Sunday, November 23, 2014

Kinky Boots and UCTMW Fan Fiction?

Mistress allowed slave to break his long cruel streak of abstinence on Saturday morning .... it was the sort of 36 hours of denial that I know won't earn me any "Awww.... poor Mick's" here..... But I know I was grateful. I tried to make sure Mistress was equally gratified, and threw in some afternoon worship too to make sure she had sufficient return on her investment.

Last night we had a double date of sorts with some friends .... we were heading to a funky urbanista neighborhood, so Mistress dressed down with dark jeans and a black leather jacket. She topped off (or would it be bottomed off?) the look with some new all weather boots she acquired on her recent visit to Portland.  Here they are:
I think they have a "Cruel Mistress" sort of feel, don't you?  Maybe accessorized with a black leather whip or crop?  Mistress see them as a more practical solution for snowy or slushy days here in the heartland, because they've got tough, rubber soles, and a heel built in to the body of the shoe.  I wonder of she'd let me lick some day to get the salt off?

Turning to a different subject, Slave is still having fun with the UCTMW Tumblr page, where we now have more than 200 followers.  The content out there ranges from cute kinky to artsy kinky  to creepy and dark kinky. And lots of images seem to get recycled regularly. But there was one unattributed image that popped up on my stream that made me wonder if there is someone out there who has appropriated our characters here at UCTMW and turned them into a very well drawn and imagined comic strip.  Take a look:

Although, taking a closer look, this lady is missing Mistress's clean shaven folds. But I swear that container with the kitchen tools is exactly what you'd find here in the UCTMW corporate commissary.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Abstinence Day Redux

Here in River City, Mistress has had an unfortunate streak of early curtain calls. Which definitely puts a cramp in our more typical wake up sex patterns.

Yesterday was another day when she had to be out of the door at 7:45. As a result Slave would be denied his chance to take his pleasure in the customary spoiled slave way.

What made it harder was seeing Mistress getting primped and ready, all decked out in some sexy cobalt blue undies, and then slithering into some black tights and boots.

Fortunately, there was time for some worship before she got all suited up, leaving the taunting taste of her musky clean shaven folds on my lips to savor and tease as my day unfolded.

But then she had to make it worse.  I'm laying there in bed, reading the paper, freshly showered, in a blue robe, not in too much of a hurry to put on my own work costume.

She's in those black boots, tights and skirt, ready to go out the door. But what does she do?  She leans over and takes her work-a-day cock between those lush lips and gives me the full oral massage for about 40 seconds..... just enough to call out my inner horny guy.....then she blithely drops the matter, kisses me goodbye and la-de-dahs out the door on the way to work.


I must say that it took a good deal of slave discipline to abide by the "no touch" rule, and put horny thoughts aside.

At the end of the work day, we had a quick turn around, because of plans to meet some friends for dinner.  I returned home from work with only about an hour to change and head back out, finding Mistress in bed, stripped to those sweet blue undies and her black bra.....

"Would you like some worship before we go, Mistress?"

"I thought you'd never ask, Slave....."

After a long day contemplating  her sweet, red lips on my tart cock, I could hardly resist the opportunity to bury myself between her thighs, but, sadly, there would be no time for the "full monty". Instead, I simply enjoyed the chance to savor the delights hiding behind those wispy blue panties, pushing the fabric aside with my tongue to find her sweet spot, and linger there until she came with abandon on my face.

"It's a shame we don't have time for more, Slave..... but duty calls."

"Looks like it will be an abstinence day, then, Mistress....."

"Sometimes it's good for you to be desperate, Slave....."

As you might expect, Slave is looking forward to this morning's chance to break this losing streak.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Tights Taunts / HNT

With the early cold wave here in River City comes an unexpected dividend.

Lots of ladies on the streets downtown with their tights taunting a tights fetishist such as myself.

And of course Mistress enjoys teasing her Slave... working on a weak spot for full effect.

Yesterday as I was "slaving away" at my desk, my cell phone beeped with a photo from Mistress.

"new tights" she messaged.  Here is the photo, an odd and confusing perspective, but apparently a from the top close up of Mistress after she slithered into a new pair of "peek-a-boo" tights:
It's an odd image, all curves, texture and a little hint of the aperture that makes her Oh so fuckable in those tights.

Then, when slave got home I found Mistress busily working in the UCTMW Executive Suite, with nothing on but her tights and a black bra.

Such a tease! 
After giving me the opportunity to worship, we whipped up some dinner, and watched a little TV.  Mistress was next to me on the couch, her legs in those same taunting tights stretched across her Slave's lap, allowing me to stroke and rub and kiss and fondle those tight clad toes, feet, calves and thighs.

As you can imagine, by the time our show had ended, Slave could take no more of the taunt. Fortunately, Mistress was in an indulgent mood, allowing me to unleash my pent up lust in the fashion you might expect.  
I can't think of a better nightcap, can you?

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Shared Bodily Warmth

River City is caught up in this strange "Is it January, or November?" weather pattern. First the snow. Then temperatures in the teens.

We woke early, but reluctant to leave the warmth of our bed. The wake up sex and afterglow made it even more compelling to spend the day in bed with Mistress.

But, sadly, duty called. I had an early morning performance art engagement that required me to get out of that warm bed, shed the loving embrace of Mistress, and put on my work-a-day costume.


Fortunately, Mistress had other ways to stay warm.

"Jay's asked me to come over at lunch time, Slave.... I know I should be working, but I think I can fit it into my schedule. I'll just do some work over there."

"Poor Mistress.... it's a shame he doesn't make house calls."

"You're right, Slave.....but still....."

You could tell Mistress was missing her fix of Jay's more athletic sexual antics, and a mid-day break in a warm bed was too tempting to pass up, despite the inconvenient 20 minute drive out to Jay's across the frozen tundra.

Sure enough, MIstress was "off the grid" from about noon to 3:00 pm or so. When she came up for air we agreed I would see her at home around 6 pm.  Chilled from the walk across the driveway. the only place to go was straight back to bed with Mistress.... at least for a while.

In bed, I was allowed to worship Mistress's well exercised folds. In addition to some time in the sack with Jay, she'd also attended a morning spinning class. As I ministered to her with my soothing tongue and lips, I could hardly avoid tasting the salty, frothy remnants of her day's mischief.

And I nosily pumped her for some of the smutty details of her "lunch hours" with Jay.

"I told him to try missionary for a change, Slave.... because of my still tender back from all that raucous sex with him last week...."

"Did he mind, Mistress?"

"He said that's kind of 'boring', but he seemed to handle it ok. And I did ride his cock for a while...."

"I'm sure he was understanding, Mistress...."

"But after about an hour of that, I had to call it a day, Slave.... work to do..... I think he would have gone on for 3 hours if I had let him....."

Yikes. Jay really is pumped up these days.

Mistress had a nice little "apertif" cum before she whipped up some dinner, but made clear that her slave would be waiting until morning for his own opportunity.  After all, she'd had a pretty busy day.