Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sprung Loose

Mistress did require me to wear my cage to work on Friday. And yes, Fury, it had been a while. Word from the Executive Suite here at the UCTMW World HQ is that slave will be expected to wear it more often, though I've been given some slack on days when I ride my bike to work.

On Friday I was in my "full metal jacket" version. It's rather heavy and noticeable (at least to me), but not particularly uncomfortable once my sack gets accustomed to its close confines. It certainly makes me want to avoid and concupiscent thoughts as I work through my rather tedious work day. (I make a mental note to avoid any sex blog surfing during the lunch hour to prevent any unnecessary "lurches" against my metal encasement). And of course there is the reminder of my "chaste" status everytime slave has to sit to pee.

While we don't have the full assortment of cages depicted to the left,  we do have a plastic model as a backup in the event there are security checks to clear for work duties.

Recently Mistress mentioned that both a potential suitor who reads the blog, and a former lover who has been back in touch recently, had asked if "Mick really does wear a cock cage."

Of course, it does make Mick blush a bit that there are folks out there wondering "is he, or isn't he" on any given day.

"What did you tell them Mistress...."

"That you do, but not as often as you should."

Probably true.

 I suppose Mistress is pretty indulgent. On Friday, it was a beautiful day in River City. I got home before Mistress and was yearning for a bike ride to shake off the cobwebs from a day behind a desk. Mistress was generous enough to let me "self-release" and take that ride without fear of cock decapitation on my bike seat.

But I made sure she was rewarded for her mercy with some oral devotions as soon as she got home.

It was the least I could do.

Friday, September 19, 2014

"Who Makes the Rules Around Here?"

Slave stepped in it yesterday.

It was at the end of our days. Slave was out of the shower, after a bracing bike ride home from the office in some late summer sun.

Mistress was changing after her own bike ride through our neighborhood. Our plan was the head to the grocery store to stock up for a family dinner this evening.

Mistress was sliding into a short sundress. More "around the house" attire than "go to the market" garb. That's where Slave made his big mistake.

"If we're going to the grocery, is this too revealing, Slave....?"

I took a look, saw a hemline that ended at mid-thigh, and expressed my POV.

"Not if you wear undies, Mistress....."

She gave me that look....

"Since when do you make the rules around here, Slave...."


"After a long day in business attire.... then a bike ride.... it's nice to air out the parts, Slave."

Who could argue with that proposition.

"And who's going to  notice anyway?"

"I suppose no one, Mistress, as long as you don't bend over to get something off the bottom shelf....and I suppose that's what Slaves are for...."

"Exactly, Slave...."

The subject was dropped as I settled between her thighs for some end of day, pre-grocery shopping worship. Once Mistress had been sufficiently pleased, it was agreed that the punishment for impertinence would be wearing my cock cage today.

That seems more than appropriate, particular since Mistress has a lunch date with a would-be suitor who has been texting her for the last few weeks. At least I won't be tempted to breach the "no touch" rule downtown in my office as I contemplate what comes of that lunch date.

"Make sure you have that ring in place when you come back to bed in the morning, Slave.... it always makes your cock a little harder."

"Yes, Mistress."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

HNT: Tights Season?

It's been unseasonably cool here in the heartland. Fall is definitely in the air, a few weeks earlier than normal. But the question remains whether Mistress will be watching the calendar or the thermometer when it comes to kicking off Slave's fetish for her black tights.

I couldn't help but notice that some of the ladies downtown had already launched into their fall fashion regimes yesterday. I did as good a job as one could to appear disinterested.

As for the source of my own fetish for women in tights or hose, it probably goes back to middle school days, when some of the lovelier girls in my 8th grade class began wearing over the knee socks or hose that had me distracted as the nuns bored us with the days rote recitations of multiplication tables or passages from the catechism.

Mistress has freely taken advantage my "weakness" over the years, appearing in my office with those peek-a-boo tights, and allowing me access from her thrown as she spreads her legs, and I grovel before her, my face buried at the juncture of her thighs.

She knows my weakness, and like a clever NFL offensive coordinator, she's more than happy to exploit it. And I fall for it, hard, every time.

I guess that's why I am well suited to be her slave, and she my Mistress.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

(Masters of) Sex Night

Mistress and Slave have one guilty pleasure these days: hunkering down in front of the TV on Monday evenings to catch the previous night's episode of "Masters of Sex". (We are too lazy to wait up until 10 pm on Sunday night to catch the new episode's first showing).

For those who have not caught the show (now in it's 2nd season), it is a glossy, soap opera-ish recapitulation of the careers of William Masters and Virginia Johnson, who reputedly pioneered sex research back in the 1950's. Or as Mistress would put it "It's Mad Men with more sex."

Yes: lot's of period costumes, autos, attitudes, and lingerie.

Who can resist that, particularly old Slaves who came of age in the 50's and 60's.

It doesn't hurt that they've cast the leads with an actor and actress who certainly bring more heat to their roles than the originals.

Here are the historical figures:

Very frumpy St. Louis, right, though at least Virginia is showing a little knee.

Now here are the lovely Lizzy Caplan and Michael Sheen in character:

Definitely an improvement, don't you think, even with the  dweeby bow tie.

In the laboratory, the pair develop ground breaking technology to "lift the hood" on female sexual response:

Yes, you guessed right on where this goes. And it's equipped with a camera that gets an interesting view. There are many scenes of copulation and masturbation by the various "subjects" recruited to participate in the Study.

In season one, the pair decide that it "only makes sense" to participate in their own study of sexual pairs copulating. "Offering it up" for science. Of course, there have to be wires and monitors to record all the fun. Otherwise, it would just be adultery, right?

But by season two, the wires have been set aside and their ongoing tryst occurs at a local hotel, giving us plenty of opportunities to see Lizzy / Virginia in various stages of undress.

Slave has no complaints about those scenes. Here is a little video mash up with some of the racier scenes tossed in. (Warning:  perky nipples included).

This year there have even been some hints at Lizzy assuming a more Domme-ish role, including one semi-botched attempt at bondage in last night's episode.

All of this sexual melodrama has a certain effect, which we can recommend. After we adjourned to bed following the conclusion, Mistress clearly was in a heightened level of sexual propensity.

"Hmmmm..... you forgot to offer to worship, Slave...."

Sadly, she was right. The evening had gotten away from us.

I quickly made amends, burrowing under the covers to make sure Mistress's clean shaven folds received the full attention they deserved.

I clearly deserve a punishment for my negligence, don't you think?