Monday, November 10, 2014

Mistress Gets Some "Worship" Before Her Early Curtain Call

Mistress and Slave had a restful Sunday here in River City. The one advantage of the local Pussycats melting down under the  Thursday night lights was that there was no football game to distract Slave from attending to Mistress's needs on Sunday.

So there was plenty of lazing around in the executive suite with the Times, a bike ride, some movie watching, and a late afternoon nap followed by some hot sex before dinner time.

"Why not put in your device, Slave...."

I was happy to follow orders, inserting my well lubed aneros, and delivering Mistress the type of rigid and insistent cock that she deserves.

Sadly, it's one of those very early morning meeting days for Mistress.  So there was no time for Mistress to indulge me this morning. But since she slithered into her special peek-a-boo tights, there was both temptation and opportunity for some pre- 9 am worship here. And once Mistress had her "wake-up cum" she even rolled over for a short photo op, for me to share with my fellow tights fethishists.

Hope your Monday starts as well as ours did! But not as early.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Tights Season Kicks-Off

Slave has a bit of a fetish that goes back to my middle school years for ladies in tights, hose, stockings, you name it.

Mistress has some strict fashion rules: no tights until the weather turns cold. And who can really blame her when her legs look so hot au naturale.

So it was worth celebrating yesterday when Mistress finally decided that the weather had changed here in the heartland, and she popped out some sexy black tights to kick-off the season. Add in the fact that Mistress was able to drop by my office for some post-lunch worship and it was worth popping some Champagne!

But, sadly, that was the only cork that was going to pop, since Mistress had taken the precaution to make sure her slave's cock was locked up tight in cold, unyielding, stainless steel.

Regardless, I was able to relish Mistress pealing back her tights, and settling  onto her "throne" in my office, where I could  savor those sultry, musky flavors and use my lips and tongue to soothe and stimulate her clean shaven folds.

Later, at home, Mistress unlocked me, and I could worship once more, and admire Mistress's tight clad legs as, afterwords, I rested on her legs until we had to head out for a dinner engagement.

Unfortunately, there was no opportunity for me to unleash all that pent up sexual energy (and seed) last night.

But I have a feeling that's going to change this morning.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Mutual Consolation for Mistress and Her Lover

When we woke Wednesday morning, we scanned the papers and internet to get the full scope of the electoral carnage. Mistress was particularly disapointed about the Florida Governor's race/ The losing candidate there had once complemented Mistress on her tan, and Charlie knows his tanning!

Some post-election wake up sex got Slave sufficiently chipper to "move on" and head to the office on Wednesday morning. But before I left, Mistress mentioned that her lover, Jay, had returned home last night from a business trip, and that she could be persuaded to pay him a visit at lunch time.

Sure enough, as Slave was heading to lunch, I got a call from Mistress that she was on her way to his house, about 20 minutes from ours.

"He was on a rant about the election when I talked to him, Slave."
(Jay leans blue on the political spectrum, like we do).

"Well then you should go visit, Mistress.... you can lick each others' wounds."

As Mistress recounted the tale later that evening, with her Slave doing some licking of my own, there was plenty of mutual consolation.

"At first I thought this was going to be a chaste visit. He said he was tired.... and I was too.  But then, in a little while he changed his mind .....'I'm really horny for you Molly...' is how he explained his change of heart."

Well I doubt it was his heart so much as his cock, Mistress."

"It turned into raucous sex pretty quickly, Slave.... he was actually picking me up while he fucked me.... it almost hurt....."

"But did he make you cum, Mistress...."

"Of course he did, Slave...."

Meanwhile, Slave was devotedly salving Mistress's tender parts with my lips and tongue, hoping to relieve whatever lingering stress there might be from her 'raucous' lunch break.  Certainly the mingled flavors left behind created an intoxicating brew that still leaves me in the mood for some action of my own this morning, before another workday begins.

And while I was spared the cage yesterday - sort of a post-election consolation prize - Mistress was not quite as indulgent about today.

"I think it's a cage day for you tomorrow, Slave."

I've already got that infernal ring on.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Best Election Night Ever

Well, I'm not talking about the results, which from our collective point of view kind of sucked. For those of us with a blue tinge, all I can say from too many years of experience is that these things tend to go in cycles. And the sooner you "bottom out" the sooner things get better. Here's looking to 2016!

No, I'm talking about how Mistress and Slave elected to spend election night.

Typically, we've spent our election nights out at our local Board of Elections, monitoring results and "protecting the vote", so to speak. Then off to some triumphant (or desultory) party or two to share the joy or feel the pain of another candidate or issue and their followers.  Some of our most loyal readers might recall that our very first entry here recounts an election day (and night) five years ago. (Amazing we've been doing this for so long, isn't it?)

This year I did spend my day on election duties, but made sure that my schedule was free starting at 6:30 pm, an hour before the polls closed here in the heartland. I knew which way the wind was blowing, and made sure I was not going to be there for the gloating.

Of course, Mistress took suitable precautions to make sure I kept to my plan, regardless of any unforseen crises or temptations.

"You're wearing your cage slave....."

"Yes, Mistress."

It was locked and "loaded" with slave's work-a-day cock when I left the house at around 6 am. Pre-dawn chastity is not my idea of a good time, but I know who is in charge.

As the day wore on, and slave was squirming in his tight confines, I made sure that my replacement at our local elections board was lined up and ready to relieve me (my duties, not my pent up sexual juices!) in plenty of time to get home before the polls closed.

As a result, I was home in bed with Mistress, by about 7:15 pm. We looked at some early results via computer, then turned to a more hospitable agenda: early evening nookie. Mistress generously sprung me loose, then gave some additional directions.

"Why don't you go insert your device, Slave...."

She was referring to the aneros, which always assures a particularly hard cock for her amusement.

Over the next 30 minutes or so, as the full extent of the electoral carnage became known to those of you watching CNN, we had other things to do: pleasuring Mistress with my tongue and lips, some frantic cock riding,,,,, you know the drill. Good sex is the best anti-depressant!

It was a much better way to wait for the full, ugly  results than hanging out with the usual suspects.

Here's hoping we make it a tradition.