Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Gettting to "Yes".

Slave spent a long day in the cage yesterday.

Mistress surprised me a bit when she pronounced that Tuesday would be a "cage day", for no apparent reason. She had no hot date planned with her lover Jay, or one of her "back-ups". Slave would not be in any perceived "danger zone" for temptation to display her cock to another.

But in retrospect, I may know the answer: Slave pushed back a bit when Mistress announced that on an upcoming Saturday night she had made a social engagement for us.

"But that may be the night when (my alma mater) plays the #1 team in the country, Mistress!"

Mistress was not amused.  And I suppose that's what DVR's are for, right?

Slave needs to recall who is in charge here in moments like those.

In any event, the cage was mounted after some early morning wake-up sex with that hard steel ring assuring an extra hard cock.

Slave had a seminar to teach at in the morning. I wonder if my audience noticed me fidgeting a bit more than usual as I talked them through my power point crutch. Luckily no photos of me locked into the cage leaked into the presentation.

At the end of the day I was happy to worship Mistress's lush, clean shaven folds, and grateful when she elected to spring me loose rather than condemn me to an extended sentence on lock down.

But the real subject of today's blog is not my whining, but an article I noticed last week on California's new "consent" sex law, designed to assure that female students (and others) agree to any sex acts with horny frat boys (and others). Here' is the article: California's "Yes Means Yes" Law

AS a father of some college students, I am all for protecting them from non-consensual sexual interactions. (Or any sexual interactions for that matter!).  But you can't help appreciate the humor of a law and policies designed to elicit a "yes" every time you escalate from a chaste kiss to more robust slap and tickle, so to speak.  Here is a taste of some college policies explaining what and how to do it, forst from Oregon State University:

Consent Can Be Fun!

In fact, many people find it sexy. This is the fun part of sex; you get to talk about what you want to do and how you want to do it. You can be creative! Some examples of what your partner might like to hear are:

  • “Wanna have sex?”
  • “I’d really like to _____. Would you be into that?”
  • “Would _____ feel good to you right now?”

These phrases are only examples. To find the best option, ask your partner what phrase(s) they find attractive when being asked for consent. It can become part of foreplay! Remember, communication is the best sexual technique and is the easiest way for both people to get what they want from the sexual experience.

Make Consent Sexy

Do you like when I do this?

What would you like me to do for you?

It makes me so hot when you…me there. What makes you hot?

Do you want me to (kiss/touch…)?

Make Consent Fun

Baby, you want to make a bunk bed: me on top, you on bottom?

May I pleasure you with my tongue?

Would you like to try an Australian kiss? It’s like a French kiss, but “Down Under.”

I’ve got the ship. You’ve got the harbor. Can I dock for the night?

I must say that I would never had been so glib with my high school or college girlfriends as I fumbled through those first, clumsy sexual interactions. 

But then I got thinking, what about all those Domme inclined college girls at Berkley or USC just coming into their own, wanting to let their kink fly. How would this game be played when they found some potentially submissive young stud from Oxnard and decided to have their way with them? Clearly a "safe word", that authorizes a "yes" unless it is affirmatively used is not in the spirit of these new rules.

"Sweetie, do you mind modeling these leg-irons  for me?"

Honeybuns, wouldn't you like to see if you fit inside that little cage under my bed?"

"Don't you think my pedicure is nice? Wouldn't you like to suck on my toes and see what they taste like with that new shade of polish?" 

"Wouldn't these clothes pins look lovely on your nipples?"

"Your cock is so nice, but don't you think it would be even prettier with this cute little cage wrapped around it?"

"It's called a strap-on, silly. Would you like to show you  where it goes?"

Of course, there's always a contract, like Molly and mick have. That's the ultimate way to assure informed consent.  

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Mistress and her "Back Burners".

Things have cooled off here in the heartland. Temperatures fell over the weekend, leaving our painter scrambling to finish his work before the snow falls. He's been at it for what seems like months now, sort of like that character in Murphy Brown who never seemed to finish painting her apartment. (Did they end up moving in together?  I lose touch?)

Last evening, at the end of our work day, Mistress and Slave found ourselves in beg, having some "cocktail hour sex" to the sound of him scraping outside our bedroom window.  Fortunately, we do have effective blinds. Hopefully he could not hear us as well as we could here him.

But the day's blog is not so much about fucking to the sound of a paint scraper, but an article I noticed last week in the Washington Post that reminded me of Mistress's active "virtual" social life. Here is a link to the article: Back up husbands and the rise of digital infidelity.  

Here is a little snippet:

A new study by researchers at the University of Indiana found that Facebook users in relationships frequently use the site to keep in touch with “back-burners” — exes or platonic friends they know they could connect with romantically, should their current relationships go south. Men have back-burners at roughly twice the rate of women, the study found. But among both genders, the practice is widespread: On average, respondents in relationships said they had romantic or sexual conversations with two people (!) besides their current partner.
That comes on top of a a recent release by the research agency OnePoll, which suggested as many as half of all women keep in touch with a “back-up husband” they could contact if their current husband doesn’t work out. (“With sites like Facebook and Twitter, it’s easier than ever to stay in touch with an old flame,” a OnePoll rep told the Daily Mail.)

