Tuesday, January 20, 2015

(Too Much)Togetherness

Mistress and Slave are grinding our teeth and other body parts as we patiently await the restoration of the empty nest here in River City.  For reasons that appear to relate to the bottom line, Institutions of higher education have gone to schedules which seem to suspend education for 6-7 weeks between the holidays and the end of January, giving them a chance to sell "winter term" classes, charge even more for room and board, and, as a consequence, leaving too many kids with too much time on their hands.

Our older daughter is taking a class on her campus this month. But cute Co-Ed #2 is hanging out here, taking up space, emptying our larder and cramping our sexy stylings in a big way.  And apparently she's developed a taste for red wine and high end designer beers with all that overseas travel.

Just staying at home can be expensive for Mom and Dad when that's the way you roll.

We have adapted as best we can, playing music to mask the sound of our furtive wake up sex.  But I am now counting the hours before I deliver her to her east coast campus on Saturday. I haven't looked forward to an 8 hour car ride this much in a very long time!

Plus she seems particularly nosey this month.

"She's always asking me who I'm texting Slave....."

"That can cramp the style of any cuckoldress, can't it, Mistress?"

Her constant presence has made it hard for Mistress to chat with her lover Jay, which can tamp the fires of any side dish romance. And it's prevented her from scheduling a little noon time diversion with her back-up lover, K.

On Saturday night we went to a movie and stopped for a drink at a local bar just as an excuse to get out of the house and away from our monitor.

And we've been lingering downstairs, watching some TV to blunt her criticism that we spend too much time in bed. (Which by the way is where she seems to be camped out most of the day).

We have caught this new show on HBO called "Togetherness" about a 30-ish married couple dealing with a sexual malaise in their marriage. It's sort of a cable channel sitcom with at least enough sexual content to make it R rated. And it's tossed in just a little kink in the first two episodes that raised our eyebrows.

In episode 1, the husband catches his wife in bed masturbating with her vibrator, and with clothes pins clipped onto  her nipples that the husband was able to see poking over the sheets. It reminded us of that long lost blogger Sin and the depredations she would engage in at the direction of her long distance Dom. Of course in this case, the happy ending was aborted amidst embarrassment and the husband's disbelief.

In episode 2, the wife decides to rekindle the spark by taking on a Domme-ish tone, dressing in a slutty black dress and hose, and ordering her husband to strip in front of her when he gets home from work. But naturally the horny husband fucks up the mood by questioning what's going on, and asking for a banana, rather than simply going with the flow. A spanking scene goes awry when she accidentally clips his balls with her palm. You come away agreeing with her when she says "Don't be a pussy!" Sadly, no one scores.

I'm not sure that anyone ever gets a happy ending on this show. Maybe Mistress and Slave need to be recruited to make a cameo appearance and get this couple on the right track.

It's sad isn't in when a sex blog has to resort to reviewing HBO shows for fresh material.  Even more reason to restore our empty nest!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Lunch Flirt

Mistress gave me a call yesterday after a lunch meeting arranged by a colleague. All slave knew in advance about her lunch companion  was that 1) it was a man who works for that giant consumer products company that calls River City home; and 2) her colleague thought the two of them might be able to brain storm on some potential business opportunities for their mutual benefit.  It was sort of a blind business date.

Of course, this was no big deal for slave. Mistress has frequent lunch meetings with guys; and after all she has "permission", doesn't she?  I did note that she was pretty hotly dressed yesterday morning: all decked out in her black tights and boots, and a black leather jacket to complement her Domme-ly look.

Any guy with a bit of testosterone running through his veins would look more than once.

But Mistress surprised me when she told me how things went at her lunch.

"He was a shameless flirt, slave..... plus he's only about 26.... way too young for me."

"How do you mean? How was he flirting?"

(Slaves can be a little sense....)

"Oh, just his tone....body language.....he was all over it....."

"What is it about the folks at that company, Mistress?"

(Mistress hooked up in one way or another with several of its male employees in her AM days, and turned down several more . . . only one of them turned out to be a keeper....)

"Not sure slave..... do you think they train them in this form of 'communications' ?"

