Wednesday, March 11, 2015

RIP Tights Season

Mistress and her devoted slave have been hunkered down this week, working out tushes off to clear the decks for 10 days away at our southwest hideaway. It will be good to spend some time away on the slopes, even though here in the heartland we are relieved to finally be rid of that gritty snow that stuck around way too long.

The only downside of spring finally coming to River City is the demise of "tights season".  The extended chill catered to slave's fetish - Mistress in those soft and sexy black tights,with or without the convenient aperture at the conjunction of her thighs. It's all good.  And of course, slave can even be distracted by the occasional tighted non-Mistress strolling down the street in the "hustle and bustle" of our quaint "downtown".

Of course, Mistress has strict fashion rules about this sort of thing: once spring arrives, the tights are tucked back in the drawer, not to appear again until next November. [insert frowny face emoticon here]. So Slave better enjoy Mistress in her tights this week, clinging to those textures and memories, because when we get back from our little SW getaway, tights season will surely be over.

Someone else who will get to enjoy watching Mistress wriggle out of those black tights today is Jay, her lover.

Mistress filled me in on her plans last night.

"We found some time on our schedules today, Slave.... it will be quicker than we prefer, but Jay said he really wants to see me before we leave town."

I have a feeling Jay will be doing more than "seeing" Mistress this afternoon, even if their windown of opportunity will be all too brief.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Tuckered Temptress

When I got home from work yesterday evening, Mistress was tucked under the covers.

"I'm tired Slave....."

Apparently it had been a taxing day. Mistress seemed to be in that "rode hard, put away wet" state that follows an afternoon of excess, though nicely decorated in a  turquoise and black nighty I had gifted her for Christmas.

Yes, K had made it, as she had informed me via a very distracting text message when I was in a tedious lunch time meeting.

"So how did it go, Mistress?", I asked as I was shedding my work costume.

"It was good Slave.... very good..... if a little exhausting....he just never seems to stop...."

I took this  photo of Mistress as she lay before me, to share with our devoted readers, then descended to my knees, to worship at a well utilized altar of delight, while asking for a little more detail."

"After I got home from spinning and showered, I decided there was no point in getting dressed again.... she he was greeted at the door with me in this, Slave....", indicating said turquoise and black nighty, which scarcely covers Mistress's bottom.

"Hmmmm..... any undies, Mistress?"

"What would have been the point, Slave?"

"Was he pleased with your look, Mistress...."

"Oh yes.... he wondered if I traipsed around the house like this all the time...."

"I can vouch for that....."

"That's what I told him Slave..... he asked whether you got to grope me when I was so slightly covered...."

By now my wind was focused on him doing the groping, which I suspect happened right after the front door was closed.

"Did you tell him about how I get to access the folds while we watch TV, Mistress...."

"I think he got the message, Slave...."

Said folds were a bit salty, and warm from overuse, but I did my best to sooth Mistress to one final cum of the day, then settled next to her, knowing that it would be too taxing to expect anything more until morning for me. But I was still a bit curious about how things unwound here in our bed at lunch time.

"So what did you do, Mistress.... how long did all this go on?

"I'd say about an hour and fifteen, Slave.... he likes all those crazy positions... and spent a lot of time with his mouth on me too."

"And did you suck his cock, Mistress?"

"Well of course I did, Slave.... but not for too long.... he was so anxious to fuck me."

K is in his early 40's. So he "bounces back" faster than us old farts. Mistress confirmed that he came twice through the course of their "nooner", and Mistress clearly was feeling the effects of all that action, on top of her mid-week afternoon diversion with Jay.

"I think I need a pre-dinner Nap, Slave."

I completely understood.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Week Ending Treat

When it comes to cuckolding, it can be famine or feast.

Poor Mistress had gone several weeks without any sexual variety, relying instead on the ministrations of her lowly slave and his work-a-day cock.

Then the famine ended Wednesday with some epic and certainly more athletic sexual stylings with her lover Jay.

But wait. There's more.

Mistress informed me earlier this week that's she'd heard from K, her side-side dish. He seems to come and go, apparently waiting until his own need for a little but of Mistress's magic becomes unbearable.

"He was rolling out some interesting scenarios by text this week slave.... something about coming over here in the morning right after you're done fucking me.... I think he's into the concept of 'horny Molly who just can't get enough'...."

"Well there is some truth to that, Mistress...."

As it turns out, Mistress has invited K over for a little lunch time distraction today, after she goes to her morning spinning class. K may not get the "freshly fucked Molly". But I guess he could get the salty and tangy Molly if she doesn't take a shower first.

Meanwhile, Slave will be off at work, a bit distracted about what Mistress is up to back in our bed.

It is a good way to start the weekend.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

"Epic" Cuckoldry

Slave was at work, my cock languishing in it's cage, when Mistress called from her car at around 3 pm. Out my window the snow had begun falling with a vengeance.

She got to the point quickly.

"It was epic, Slave."

Of course she was referring to her much delayed rendezvous with her lover, Jay. Fortunately, the snow had delayed just long enough for the two of them to squeeze in some "fun and games" before Jay's son's early dismissal from school. 

By the time I got home, the snow was falling hard, filling in the blank spaces in our yard where the snow had finally begun melting yesterday morning.

I found Mistress in bed, already in a sexy nighty. 

She'd had a busy day, after all.

She generously unlocked her slave's cage, springing me loose after a long day on lockdown. Then she directed me to get on task.  I was happy to kneel at the side of the bed, and use my lips and tongue to salve those well used clean shaven folds. But first I asked her to give me a "read out" on her lunch time adventures.

"Jay's so buff and fit these days, Slave.... so it was all a little wild.... him lifting me up, fucking me at the side of the bed, me riding his cock.... he thinks missionary style is kind of boring...."

"Variety is good for you Mistress....."

"It definitely is, Slave...."

As Mistress came to a kinder, gentler cum in response to my worship, she asked "do I taste differently, Slave?"

"Hmmmm..... definitely, Mistress.... a little's obvious you've been up to something...."

"I suppose I have, Slave....."