Monday, March 23, 2015

Free At Last

After dumping our daughter at the airport on Saturday, Mistress and Slave have indulged in some of the activities that only an "empty nest" allow.

First there was a lazy day hanging around Santa Fe, visiting a museum, wandering through that charming downtown and up Canyon Rd., at a leisurely pace, not at the forced march cadence that our "sweet" Co-Ed prefers, always striding 20 feet in front of her boring parents. Sometime the journey is more fun than the destination.

Back at our adobe hideaway on Sunday morning, we set our own schedule. Which included some unfiltered wake-up sex. Since it was our traditional "switch day", Slave dug out some soft towel strips, just long enough for binding Mistress to our bed.  Then Mistress's favorite power tool was deployed, and much cumming ensued.

Once the dust settled, Mistress gave her Slave the ultimate thumbs up.

"That was very good sex, Slave."

"Always happy to serve, Mistress."

After our ski day in bright sunshine, stripped of the overly filling and time killing lunch break our daughter always insists on, we were back at our hideaway by 3 pm or so, leaving time for Mistress to absord some high desert sunshine -- but without the cumbersome undies she was required to wear last week so as not to "shock" our daughter.

When I wandered out onto the patio with a snack, Mistress was already stretched out naked, languishing  in the sun.

"You're nakers, Mistress!"

"Have a problem with that, Slave....?"


Saturday, March 21, 2015

Re-Booting Spring Break

Here at our SW hideaway today makes the end of spring break with surly Co-Ed and the beginning of a 4 day vacation for Mistress and Slave before heading back to River City. We drop our "little darling" off at the airport around 11 am today, and I suspect their will be a high five as we see her safely enter the terminal, ever present ear buds in place, headed back to campus.

What a bummer we couldn't find her a convenient flight on Sunday! (Not!)

Actually, she was better behaved on this trip than spring break 2012, which almost had Slave building a catapult to send her back to campus early.

Of course, now that she's 21, she can indulge over dinner or at lunch. Maybe that has mellowed her? It's good to see that she's developed a good taste for wine and higher end gin to mix with her tonic when Daddy is picking up the tab. But she still has a tendency to be disputatious, engaging in a form of conversation with her tedious and uninformed parents that the folks at Monty Python would have labeled "contradiction" rather than "argument" (if you are old enough to recall that bit).

Luckily, she does have a tendency to hole up in her "girl cave", streaming video over our rickety internet service, when we are not out skiing or dining. That has left Mistress and Slave some privacy for other more positive diversions (although sucking all that bandwidth makes it almost impossible to send a lowly work email). The last two mornings Mistress did some rather enthusiastic cock riding. Hopefully our cute Co-Ed could not hear her mother's moans of ecstasy at the other end of the house.

Meanwhile, back in River City, the town is all a twitter over the premier Sunday evening of that new A&E show about the "swingers next door", called "Neighbors with Benefits".

Here is a recent news report:

Hamilton Township Police Chief Jon Wheeler told trustees Wednesday that residents can expect to see additional patrols in the Thornton Grove community in the coming weeks due to the debut of A&E's new series "Neighbors with Benefits."
Wheeler said he's concerned that the show — which follows several local married couples who swap partners and engage in extramarital relationships — inaccurately portrays the 300-home community as a hotbed of out-and-proud swingers.
Wheeler said the patrols are intended to discourage gawkers and onlookers who may be drawn to the area by the program's depiction of the community as a veritable Peyton Place.

"They're kind of on the map now," he said. "The vast majority of people in this neighborhood just want to raise their families and have a nice quiet neighborhood."

Other news stories suggest that, in reality, there are so few local swingers in a community not previously known for "wild and crazy" that "cast members" for the show have to be bused in from as far as 200 miles away. 
If any of you watch the show Sunday night, let us know what you think. AS for Mistress and Slave, we may be too busy catching up for lost time.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Mistress Can't Resist

We have been enjoying time on the mountain, and with our sometimes grumpy and contrarian daughter here in the Southwest. The weather has been unusually warm - good for sunbathing in the yard - but a little hard on the snow.

Of course sometimes the close proximity of our college girl can get a little troublesome.

"I think I've called you "slave" a couple of times when she might have heard, slave...."

"Hopefully she had her ear buds on, or was too busy texting to pay attention. I mean, parents are boring, right?"

Then there was last night, at a local watering hole, where one of our favorite local performers holds court behind the piano (and mandolin and guitar) every Wednesday night.  It' the sort of place where people share tables, dance, and enjoy time with family, friends and strangers, who won't stay "strange" for long.

By the end of the evening we were chatting up a family - A Father-in-law, son-in-law and his cute young daughter at the adjoining table, in town for some spring skiing.  The older man - mid-50's or so, was some buff, gregarious, and apparently prosperous real estate developer from Tulsa, more than happy to talk about his many holding here, there and everywhere. And he was clearly focused on Mistress, who was, as always, the hottest babe in the room, dressed in a black dress, tights and cowboy boots, accented by some of her turquoise jewelry.

Mistress was clearly enjoying the flirt.... egging the guy on a bit with her engaging smile and questions about his art collection.... apparently they share a favorite local artist.

You could tell our cute Co-Ed was a little taken aback by all this, listening as this fellow boasted about his wealth and lifestyle to impress the hot babe in the black dress who happened to be her Mom.

Slave just sat back, nursed an IPA and enjoyed the music and relished watching Mistress have her fun with Mr. Real Estate Tycoon.

By the end of the evening, he was making sure he had our contact information. I gave him my card because Mistress was cardless, but I suspect it wasn't me he was thinking about when he said "you all need to fly out to Tulsa some weekend and I can show you the town!"

Afterwards, when our daughter was rolling her eyes about her mom spending so much time chatting up her latest admirer, Mistress chalked it up to "marketing".

"You never no where your next client will come from...."

Or cuckolder, for that matter.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Spring Comes to the Sangres

The WC asked the other day whether we still have snow on our ski mountain here up the road from our SW hideaway.  Thanks to a big dump in late February, there is still plenty of snow up top, though the bright sunshine and warm temperatures is starting to reduce the base from 82 inches a week ago to about 70 now....

So there is plenty left for us to enjoy for the next week or so.

But the big difference is down here on our patio, where it has seemed like summer this week. And as you might expect,   Mistress has fully exploited the change of season.

Here she was only a month ago, when the temps were colder, "sunning" in her black tights:
But yesterday afternoon, following several bracing hours on the slopes, Mistress stripped down for some sun, without the bed of snow that was there on our last trip:

Of course, the undies were a nod of discretion to our cute Co-Ed.

"If she wasn't here, Slave..... I would have ditched the undies too...."

By around 5 pm Mistress had enough sun, and we adjourned to our bed for a short "nap". And after 40 or so winks, we were able to keep our string of "two-a-days" alive for the 4th day in a row.

Mistress was particularly tasty as her Slave took a tour through those lush clean shaven folds with my lips and tongue, and she indulged me with an opportunity to take my own pleasure once I had done my job.

Who doesn't love spring?