Sunday, July 12, 2015

Negligent Slave

We are most reluctantly heading back to River City today, after one last bike ride around our idyllic neighborhood. Fortunately, the weather cooperated these last two days.  Friday we took a long hike down a rocky trail into the Rio Grande gorge, and picniced on the banks of the swollen, rushing river.

Saturday turned out to be gloriously sunny most of the day, giving Mistress a few more hours to enjoy here au natural privileges on our patio. You can bet she took full advantage. But after reading one of Terri's entry's this week over at "A Married Sissy", I realized I had fallen down on the job while tending to my field slave duties.  Terri and his wife Diane were also on vacation last week, and when Diane realized Terri had been ogling a woman enjoying the sun by the pool along with them, she required Terri to display his fealty in a very public way by running seemingly unnecessary errands and meticulously applying sun screen while the other woman watched. It seemed that Diana had clued this other woman into Terri's status as her sissy / slave.

My failure was not offering to apply sunscreen early and often to Mistress, to potentially embarrassing consequences, which I learned about yesterday afternoon.

"My folds are peeling, Slave."

"Oh no, Mistress, is it painful?"

"No. But a little messy. I bet Jay will notice. "

That's right. Mistress is planning a sleep-0ver with her lover Jay this week, once we return.

At least she has something to look forward to back in rainy, crowded and way too busy River City.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Winding Down Our Holiday

A week here at our SW hideaway seems to fly by in a blur of sex, sun and exercise, along with some household and maintenance chores for slave. I'm getting better at smearing stucco smoothly onto our abobe walls.  But I suspect my skills at pleasing Mistress with my tongue remains superior to my stucco smearing abilities. I guess that reenforces my brand as a pampered house slave.

One feature about our summer holidays here on the edge of the mountains is that we get in lots of biking. There are some cruel hills, and at this high altitude, it keeps us in pretty robust shape.  Here is Mistress surveying the landscape after a long hill climb.
Of course, all that exercise keeps both of us fit for other endeavors too.  Without the need to stifle our sexual exertions because of a cute daughter nearby, we've been able to "cut loose" a little more on this trip.  Mistress has been keeping her cock riding skills tuned up, even without her more athletic lover Jay to keep her on her toes (or haunches).

Speaking of Jay, we have arranged a sort of "double date" for Mistress's birthday a week from tonight, once we are back home. Mistress chatted briefly with Jay yesterday by text and he confirmed he will be happy to join us for a birthday dinner for Mistress. She does seem to enjoy the attention of two men for an evening out - both her husband and her lover.

"What's not to like about that, Slave?"

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Cuckold National Anthem

Here at the UCTMW SW annex we've been enjoying some unusually damp weather. Yes, we've been able to go on our daily bike rides. And there has still been plenty of time to work on that tan, but the unexpected moisture and a few cloudy mornings have provided an incentive to stay in bed a little longer in the morning.

And you know what that means..... even more time to engage in our wake-up sex rituals. Slave caught this photo of Mistress awaiting her slave's return to bed, and avid, skilled tongue.

And when the skies fill with dramatic thunderheads in late afternoon, its a good excuse to take shelter in our bed for some late afternoon napping and nookie.

Monday night we did leave the shelter of our old adobe home in order to take in some local musicians paying homage to the old blues legend Muddy Waters. Of course all those old Delta Blues ditties seem to focus on sex... usually the narrator has been done wrong, or maybe wants his lady to "rock him all night long...." But one old tune I had heard long before.... recorded by the Rolling Stones on one of their first albums ....revealed a theme I had not considered back in the late 1960's when the notion of "cuckolding" was not on my innocent "I Want to Hold Your Hand" radar screen. Check out the lyrics, particularly that last line:

Well I'm a king bee  Buzzing around your hive  Well I'm a king bee, baby  Buzzing around your hive  Yeah I can make honey baby  Let me come inside  Well I'm a king bee  Want you to be my queen  Well I'm a king bee, baby  Want you to be my queen  Together we can make honey  The world has never seen  Well, buzz a while...  Sting it then...  Well I'm a king bee  Can buzz all night long  Well I'm a king bee, baby  Can buzz all night long  Yeah I can buzz better baby  When your man is gone ...

Of course, now Mistress and Slave get a naughty thrill when there's a king bee or two "buzzing around her hive". Last night over dinner, Mistress mentioned she has plans to spend a night with her lover Jay, who's son is out of town. We talked through various alibis she can use to explain her absence to our recent graduate, who will be populating the hive on our return.

I'm sure we'll come up with something. And at least it gives Mistress something to look forward to upon our return to River City!

Monday, July 6, 2015

Cherry Season

It was our last of three glorious days of not being "on call" for work and clients, and Mistress and slave fully exploited it.

There was some raucous wake-up sex to start the day, with Slave deploying Mistress's favorite power tool, after a little warm up with my lips and tongue. It seemed it took less than a minute before Mistress was asking for permission to cum. And who was I to say no, as her hips thrashed through her release.

"That's such an efficient machine, Slave", she murmured as she  came back down to planet hideaway.  Mistress then returned the favor, first by using her own lips and tongue to bring her work-a-day cock to full attention, and then riding it to another orgasm. Having seemingly satisfied my Mistress for the moment, it was soon the slave who was (more appropriately) asking for permission to cum.

After Mistress whipped up heaping plates of scrambled eggs, slave mounted our bikes on the rent-a-car and we headed up to s scenic national park along the Rio Grande for an 18 mile ride across the high desert landscape.

Back at the house, it was time to relax a bit out in our patio. It did not take Mistress long to shed her biking shorts and jersey. As you can see, Mistress enjoyed a healthy snack. She's a big fan of Ranier cherries!

By late afternoon, we were ready for a nap. But before pulling back the covers, Mistress got a call from her lover, Jay.  He had just dropped off his son for two weeks with his other parent. I made myself scarce so they could "catch up", joining Mistress in bed once her call was completed.

"I think he's disappointed that I'm not around now that he's kid-less slave...."

"I'm sure he is Mistress.... if we had thought ahead, we could have invited him out here to join us for a while....."

Mistress scrunched her face in thought.

"Hmmmm..... I'm not sure how that would work.  It would be a real challenge to decide who to sleep with every night, slave....."

"It would put you on the spot, wouldn't it.  I guess we could draw straws."

"I'm not sure Jay would want to share like that, slave...."

"I guess you could do shuttle diplomacy.... sort of Henry Kissinger, but sexy and naked?"

We shelved the idea for some future visit. Obviously planning would be important. But all that cuckolding talk did seem to put Mistress in the mood for some pre-nap worship.

Not that it takes much to put her in the mood.