"Or maybe their much touted psychological screening of recruits.... all those tests they give..... do they seek out the seductive types.... if they can get your panties off, they can get you to buy their laundry detergent too?"

Mistress seemed more amused than intrigued by this guy. Even a healthy Cougar has to question jumping into a hot affair with a guy who is nearly 25 years younger.

"I'm not sure he'd know what to do with you Mistress....", was my take.

"I doubt he would, Slave.... and I'm not into providing on the job training."

But Slave was certainly amused, and not a little turned on by it all. After all my cuckold gene likes it when my wife gets hit on by some young stud. I made sure to provide ample worship last night before whipping up dinner, with "All Things Considered" on the radio to mask the sounds of Mistress's heavy breathing and squelched moans of carnal delight.

But Mistress's lover Jay apparently had a completely different take when he heard about Mistress's Lunch Flirt.

"I told Jay about it and he was kind of pissed..... "why are you telling me this?" was his response."

Jay clearly has that Alpha thing going, doesn't he?

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mistress Helps Celebrate National Championship

Mistress has been shadowed for more than a week now by our cute Co-Ed, who has clung to her side most days and evenings since she returned from the Continent.  There have been trips to re-stock for her dorm, trips to spinning class, lunches out and dinners at home.  And when we finally get some time to hide out by ourselves in her Executive Suite, we need to crank up the radio to mask the sounds of our furtive couplings, because her room is right next to ours.

So much for empty nests. And we have another 10 days of this to cope with.

So I suspect Mistress was greatly relieved yesterday when she had a chance to slide away from her motherly tasks and join Jay at his house for some not so furtive couplings.

Mistress went off the radar screen at around 11:30 am and re-emerged with a phone call to me at around 3 pm. Her tone of voice brought to mind what must have been a smug and well fucked visage on her face....

"It was epic, Slave....."

"Glad to hear it Mistress.... you deserved a good, loud fucking.  And I bet he was still in a very good mood after Monday night...."

(Jay was a Buckeye jock himself more than a few years ago.)

"He was in a very good mood slave.  And he's in such good shape these days .... I mean he was picking me up and fucking me at the same time....."

Wow.   Super-Cuckolder.....

Once we got home I focused on whipping up some dinner for our cute Co-Ed - some crusty Mac and Cheese that she likes. And Mistress caught up on her emails.  But she took some time to whisper some of the smuttier details of her afternoon adventure as I labored over the stove.

'I swear, slave.... it went on for an hour and a half....There was a lot of time devoted to oral....."

"Do you like sucking that cock, Mistress....."

"Oh yes, slave..... he says I do it very well....."

"I can vouch for that, Mistress....."

"And of course he likes doing that to me too..... he says he could do it forever...."

Such a tease.

After dinner, Slave was given the opportunity to top Mistress's day off with some oral attention of my own.... quietly coaxing one more cum out of her well used clean shaven folds before we both dozed off.  I knew it would be asking too much to expect to fuck her myself after that full body work out with her lover. 

But today's another day, isn't it?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Heartland Juggernaut

Last night the college football team from our incredibly flat state capitol won  some sort of football game down in Texas. The only thing missing was Chris Christie bouncing around in a vivid, and overly tight sweater.

Of course, some folks around here are fans of the mighty Buckeyes. And some of us with other alma maters who pay taxes here  are seething in resentment at their sudden success under the highest paid public employee in the state.

Some will turn this into a morality tale: stolid midwestern values defeating the team from a state that legalizes marijuana, gay marriage and assisted suicide, and prefers streetcars to mini-vans. But I suspect it has more to do with the bovine growth hormones ingested by the Buckeyes' offensive and defensive linemen.

One of the happiest guys in town this morning will be Jay, Mistress's lover. He attended THE Ohio State University. No doubt he was up late last night celebrating his team's triumph over the Ducks. Let's hope he wasn't tear gassed like these other die hard Buckeye fans last night. And while Mistress has not been as available to him by phone these last few days because our daughter is in town and doing her hover close to Mommy thing, I understand she has arranged to break away for a lunch time "meeting" with him tomorrow.

I suspect he will be in a triumphalist mood! No doubt Mistress will get the full benefit of his enthusiasm.