Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Slave Caged on Mistress's "Date Night"

Mistress has set up a "sleep over" date night with her (occasional) lover Jay tonight. With his child care duties, it's been hard in recent weeks for them to find the sort of privacy required for them to spend time together. But his son is away for a few days....

"You don't mind me spending the night, do you Slave...."

"Of course not Mistress.... "

While it will be lonely in the bed tonight, I can at least contemplate all of the wanton things she will be up to.... and I suspect Jay will have some pent up demand for Mistress's lush and lovely body.

As it turns out, Mistress's night out coincides with a day when Slave has to drive to work.

"That's good Slave, because I'd hate to have to make you wear your cage when you bike to work."

Not only would it be a little uncomfortable to cover the 5 miles downtown with the cage chafing against my bike seat, but can you imagine what the office staff might think if they saw the tell tale bulge under the bike shorts when I get off the elevator?

It might look sort of like this:
I suspect that could get the "team" chattering.

I have to join an out-0f-town colleague for dinner this evening. So my cage time will be extended to that extent into the evening. And Mistress is suggesting that I may need to spend the night in the cage, because she and Jay will likely be engaged in their own brand of fun by the time I get home.  The issue will be whether I get my parole from confinement in time to ride to work Wednesday morning. 

Fortunately, there's time for some wake-up sex this morning before I go into full "lock down". So Slave's period of chastity should last only about 36 hours right?

I suppose it could be much, much  worse.

But feel free to send sympathy notes anyway.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Still Crazy....

In addition to some two-a-day sexcapades here on Saturday, our rather hectic weekend was highlighted by Mistress's 4th annual swim of our local "Big River" - over and back to the shores that once divided the blue from the gray.

It's the sort of activity that requires Slave to accompany Mistress in the pre-dawn hours down to the riverfront to bear witness to her crazy.

"I could have driven myself, Slave...."

"But who would identify the body, Mistress?"

Obviously, it's not all that unsafe. About 200 other hearty souls joined her on this foolhardy mission. And the Coast Guard does stop the chemical laden barges plying the river from West Virginia to the Gulf of Mexico, at least for a while. So the only real fear is running out of steam somewhere at mid-stream, heavy currents, and all those rumours of giant mutant cat fish.

Once Mistress slides into that cold water, and the starter's whistle blows, all Slave can do is haul Mistress's towel, bag and sandals down to the finish line and repeat the "Hail Mary's" taught me by the nuns in grade school.

Whether it was the power of an unbeliever's prayer, or Mistress smooth and undaunted stroke that turned the trick, she did emerge successfully from the cold gray waters about 21 minutes after she struck off on her quest. There was a crowd of landlubbers to greet her and her fellow travelers in crazy, with finish times announced and some more notorious swimmers welcomed back by name.

"Did they really say my age when I got out, Slave....."

"Ummm... I think they did Mistress...."

It's amazing she noticed that little detail as she climbed onto the landing after her chilly little dip.  I think I'd be checking for leeches or stray catfish whiskers instead.

Fortuantely, there was a "happy ending". After Mistress wrapped herself in a towel (photos of her in her bathing suit were strictly verbotten), we headed home, stopping at a local greasy spoon for some carbo-loading.

Then Mistress and Slave were back in bed for a little nap, the New York Times and some hearty, if deferred morning sex.  I think Mistress's clean shaven folds were still chilled when I soothed them with my tongue and lips as a prologue for what was to come.

Fortunately, her work-a-day cock was warm and toasty.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Putting the WC on the Clock

This morning we have some advice via our Senior Correspondent to share with our Western Correspondent. But first a follow up on yesterday’s post about the “shock collar”. I must say I was assuming that the collar was really for pets, or maybe necks, but “anonymous” did pass on this post from “Male Chastity Journal” that demonstrates the ability of a Mistress to strap one of those little suckers around the base of a submissive male’s cock and balls already equipped with a cock cage.


Fortunately, Mistress has not placed this item on her Amazon “wish” list just yet, though she might have wished for one last night, when we attended a political fundraiser in town. It certainly would have curbed any thought I might have had to stray from her side for even a moment. (Not that I did, I might add…. But what can a little extra deterrence hurt?)

