...."

It had been a while. So it took me some time to gather up her "tools" : the leather strap-on harness. It's plastic "business end". And of course the lubricant.

But, sadly, that was not all the equipment needed.

"And get the riding crop too, slave.... be quick about it."

Maybe it was Freudian, but I had absolutely no recall where the riding crop was. It's clearly been gathering dust somewhere.  When I made that confession, she had a substitute in mind. And I quickly came to regret my lack of preparation.

She emerged from the closet with her strap-on in place and a wicked wooden "back scratcher" in hand.  About 15 inches long, and very, very hard.

Slave obediently assumed the position, and proceeded to endure Mistress's wacking on my back side, with a good deal of squirming involved. I guess this is when some restraints would come in handy, because my inability to stay in one place had me enduring some extra wacks as Mistress ordered me to get back into position.

"So what is this punishment for?", I had the temerity to ask between whines of pain.

"You've not been paying enough attention to me, slave...."

Sadly, that's probably true.  I have been a little distracted at work and with some civic activity these last few weeks. Mistress deserves more. And she taught me that lesson very, very effectively.

When the whacks stopped falling, slave was shuddering a bit, and very relieved.  Mistress decided to take a photo to commemorate the occasion.

"This is for sharing with our readers, slave....."

Clearly, she's still appeasing the rabble. Although I have a feeling most of you will find my pale, blotchy ass less than appealing. Wouldn't you much rather see Mistress's bottom? With or without crop marks?

Rest assured that my butt is now back to normal, and that Mistress seemed to take much pleasure in deploying her strap-on. She always cums with mucho gusto when she gets to do all that thrusting.

And slave was allowed to take his own pleasure too after Mistress had done her "worst" on my aging ass.

After the dust settled, we settled down to watch a kinky Australian movie ("My Mistress"), culminating a night of excess that was too long in the cumming.

"We need to do this more often, slave", she murmurred, snuggling against me as I massaged her feet.

We am I to disagree.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Glad You Are All Amused

Based on the volume and tone of your comments here yesterday, it's clear you are all pleased as punch about this pampered house slave being locked away for the day.

You will be happy to know Mistress was pleased too.

"It really is reassuring to know you're under lock  and key slave.... I think you called and texted me more through the day...."

Mistress likes her slave to be in touch and attentive.

And I might add it was a long day in the cage.  Mistress had a drink with Jay around 5 pm. Jay's still working through a family medical crisis, so there was no sex involved. Then she went to a Board meeting, not getting home until 9 pm.

Slave was home, preparing dinner for our back at home daughter, and one of my older daughters and her husband. So while I was not in an apron and panties like Terri might be, I was attending to domestic chores.

And I was certainly grateful when Mistress arrived home and she popped me loose after about 14 hours on lock down. You get bet I showed my gratitude by some extended time between those firm and fit thighs.

As for Diane's comment that this become a more regular routine, Mistress seems to agree.

"If you're not riding your bike, I can see no reason for you not to be caged, slave...."

Now that's an incentive to get more exercise if I ever heard one.

I'm hoping its not a rainy day today.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Our Readers Are Appeased

Are you happy now?

All of those comments pointing out to Mistress that it's been a while since I wore that cock cage gathering dust in my sock drawer apparently reached critical miss.

I got the following text yesterday afternoon at work:

"I read those comments slave.... they're right..... we need to get you back in that cock cage."

There was even a postscript about getting out her strap-on Friday evening when our daughter has plans to spend the night elsewhere.

So Mistress has succumbed to the demands of our rabble of readers, sort of like a Roman Empress looking to the Coliseum riff-raff and asking whether to let the lions devour a Christian or two?

Slave knows how to follow orders though.  I made sure to smuush my cock and balls through that hard steel ring this morning when I climbed out of bed, before I head back upstairs for some wake-up sex. At least she'll have a particularly hard cock before it goes into lock down.

I hope you're all happy.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Way Too Early Sex

Mistress required her slave to cross a boundary into the unknown yesterday morning:

un-caffeineated wake-up sex!

Mistress had one of those way-too-early morning meetings up the highway, which meant she had to get up and into the shower by 6:30 am. Typically that requires us to abandon our wake-up sex traditions, deferring to later in the evening or even the next morning.

But for some reason Mistress and slave found ourselves awake in bed together at around 6 am, a time when Mistress is usually fast asleep.

"How about sex, slave?", Mistress asked.

But when your wife is the boss, that's just a rhetorical question isn't it?

"Hmmmm..... not sure I can get it going without coffee, Mistress."

The equivalent of a withering stare from Mistress threw down the gauntlet.

By starting with some pre-fucking worship, slave was able to get his head straight (and awake) which got other body parts straightened as well.  The result was an encouraging discovery: this old pampered house slave can still "get it on" (and up) without chemical stimulants!

Once our morning efforts were done we each headed off to the daily work drudgery. When I got home after a post-work meeting, Mistress had some interesting developments to share.

"I messaged K (her backup side dish) and we're having lunch on friday, slave....."

So Mistress has taken in hand the cuckolding conundrum we discussed here on Monday.

"Then later in the day I started getting some salacious texts from him..... pretty hot!"

"And what was he saying , Mistress?"

"He had some scenario in mind where he comes over here in the am, after you fuck me, and climbs into bed with me while you are in the shower...."

"Hmmmm..... sounds pretty hot, Mistress....."

Of course the problem is the presence of our college grad returnee.

"I mentioned that slave.... but K seems pretty interested....maybe we can set it up some morning when she's visiting the boyfriend, or has to go to work...."

Hope springs eternal, like old slave's work-a-day cock.