Of course, we're not talking about infidelity in this case. Mistress has the contractual right to "mess around", and slave has no complaints. Indeed unlike the folks described in this article, Mistress is more than happy to share the details of her texting and facebook messaging with past or potential suitors.

But what's wrong with being in touch with past or potential prospects for filling the role of "cuckolder" when you are a hot and sexy wife and Mistress.

Last week Mistress mentioned that she heard via facebook from the guy we called "E" back in the day when this blog got started. E was married then. Since then he's been divorced, in a relationship, and now apparently loose again. And trying to rekindle with Mistress the flame he sparked a few years ago. 

"How did you handle that Mistress?"

"I told him to get over it, Slave."

"Seems reasonable, Mistress.... he'd just freak out again when you called his bluff."

I guess he's someone who saw Mistress as a "back burner". But she's not playing the game.

Then there is Mr. Perfect Cock, who has been in touch on and off in recent weeks.

"He is pretty hot, Slave....."

So maybe Mistress sees MPC as a "back burner" depending on how things go with Jay?

She also was on Facebook last night, checking out a guy she has worked with  and also serendipitously encountered via Ashley Madison.

"He must have gone on that trip to Florida with some woman. When I had a drink with him a couple of weeks ago he was trying to cancel the flight...."

See, isn't it nice Mistress can share all this stuff with her husband / slave?

 She doesn't have to slide into the ladies room to check for the latest enticing text message.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Weekend Round-Up

Mistress had a busy week.

Last night, after we had enjoyed some "reunion" sex upon my return from work to the UCTMW World HQ, we did a little count of Mistress's sexcapades of the week with her "tag team":

Tuesday: wake up sex with her slave. Then pre and post dinner sex with her lover Jay.

Wednesday: wake up sex with Jay. Then some gentler homecoming sex with her slave.

Thursday: wake up sex with her slave. Then some "raucous" (her word) sex with Jay after dinner. ("We had a few drinks with dinner, and I think we just kind of passed out when we were done, Slave....quite frankly it's hard to remember it all").

Friday: some early morning cock riding by Mistress with Jay. Then our "kinder. gentler" brand of copulation at the end of the day.

So 4 days, two lovers, and lots of cums for Mistress.

"I'm a little tender down there, Slave.... and tired too."

And who wouldn't be.

Last night we took in a movie at home, Mistress spread across the couch, her feet on my lap. I took the opportunity to suck and lick them, while rubbing them with my hands, savoring that musky, earthen aroma of her soles.

But while Mistress had her clean shaven folds on full display, still a bit damp from our evening's activities, it was clear that while I could look, I'd better not touch.

"No touching slave.... my parts need a rest."

No doubt.

Friday, October 3, 2014

Mistress Demands Photographic Proof

As agreed with Mistress, I made sure to pack my cock cage and its sturdy lock in my work bag before leaving the house on Thursday morning. After my MD appointment (and, btw, the relatively hot dermatology nurse practitioner did "take a peek" as part of her full body exam), I headed to my office and made sure that the first order of business was to "drop trou'" and wiggle my balls and cock into the cage, snapping the lock shut before I had a chance for 2nd thoughts (and also before the mail girl popped in with her morning delivery).

I think Mistress probably blushed a bit when her I-phone lit up with my text message and accompanying photographic evidence that confirmed I was back under lock and key.  I even added one of those silly emoticons with a little frown and tear in the eye. Aw heck, why not share it with my devoted readers:
Obviously, I could use some grooming down there. But I can't do a thing about those knobby old slave knees.

Mistress texted back shortly:

"love that, slave!"

I'm glad she was amused. But there was one thing I had not planned on.  I put on a new pair of black pants in the am. Some off the shelf cheapies that were not properly tailored to accommodate a cock cage. I quickly discovered that the pants were too tight in the crotch with my new accessory, producing a rather obvious bulge for anyone taking a close look. And also making it rather uncomfortable whenever I sat down.


When I reported this to Mistress she was not overly concerned about my personal comfort, but was a little worried that some of my female colleagues might see something new in old Mick they had not noticed before.

Fortunately for me, I do have a stand-up desk in my office, which relieved my discomfort until it was time to head home for the day.

I did talk to Mistress on her way to Jay's house for their 2nd sleepover of the week. And she called again later in the evening, when she gave me permission to remove the cage so I could take a bike ride.


She called again at around 6:30 pm from a grocery store parking lot, while Jay was inside picking up some wine.

"Funny, Slave. I feel like I'm having an affair with you... calling when Jay is in the store so we can talk privately...."

"I'm glad you could 'sneak away' and check in with me, Mistress...."

She reported that their plan was dinner out, and then 'other activities' once back at Jay's house. And I suspect they're probably at it again this morning, before Mistress heads home.

"He likes me naked all the time, Slave". That's what she shared with me earlier in the week. And who can blame him?

As for me, I spent a quiet evening at home, missing Mistress and looking forward to our weekend together.

But I suspect I will have to be a little gentle when we are finally reunited after work this evening. Those clean shaven folds have had a whole lot of action this week.