Thursday, January 15, 2015

Mistress Helps Celebrate National Championship

Mistress has been shadowed for more than a week now by our cute Co-Ed, who has clung to her side most days and evenings since she returned from the Continent.  There have been trips to re-stock for her dorm, trips to spinning class, lunches out and dinners at home.  And when we finally get some time to hide out by ourselves in her Executive Suite, we need to crank up the radio to mask the sounds of our furtive couplings, because her room is right next to ours.

So much for empty nests. And we have another 10 days of this to cope with.

So I suspect Mistress was greatly relieved yesterday when she had a chance to slide away from her motherly tasks and join Jay at his house for some not so furtive couplings.

Mistress went off the radar screen at around 11:30 am and re-emerged with a phone call to me at around 3 pm. Her tone of voice brought to mind what must have been a smug and well fucked visage on her face....

"It was epic, Slave....."

"Glad to hear it Mistress.... you deserved a good, loud fucking.  And I bet he was still in a very good mood after Monday night...."

(Jay was a Buckeye jock himself more than a few years ago.)

"He was in a very good mood slave.  And he's in such good shape these days .... I mean he was picking me up and fucking me at the same time....."

Wow.   Super-Cuckolder.....

Once we got home I focused on whipping up some dinner for our cute Co-Ed - some crusty Mac and Cheese that she likes. And Mistress caught up on her emails.  But she took some time to whisper some of the smuttier details of her afternoon adventure as I labored over the stove.

'I swear, slave.... it went on for an hour and a half....There was a lot of time devoted to oral....."

"Do you like sucking that cock, Mistress....."

"Oh yes, slave..... he says I do it very well....."

"I can vouch for that, Mistress....."

"And of course he likes doing that to me too..... he says he could do it forever...."

Such a tease.

After dinner, Slave was given the opportunity to top Mistress's day off with some oral attention of my own.... quietly coaxing one more cum out of her well used clean shaven folds before we both dozed off.  I knew it would be asking too much to expect to fuck her myself after that full body work out with her lover. 

But today's another day, isn't it?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Heartland Juggernaut

Last night the college football team from our incredibly flat state capitol won  some sort of football game down in Texas. The only thing missing was Chris Christie bouncing around in a vivid, and overly tight sweater.

Of course, some folks around here are fans of the mighty Buckeyes. And some of us with other alma maters who pay taxes here  are seething in resentment at their sudden success under the highest paid public employee in the state.

Some will turn this into a morality tale: stolid midwestern values defeating the team from a state that legalizes marijuana, gay marriage and assisted suicide, and prefers streetcars to mini-vans. But I suspect it has more to do with the bovine growth hormones ingested by the Buckeyes' offensive and defensive linemen.

One of the happiest guys in town this morning will be Jay, Mistress's lover. He attended THE Ohio State University. No doubt he was up late last night celebrating his team's triumph over the Ducks. Let's hope he wasn't tear gassed like these other die hard Buckeye fans last night. And while Mistress has not been as available to him by phone these last few days because our daughter is in town and doing her hover close to Mommy thing, I understand she has arranged to break away for a lunch time "meeting" with him tomorrow.

I suspect he will be in a triumphalist mood! No doubt Mistress will get the full benefit of his enthusiasm.

Saturday, January 10, 2015


River City is in a deep freeze this week.  Sub zero temperatures at night. teens and a brisk chilling wind in the afternoon.

We love our old house, but it's perched on a hill, and the old windows and rock walls are drafty. Our "furnace" is hardly engineered to deal with the cold and pump heat up two stories to Mistress's executive suite.

So Mistress and Slave are all swaddled up at bed time - Mistress in her "peek-a-boo" tights, and Slave in a sweatshirt and my running tights.   Not exactly romantic, but better than freezing .....

To add to the chill, our cute Co-Ed (#2) is home from Paris (just in time I might add, avoiding the terror chaos by just a day), and her room is just through a very thin wall.

To remind us of the close quarters, she mentioned that "you know, I can hear everything that your saying in there....."

Now that's enough to through a damper on Mistress's and Slave's typical sex life.

Our routine has settled into cranking up the classical music on the radio in the morning, hoping that Brahms or Beethoven will somwhow mask the sounds of our furtive couplings.

Last night we escaped to a movie, where at least the temperature was above 60 degrees. Showing was Inherent Vice, a stoner/noir detective flic set in California in 1970. It had a meandering narrative and muddled plot that gave Joaquin Phoenix a chance to grow bushy sideburns,   roll joints and drive around LA in a beat up 1966 Dodge Dart.

But there was a rather compelling sex scene involving a spanking of one very nude Katherine Waterson, that got the attention of both Mistress and Slave.

We discussed the scene as we walked up in the sub zero windchill.

"That was pretty hot, Mistress...."

"It was Slave...."

"And what about those nipples.... I've never seen any that large...."

"Really, Slave.... I thought you liked big nipples...."

"I like your nipples Mistress, and those seemed almost two big to be true.... do you think they were prosthetic nipples?"

Mistress expressed no opinions on whether those nipples were falsies.  (I found this image of Ms. Waterson in Boardwalk Empire, and I'm wondering whether those are the same nipples we saw in last night's movie - can women do to their nipples what they do to their lips?)

But I am looking forward to our daughter leaving the house just long enough to re-enact that spanking scene.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Long and Raucous Lunch Break for Mistress

One of the advantages of self-employment is a certain inherent flexibility in scheduling. Mistress fully exploited the privilege of giving herself a longer than usual lunch break yesterday afternoon, after our dusting of snow failed to close schools in River City.

That left Jay (also self-employed) home alone for Mistress to drop by with some high protein lunch provisions.

When Slave got home from a long day of dispute resolution, she came to the door to greet me with a kiss, and I could not help but notice that "well fucked" spring in her step.

"It was good to see Jay, Slave..... we had some great sex....", she told me that naughty smile on her face.

That was good news, of course. It had been a few weeks since their last get together, and I could see the two co-conspirators in cuckoldry being a little rusty as they reacquainted themselves with one another's bodies. But I suspect pent up demand more than made up for any "rust".  Muscle memory is an amazing thing, after all.

We adjourned to our bedroom for some pre-dinner R&R. I knew that she would be in no mood to allow her slave to fuck her after all that mid-day activity - a body needs to recover after all - but I was pleased to provide a gentle tongue massage for those well utilized clean shaven folds.

As I ministered to her, she gave me a brief update.

"It was pretty raucous, slave.  He likes to fuck me with me lying on the side of the bed, legs up, and him standing.  He's really in great shape right now -- very buff."

As Mistress deserves, don't you think?

"ANd there was some cock riding too, with plenty of oral thrown in there."

It was hard not to imagine Mistress sucking Jay's cock as I tended to her gently with my own tongue.

"Can you taste anything unusual down there, Slave?"

"Yes, Mistress..... it's definitely a little different, two sets of fluids mingling ....."


Now slave has his own set of pent up demands to deal with, hopefully this morning before Mistress heads to that early spinning class.