Friday, January 30, 2015

Slave Was Locked Away During Cuckold Play

Mistress and Slave made it safely to our SW hideaway late yesterday afternoon, after an early launch and a long travel day. But I know that some of you, including Florida Dom, had some open questions after our blog on Wednesday mentioning Mistress's date with her lover Jay - something that had to be squeezed in before we headed out of town for this mid-winter ski trip.

In fact, as the clock approached 10:30 pm I was getting a little worried. I usually hear from Mistress at some point on her evenings away, and was concerned that after all that fucking she and Jay may have fallen asleep. We did have an early flight to catch in the morning.

So I was a pest and sent her a text message:

"Are you still out there, Mistress?"

 Fortunately, she was already on the way home, and pulling into the drive moments later, much to my relief.

Of course, my relief was not just concern about her safe return and a good night's sleep.  I had been in that infernal cage all day, and was hoping for a reprieve before bedtime.  I know some of you are caged for days or weeks at a time.  But I have been accustomed to  a sleep free from the affliction of a cock that wakes up straining against the cold steel bars of that little prison.


So to answer Florida Dom's first question, yes, I was allowed to worship Mistress's clean shaven folds once she undressed for bed. The tangy aromas and tastes of her evening with her lover were more than apparent. And I was impressed that Mistress still had the energy, or interest, to top off an evening of sexual excess with one more cum provided by my devoted lips and tongue.

Florida Dom also asked if Mistress shaves her lovely folds daily.

Yes, Mistress is very attentive to her grooming. There may be a day when she skips a shower now and then. Usually on a lazy weekend. But she attends to her folds like she does all of that lush, fit and lovely body.

Finally, FD asked what Slave thinks about when I am locked in that cage and Mistress is cavorting with a lover.  Quite frankly, I try not to get too distracted by carnal matters when caged. It can be a little frustrating, and sometimes painful.  But if Mistress calls, or teases me with a text message, my discipline can crumble, and suddenly that cage gets all too tight.

On Wednesday night I had an excellent distraction for a while though: watching my alma mater deny Coach K his 1001st victory.  But when the Irish walked off the floor to the tunes of the victory march, my mind was back in the gutter, contemplating Mistress riding Jay's cock.  A very different way to shake down the thunder from the sky.

Thankfully,  she made it home safely. ANd didn't forget where she had hidden the key.

And while Slave had to wait for his own pleasure until yesterday afternoon when we arrived at our cozy cabin here in the shadow of the Sangre de Christo mountains, at least she let me loose from that cage once I had done that post-cuckold sex worship.

Now that was a happy ending.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Mistress Fills Her Dance Card.

Mistress's lunch time diversion seems to have been quite a success.

When I arrived home from work she gave me the privilege of tasting her clean shaven folds and the residue of her afternoon delight was fully apparent.

"Taste good, Slave?"

"Yummy, Mistress."

After I had done my best to coax another cum from her, she generously released her slave from my cage.  But my own pleasure would be diverted until this morning..... after all, she'd had a busy day.

WE had set up a dinner date with one of Mistress's female friends, and as we waited for her at our table, Mistress shared a few details of her afternoon with me.

"I think he missed me Slave..... he started undressing me just inside the front door.... it was a little weird when the guy with dry cleaning showed up at the door....."


"So we headed up to the bedroom, and he took all my clothes off but my tights....."

"Hmmm.... another tights guy....."

"Apparently, Slave.....that's when he had me suck his cock for a while....."

"With your tights still on?"

"Yes, Slave....."

It was about this time when Mistress's friend arrived.....leaving slave in the lurch for the rest of the details through dinner.  Ouch.

At home, once we settled into bed, Mistress shared a little more."

"Well there was some conventional missionary fucking Mistress....."

"Did that make you cum?"

"It did Slave....."

"And after he came once, we rested a bit  ..... talked...... but it wasn't long before he was telling me to suck his cock some more..... and ride it....."

"I guess that's the benefit of a guy in his 40's Mistress....."

"I suppose so, Slave."

No wonder Mistress was a little tuckered last night.

But that's not the end of her busy week. We are scheduled to leave here for a trip out west early Thursday morning. SO last night Mistress filled me in on her schedule until then....

"Jay wants to take me to dinner tomorrow night, Slave.... and then back to his place for a while....but I won't be too late.....  But that means another cage day for you...."

"Yes, Mistress....."

Looks like slave better get his own fun in this morning.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mistress Prepares for Her Lunch Time Lover

Slave made it back safely from my day long east coast trip on Saturday. Mistress lovingly picked me up at the airport, and we luxuriated in our empty nest for a long, lazy Sunday afternoon. Rest assured there was some robust Sunday morning sex in the UCTMW executive suite. And Mistress received a few "bonus cums" through the day.

