Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Mistress and slave are struggling to get back into the tempo of our work lives  here in River City after some very glorious time at our SW hideaway.

I suppose we have nothing to complain about: the nest is empty. We are in our downsized UCTMW HQ in a lovely old neighborhood, within a  bike ride of my office, and a stroll to movies and restaurants.

No one is threatening to behead us if we don't convert to the religion of their choosing.

But still.....

Mistress did have good news for me last night, after I conducted some post work worship.

"Slave..... there was a story on NPR this evening ... did you hear it?"

"Not sure.... what was it about?"

"About guys your age using viagra or other stuff to have said more than half of guys in their  60's have to use it.... "

(Here is the link  to the NPR story)

"Wow..... I guess I'm lucky...."

"I guess I'm lucky too, Slave.... sounds like you are a veritable super man in the sack...."

That's exactly what an aging Slave likes to hear.

But with that reputation to uphold, I guess I'd better get upstairs and prove my worth....

Monday, September 8, 2014

Back to Basics

Yesterday, Marc Divigny, aka, the Cuckolder, whined a bit about a blog that had strayed from eye candy and sex to handicapping the upcoming NFL season.

Thanks for the reminder, Marc. Sometimes we do get a little distracted. But apparently we aren't the only one. D, Mistress's prospective suitor, was texting me about the River City Pussycats game yesterday. Apparently he can't keep his mind in the gutter either.

So before we head to the airport for the long trip back to the tedium of work and River City, let me get back on theme here/

I can report a couple of things:

First, before we enjoyed our last day here in the sun, slave broke out Mistress's favorite power tool, sliding it between her thighs and enjoying the sights, sounds and sensations as she surged her clean shaven folds against it. I do enjoy frustrating her a bit, withdrawing its business end a bit just as she seems on the edge of release. But I am not all that disciplined about it. When she asked me permission to cum, I was happy to give her the green light. And, after her impressive explosion, Mistress returned the favor, allowing he to thrust inside and take my own pleasure.

Soon Mistress was out on our patio.

"It may be my last sunbathing until next spring, Slave."

"Hard to imagine, Mistress.... but I guess this means summer is now officially over."

I was happy to perform my sunscreen smearing duties. And can confirm that after a week here in the sunny SW, Mistress's tan lines are, at least for now, gone, gone, gone.

Is that better, Marc?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Our Western Correspondent Is Ready for Kick-off

Mistress and Slave enjoyed our Saturday with sex, cycling and music up on the Mountain. It seems that summer is turning to fall here this weekend. We are officially bummed that our time here ends tomorrow, and we head back to full calendars and the gloomy skies of the heartland.

We plan to enjoy our last day here with some solo time together, and maybe a long bike ride crossing between little towns on the New Mexico - Colorado border.

So we will turn the blog over to our Western Correspondent, for his timely update from the Mile High City:

Well here is a report from the Mile Hi City

We are having a big golf tournament  here this week

The BMW Fedex cup semi finals

It is at a course called Cherry Hills right near my house

Rode my bike over to check it out

Those guys hit it further than the poor old WC.......

And the fine members there have not seen there way clear to making the WC a member

Course I wouldn't be a member at a club that would have me anyway!

I did see the club pro from my club there

John Elway is a member and the club champion

Peyton Manning is a member and that is where Elway talking Manning into coming to Denver

Thank you John!!!

Speaking of Manning My beloved Broncos are playing Andrew Luck and the Colts here Sundaynight

Manning was giving the golfers tickets Tuesday at the golf course

Expect the Donks to cover for any gamblers out there

Denver has a brutal schedule this year playing the following playoff teams from last year

Cincy (Mick), San Fran, Kansas City twice, San Diego twice, Indy, New England, and Seattle

Around here we are particularly looking forward to going to Seattle the third week of the season

Time for some payback for the Supper Bowl

Besides everybody know Seattle is full of pot smoking left coast liberals

Thats why we like them!!!!

We are kind of sister cities

But their football team needs a good old fashioned beat down

And Pete Carol is an asshole!

But   Wilson played in the Colorado Rockies farm system

My daughter turns 16 tommorow

B is up in the mountains at a resort town for a conference

So I get the pleasure of hosting a sleep over and birthday party for teenage girls

Lucky me.................

Meanwhile at the Ranch tonight they are hosting a birthday Party for Kendal, the owner and giving away $5,000.00 worth of panties

As long as you put them on in public!

Well rock on U2 lunatics

You hard working reporter


Thanks, WC.  Maybe you can slip some of those THC laced gummy bears that laid Molly so low earlier in the week into Richard Sherman's pre-game smoothie. That might give your Donkeys a fighting chance against the Seahawks.  Though I agree with you about Pete Carroll! 

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hunk Watch

Mistress and Slave have been spending a good bit of time up at our local Ski Hill, where a big regional music fest is proceeding under a "bigtop" in the shadow of the mountains. It's great music, and even better people watching, particularly for those of us from the more tedious and predictable heartland.

I believe I mentioned earlier this week an encounter we had down on the banks of the Rio Grande. Mistress was sunbathing topless, and we struck up a conversation with two middle aged women who were doing likewise. It turned out that one of them is the Mayoress of the little village where the ski hill sits, and there she was last evening (fully clothed) acting as ticket checker at the festival gate.

Mistress and I chatted her up, making only vague references to how we had met, avoiding embarrassment. But Slave did note that I deserved credit for recognizing her....

"See I must have been looking at your face, not elsewhere...."

 The Mayoress seemed impressed with Slave's discipline. (As was Mistress, who did not recognize her!)

Of course, Mistress had her own distractions at yesterday's event.  We were sitting near the entrance to the "backstage" tent, where the performers hung out and accessed the free booze and munchies through the show. So she had a chance to check out some of the "stars" up close as they sipped wine and lounged against a fence, watching the other acts.

A couple of local guys caught her eye, one who we had met here last year. The first (on the right) is a native American performer and artist who hales from the local Pueblo.

The second is a local Hispanic / Native American hybrid of sorts, who now performs more in California than in these parts.

Mistress had trouble containing her enthusiasm when they appeared near our seats, joshing with each other and the assembled semi-celebrities.

"Those guys are hunks, Slave...." she whispered to me, indicating with her eyes the gentlemen she was drooling over.

Mistress does know her eye candy.

I did admire her ability to keep her tongue in her mouth and admire from afar (or at least a few feet away).

But I will certainly understand if when I am performing my morning worship she elects to fantasize that these two fellows are tag teaming her instead of her pampered house slave.