Now, back to the WC. 

As our loyal readers know, he has a knack for exercising his special occasion cock throughout the work day and beyond. His penchant to burn through  large drums of high end lubricant almost broke the bank here at UCTMW, and caused several rounds of budgetary retrenchment.

But one thing we have never documented (for science of course) is how long the WC typically takes from unzipping to rezipping. Does he go for multiple quickies, or does he enjoy dragging out each self- encounter with his impressive specimen of manhood? 

Over the weekend, Donna passed along a post from a blog called “The People Your Mother Warned You About” suggesting that guys not subject to a “not touch” rule (like yours truly) should extend their moments of “self-abuse” as long as possible to train themselves to better please their “better halves” in the sack. Here is an excerpt:

The most important part first: Don’t rush through your petting session with the one-eyed monster. A weightlifter lifts as much weight as they can and a marathon runner runs as far as they can. Do the same with your stamina for the bedroom. Make it last as long as you can as often as you have the time to. When you rush through three minute fap sessions, you are training your brain to rush toward busting that nut. That leave seventeen minutes of recalling baseball stats or picturing your grandmother in the shower (which, by the way, who the fuck suggests this? That’d make me get dressed and go home to drink myself to a black out and leave my partner really confused). In the Navy we said “train like you fight”…well, train like you fuck. Sex is an important part of a healthy life so you really ought to train for it anyway, just as you train to stay fit or stay sharp at your job.
Secondly, use lubrication when you choke the dolphin. The brand doesn’t matter at all. You can even use some Oil of Olay rejuvenating whats-its to keep you dick looking young and wrinkle free. Just use it. Tune your nerves to deal with as close of an approximation of a pussy as you can. Pussies are wet, warm and fucking magical! You need to tune your nerves.

Well we know the WC uses plenty of high priced lube. But what about the other advice provided here, Miguel: Do you go for a quick burst of fun, or do you take the opportunity to train the SOC for those moments when the lovely B wants your complete attention.

Maybe we can put your cock  on the clock for a few weeks and publish the results in some upscale medical journal.

It’s all for science.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

A Reader's "Helpful" Advice

It was a relatively restful weekend at the UCTMW World HQ. There was time for "two-a-day" sex in Saturday, and Slave regaled Mistress with attention from her favorite power tool on Sunday morning. Mistress definitely gave me a "thumbs up" on that one!

Unfortunately, we were back to the grind on Monday morning. Mistress has this every-other-week 8 am meeting out in the Ex-urbs to start too many of her Mondays, which forecloses our typical "wake-up" sex, sending our respective sexual balance askew.

Fortunately, Slave did not have to wear his cage because I rode my bike to work. And at the end of the day, both of us had the time and energy for some pre-dinner nooky.

"Put in your device, Slave...."  (the aneros).

I was happy to obey, and then buried myself between Mistress muscular thighs, all nice and salty from her own end of the day bike ride. Once I had suitably pleased her, she gave me the green light to take my own pleasure from those lush, clean shaven folds.

But apparently some of our readers think Mistress is a little too indulgent to her Slave. "Anonymous" made a comment to Saturday's blog suggesting that Mistress may want to consider cranking up the level of security for her work-a-day cock with this "helpful" device:
The manufacturer claims that this "shock / vibration collar":

  • Provides a professional 100 level shock and 100 level Vibration with Rechargeable LCD digital remote control electric training Collar
  • Rechargeable LCD digital remote control electric training collar. Remote control electric shock devices
  • Convenience of easy-to-read LCD screen shows the stimulation level. Over 3,000 different identity codes to prevent conflicts with other e-collars.
  • The system can be used for 1 or 2 receivers.(the additional receiver must be the same type as your previous one and purchased from us)
  •   What  Slave can't tell is whether this little sucker is scaled to fit aroung the base of a cock, or only around one's neck.  Is there a chihuahua size that could go where a cock cage would normally be parked?  And is the idea one where's it in combination with a cock cage? Or solo?
  • It's also interesting that the same control device can be used on 2 separate receivers. I suppose that could be helpful if Mistress decided to add another Slave to her stable.

  • Gee, thanks Anonymous for this helpful suggestion. Maybe Mistress will put this on her Christmas list!