Sunday, October 12, 2014

Be Prepared

Our senior cute co-ed has been in town this weekend with a friend from college, which has forced Mistress and Slave to go under cover and squelch our more typical weekend sexual antics.... it's one of those "mini-breaks" that seem to pop up on the college calendars all too often these days.

So while there was some fulfilling wake-up sex here yesterday morning, our afternoon was a little slower than typical for a Saturday. Rest assured, I did add some pre-bed-time worship to the menu. We would not want Mistress to go wanting, even in a crowded house, would we?

We did embark on a morning bike ride to a local farmer's market, where we ran into one of my clients, a woman about Mistress's age. She told us about a long bike ride out west she recently enjoyed, and the benefits of "cross-training" to prepare for its rigors.

I just had to chime in, remembering the subject of yesterday's blog:

"Molly's into cross-training, aren't you, dear?"

Sadly, Mistress just looked confused, not getting my sly little reference to her varying styles of sexual play with her husband and her lover, Jay.

In the afternoon, after Slave finished suffering through another near death experience with his alma mater's football team on the gridiron, Mistress mentioned that should heard more from her former college lover, E.

You may recall that E was an old college fuck buddy, and one of the initial prospective cuckold partners for Mistress when this blog got started. Here is a  link to the blog going back several years to one of those discussions of his rather on again, off again virtual "courtship" of Mistress.

Suffice it to say that E talked big about the spanking and dominance he would offer Mistress, should they get together.  But of course, he never did deliver.

The Washington Post article discussed here last week described the contemporary phenomenon of many married ladies having "back burner" relationships out there on facebook or elsewhere, "just in case" . E's occasional contacts, emails and texts to Mistress suggest a campaign to get onto Mistress's short list of backburner candidates.

"He said that he's heading to the West Coast for several weeks Slave. So I mentioned that I am going to Portland at the end of the month to visit a friend, and changing planes in LA."

"I'll bet that got him going, Mistress...."

"Yes, Slave..... he sent me this photo, saying he'd pack special for me, just in case":

I suppose you have to admire a man who follows the Boy Scout motto.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Mistress's Version of "Cross Training"

Yesterday I was spared the cock cage. I successfully pled for a little mercy, and Mistress's benevolence was much appreciated. It does get a little tender down there with consecutive days of usage!

Mistress did send me a photo during the work of those "vice grip" legs, though.

"I sent this to Jay Slave.... he's been "sexting" me all day...."

"Hot, Mistress....", I replied.

Sounds as if their Thursday nooner must have left some residual muscle memory with both of them. While Slave was allowed to worship Mistress when I got home from work Friday, she demurred on anything more vigorous.

"My muscles are a little sore, Slave...."

Poor Mistress.

But I suppose it's good for her.... having two lovers with varying  stylings is the Sex version of "Cross Training".  It has to be good for you, right?

Friday, October 10, 2014

Slave Soothes Mistress's Tender Folds

Slave spent the day in his cock cage, tending to some tedious work related tasks at my office, then visiting a client's office in the afternoon.  That allowed me to head home a little earlier than normal, for a late afternoon bikeride with Mistress.

But before we hit the road, Mistress shared with me some details of her "nooner" with Jay.....

"It was short but intense, Slave. Lots of cock riding, lots of sucking, and all those other things...."

"You must be tired, Mistress."

"Yes. I could have taken a nap afterwards, but we both had some work to do."

She did mention that Jay complemented her legs.

"At one point I had my legs wrapped around him as he fucked me, Slave. He was amazed how strong they were....'like a vice grip' he said."

"All that biking pays off, Mistress."

I was allowed to worship Mistress, soothing those tender folds with my lips and tongue after all that wear and tear.  As I rested between her legs, Jay called on the phone, and I got to listen in to their cute 'after action" repartee. Mistress assured Jay that in fact he does seem very "sexed up" these days. They also discussed how to schedule another rendezvous next week.

And while Mistress was a little too tuckered out to handle her "work-a-day" cock last night, I have a feeling she'll welcome me back "into the folds" this morning.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Mistress Schedules a "Nooner"

Slave rode his bike to work and back yesterday... the sun was out and the cool fall weather provided a lovely respite from a tedious day in the office.  Mistress arrived home from a business meeting shortly after me, and soon we found ourselves resting in bed.

We were almost observed by our painter, perched on the scaffold outside our window (he hadn't been there when we got home) as I slid between Mistress's legs for some end of day worship. Fortunately, the tell tale sound of scraping got me over to the window quickly to drop the shade).

"That was a close one, Mistress...."

After my lips and tongue had extracted a nice end-of-day cum from Mistress, my head rested between her spread, firm thighs, her hand gently stroking my neck... purrrrfect.....the ultimate reward for a loyal slave.

Then Mistress shared her plans for today.

"Jay wants me to come over at lunch time, Slave...."

"I think he misses you, Mistress...."

"It seems so Slave, it's been a week since our last sleepover."

Jay's son is back, so his windows of opportunity are substantially limited. So it's nice that the two of them can find some time for a little lunch time action, don't you think.

"That means it's a cage day for you Slave...."

"As you wish, Mistress...."

"I want that ring on for our sex in the morning...."

Her wish is my command.