Thursday, August 6, 2015

One Way to Get an Upgrade

The sun set Monday on our trip to the left coast.  Mistress is bronzed from all that sand and sun.  Slave is splotchy red in parts. And the sun really did set on us there - we took the red eye home so as to get an extra day of sun.

Of course there is a certain price to pay for that extra day on the beach - that long sleepless night in those narrow seats. But, amazingly the air travel gods conspired in our favor.  When slave checked in, I actually got an upgrade.

Of course, so slave worth his salt would take the upgraded seat in first class, and consign his loving Mistress to that narrow middle coach seat she drew from Delta. I chivalrously handed her my boarding pass, and then went to the guy at the desk to see what he could do, explaining our plight. Of course he would sell me a first class seat for $350 more. (Sorry dude).  But for free he found me an aisle seat, which turned out to be one of those "comfort" coach seats - that came without the nails embedded in the cushion.  Better yet it was right behind first class, so I could see Mistress in aisle 3, chatting up some younger red headed guy sitting next to her.

Then lightning really struck. A fairly attractive , 40 something stewardess saw me sitting by my lonesome in aisle 10 and seemed confused. She consulted her print out (ues they still have those) and seemed to think I didn't belong there.  I explained why there was a "Mick" in the seat, rather than a "Molly" and my act of chivalry.  Before we took off, she came back and sotto vocco told me that in light of my good deed I could take one of the remaining first class seats once the pilot turned off the fasten seat bell light.

That freed Mick to move up to aisle two once we were somewhere over the Sierra Madres.  Sadly, by then Mistress was fast asleep, ans so was Mr. red head.  I took my seat, watched a little TV, drank some of that free red wine, and nodded off some where over Nebraska. Mistress didn't realize I was sort of across the aisle from her until she woke during landing at about 6 am.

She seemed a little surprised. Particularly when I explained how I got there.

"I was a little worried about whether that red headed guy would come onto you Mistress. So I offerred that cute stewardess some oral sex in the restroom on return for an upgrade. She thought I did a pretty good job. I told her I was 'well trained'."

I think Mistress really believed me, at least for a while.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Ocean View Worship

Mistress and Slave took a nostalgic tour of the Northern CA Coast this weekend - traveling north on Saturday to a little idyllic "town" where the Russian River meets the Pacific, and where we took our young daughters for summer vacations back before the "turn of the century".  We stumbled down the narrow, steep path to a secluded beach where river meets sea, and where humans are far out numbered by seals and pelicans.

It's a place where we frolicked with our young ones years ago, building sand castles and constructing shelters from drift wood.  But now we were alone, the daughters all grown up and frolicking in different ways.  The sun burnt through the morning fog just as we arrived, and Mistress soon was stripped down to her undies, enjoying the warm sun.

We spent a good chunk of the afternoon down there, enjoying the sea breeze, the sounds of the surf and watching seals pop in and out of the water, hunting for the fish that were trying to swim up river.

But before we abandoned our abandoned chunk of heaven, there was some business to be taken care of.

"How about some worship, Mistress?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Slave....."

We did have to dodge the gaze of all those tourists on the cliffs above, taking the photo op but not daring the steep trail down.  So Mistress huddled under a make-shift drift wood lean-to, slithering out of her undies, and parking her firm ass on a beach towel.

"It's a little sandy down there, Slave....."

Ah yes. the ubiquitious beach sand had insinuated itself into those clean shaven folds.  Slave did his best to brush her clean, and soldiered through his duties. What's a little grit when it comes to savoring and serving?

Mistress soon came with s shudder and moan, and complimented her slave on my devotion.  Then it was time to abandon our little patch of heaven and head back to our B&B.

Rest assured that slave was rewarded for his service.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Beach Bums

Mistress and Slave slid off to a cute little beach town just north on Highway 1 for a few days of R&R before heading back to the heat and drudgery of River City.

We haven't missed much back there, and are grateful we've been away as our hometown is embroiled in yet another racial / policing controversy. Good time to leave town!

The weather is much cooler here this time of year, and the vagaries of the "marine layer" blowing in from off shore can make for cool, cloudy mornings.  But when the sun pops out, Mistress is more than happy to enjoy the sun.

The cool mornings are perfect for lounging in our bed in a cozy if a bit cramped and overdecorated B&B room, leaving plenty of time for some sex that might have woken the lady in the next room before a long walk on the beach.

When the clouds rolled back again around lunch time, we headed a little further up the Coast, and found a sunny beach along Tomales Bay where Mistress napped and slave caught up on some old New Yorkers. Then it was back to our B&B at around 5 pm before some pre-dinner nooky.  Our fellow boarders might take up a collection to find us a more secluded room if we keep this up!

In case you were wondering, Mistress claims that her breakfast date - that old high school friend she went skinny dipping with - did not overtly flirt with her.

"I think he had a crush on me back then, slave. but was always too timid to come onto me."

No wonder. Mistress can be a little intimidating.

But there was someone else at the hotel who wasn't timid.

"I was riding the elevator with this very handsome guy, slave.  ABout my age. He chatted me up, very flirtatious. He asked me if I was "traveling alone".  I think he was disapointed when I answered that I was here with my husband."

"was he hot, Mistress?"

"He was  definitely the kind of guy I would have had a drink with if I was traveling alone."

Hmmm.   I guess my short business engagement should have dragged on a bit longer.

Thursday, July 30, 2015


Mistress and Slave dropped off the radar back in River City yesterday, and have popped  back up on the left coast. It's a business trip for me, and I induced Mistress to join me with  a promise of a few days at the beach.  Big surprise - she fell for it!

So we've spent about 24 hours walking the streets of the City by the Bay, I have finished my brief work assignment, and soon we will pick up a car to head up the Coast for a few days of R&R.

Our hotel was one of the locations for that 1958 Hitchcock movie Vertigo.  So that inspired us to watch the movie Sunday evening. Last night we found the posh Nob Hill apartment building that Kim Novak called during the movie. And our hotel features a stair well that would made Jimmy Stewart's head spin.

The more appealing view at the hotel was Mistress on our king sized bed, "airing out" after a several hours of marching up and down hills here on an unusually warm afternoon.  Rest assured that Slave soon was employing all of my devotional skills to make her afternoon complete.

This morning, Slave had that brief work engagement that paid for my plane ticket and that nice hotel room bed. Mistress set up a breakfast date with an old male friend from her high school days who is a high tech poobah here on the coast. He cleared his schedule when Mistress offered to meet him for breakfast.

I was a little curious.

"So did you guys have sex back in the day, Mistress?"

She poo-poohed the notion.

"It wasn't like that then, Slave.  I was just in high school."

So you're saying he's never seen you naked, Mistress?"

"Well there was that time up in Alaska, when a group of us went skinny dipping...."

Ah, I figured there was a back story here.  Mistress is  now on her way back from her breakfast date.  I am looking forward to a full rundown.