Example: with no one tramping up and down the stairs there was no reason why Mistress couldn't lounge in the couch sans undies as we watched some catch up TV Sunday evening. Nor was there any reason why slave could not use his roving digits to gently coax a couple of cums as we finished up watching the TV series Fargo, something that we had missed last season.

Unfortunately, Monday was a completely different story.  Mistress had one of those very early morning meetings. Out the door at 7:15 means no wake-up sex here. We aren't super heroes after all!
But what was particularly gauling for this old slave was seeing Mistress all decked out in her tights and winter boots with no opportunity to do a more complete examination, let alone worship. But at least I was able to grab this photo.

One of the slave tasks Mistress assigned on Sunday was a shopping assignment when I visited the grocery store. 

"Slave, will you pick up some cheese in case K is hungry when he stops by on Tuesday."

"Of course, Mistress...."

 I added cheese for K and Mistress to my list, under eggs and milk.

Did I mention that K, Mistress's side-side dish is stopping by today for a little lunch time diversion for Mistress. It's been since before Christmas that they've been able to get together. And based on the texting that Mistress described to me last week, his imagination has been roving wild over these last few weeks.  And I think it's fair to say that Mistress has also been looking forward to the younger lover who makes house calls.

As for me?

"Should I be wearing the cock cage today, Mistress?"

"Of course, slave....."

The hard steel ring is already on. Hopefully Mistress will be willing to enjoy it's effect on my cock before the lid is locked tight for the day.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

What Women Want....

Slave spent most of the day driving our cute Co-Ed #2 to the east coast for her timely return to her "studies", which frees up her parents for a little more private fun in our (finally) empty nest. Now I'm sitting at the local airport, waiting for my flight back to the heartland.

Poor Mistress has to venture out into the night to pick me up! But she at least got spared the long drive, and unloading  all that dorm room stuffing from the car that our daughter gets to keep on campus this semester.

Of course, our very early departure this morning ruled out our typical wake up sex. And I have a feeling tonight may be a little lean too. The most unfortunate part is that while Mistress had a breakfast date with her lover Jay this morning, his inability to find someone to watch his son foreclosed her chance for some "cat's away" play in my absence.

Poor Mistress. I wonder if she dusted off her favorite power tool?

At least Mistress has a session with her backbench lover K set up this coming week before the two of us head on Thursday for a ski break at our SW hideaway.

Of course, not everyone gets the cuckold dynamic, Jay least of all. But yesterday I came upon this article titled What Women Want... a Primer, which summarizes some research that seems to validate our own somewhat unusual lifestyle... with Mistress enjoying the privilege of the company of other men that catch her fancy.

The article, based on scientific and anthropological research suggests that the conventional wisdom that women long for a simple, monogamous, long term relationship where they can raise and nurture their children is a lot of malarkey.  I won't highlight all the points made ... read the article! But here are two highlights that relate to the cuckold dynamic:

3. Monogamy turns women off.

After one to four years of monogamy, a woman's desire for her partner drops far more dramatically than a man's. (This effect is markedly reduced if the couple lives apart.) The once white-hot passion of early love often turns into muted, dutiful sex or trying to avoid sex altogether. One woman in the book described marital sex thus: “My body would respond, but the pleasure was like the pleasure of returning library books.”

5. A woman's desire is stoked by sex with strangers, not a devoted soul mate.

Women like novelty. They like it in pornography, in their sexual encounters and in lovers. A sexually sated female scorpion (smoking her tiny scorpion cigarette) will not want to have sex with the same scorpion until 48 hours later. But give her a sexy new scorpion lover and she's ready to go in an hour and half.  The matriarchal Mosuo tribe accommodates this desire by providing females with a flower room where they can privately receive their lovers. See also: Five Things We Know About Societies Run By Women. In other words, that book Porn for Women featuring pictures of men doing housework is not only a tired one-joke premise, but crap biologically as well.

So the research that this article references coincides precisely with Slave's contractual agreement  to let Mistress "step out" from time to time and enjoy the company of "strangers", as well as my "ready steady" marital ministrations. If Mistress has a little extra spring in her step, or sway to her hips, when she contemplates an afternoon with a younger or more athletic lover, or if her mind drifts off to her last "workout" with Jay when slave tends to her clean shaven folds, she's just following her natural instincts, rather than repressing them.

Of course, none of this explains why Slave gets an erotic thrill of his own when she shares the details of her sexcapades, or shares her upcoming plans.

I guess that's the subject for a separate dissertation. 

Post Script:

Slave made it home safely last night from my east coast odyssey. Mistress confirmed that she used her power tool as a replacement for my conjugual ministrations yesterday morning.  Should I be worried? Machines are so much more efficient!