Saturday, July 5, 2014

Mistress Enjoys Some Holiday Attention

Mistress got her share of attention from a whole collection of men, and women yesterday.

It started near the end of our bike ride. We stopped by to chat up the local Potter - purveyor to the stars and the "little folk" like us - who was prepping his little store for the big 4th of July Parade crowd. Up rode a tall, fit, gray haired guy on his motorcycle- a friend of our potter - who introduced us. He quickly took a shine to Mistress, and made sure to give her a hug and kiss about 2 hrs later when we encountered him at the parade. It turned out he's a prominent  local businessman, and seemed very pleased that Mistress gave him his card.

"I think he was flirting with me, Slave."

"Of course he was, Mistress. "

The parade was an eclectic mix of the traditional patriotic kitch western style - horses and wagons and old gentlemen playing guitars and singing old Spanish folk songs - along with the eccentric leftie element that co-habits these parts. I particularly enjoyed the "Marriage Equality Wedding Cake" with the matched penguins at the top.

When the parade wound down we followed the crowds to a local restaurant with a big pig roast outside in a sunny plum orchard. There was music and beverages and old friends to share the day with. Later in the afternoon, we walked home and took a nap before joining our next door neighbors for their traditional 4th of July binge. They run a family restaurant a few hours south of here, and whipped up some tangy enchiladas and burritos to go with the Margaritas they were serving.

The lively group was a sprawling family descendent from the original Conquistadors and their hangers on.  We settled onto their rear patio, a lovely garden setting that shares the same mountain views we enjoy, and where we could watch the early evening storm clouds gather over the peeks.

Lots of good natured, tequila fueled ribbing was the nature of the day, involving such things as the proper pronunciation of. "Magdelena".  (Mine wasn't so bad, for a gringo).

All the men - and the ladies too - were fawning over Mistress, from her hair to her eyes to her shoes. (They were too polite to comment on her lush body.) And it would be fair to say she enjoyed the attention.  I was reminded on several occasions how lucky I was to have such a beautiful wife.

As if I didn't know.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Independence Day

We will be celebrating our national cumming out party here with friends at our funky little neighborhood parade, followed by  a pig roast  in the garden of a restaurant down the street. There will be music, a chili pepper eating contest, goofy floats, horses, and probably a little too much to drink and eat.

So it's probably good we had a more laid back yesterday. Of course, we fit in our "two-a-day" sex regime, and a bracing bike ride. There's Mistress on her flashy bike jersey on a little rest break after a long up-hill climb.

And of course with the sun out it was  hard for Mistress to resist a little more sunning, taunting her "field slave" with her lush naked body as I continued to perform the typical maintenance tasks required at any 2nd home.  By now her campaign to eliminate those Midwest swim club tan lines is almost complete, don't you think:
By the end of the day we were too lazy to go into town for the music we had planned to take in. Our patio and the upcoming sunset were too tempting. So Slave whipped up some dinner and we spent the evening outside watching the evolving drama in the skies until the chilly air got to Mistress, who was dressed in a nightie that was barely there. Maybe she was trying to distract the prairie dogs?

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Silent Auction Fodder

Mistress and Slave spent another day in our mountain paradise yesterday.  There was your traditional wake-up sex. An early bike ride on our traditional route - great views and a bracing up hill climb to clear the arteries. And then some annoying conference calls that forced our attention momentarily back to reality.


But once the calls were done, we quickly got back into our SW groove.

Mistress stripped away her clothes and readied herself for some sunning.

Slave did some painting and other maintenance work.  But there was another task as well.

"Slave, could you put some sunscreen on my ass?"

"My pleasure, Mistress."

But as I smeared #8 onto that firm tush, a light went off.

"You know, Mistress.... some guys would pay a pretty penny for this opportunity. Some women too, I suppose."

"Do tell, Slave."

"There's that big benefit Sunday we may attend. ,,,,'

(It's for the ancestral home of a local hero/villian, best known for his exploits as an Army scout, explorer, and (here's the villian part), facilitator of the extermination of all too many native Americans.)

"Yes, Slave.... your point...."

"Well they say there will be a 'silent auction'.... where folks make contributions of various types -- condo time, a meal, a piece of art, yada yada....and the attendees bid on them, with the proceeds going to the charity."

"You're suggesting....."

"Yes, we offer the lucky bidder the opportunity to slather sunscreen all over your ass and back....maybe a separate offer for the more tender front, with it's prominent nipples and alluring clean shaven folds.... I bet that would raise even more money for a worthy cause. And we'd get the tax deduction!"

"Funny, Slave...."

"Of course, we'd need pictures to illustrate the offer..... "

Mistress was not amused..... but then Sunday is switch day isn't it?  I wonder if this would fit into my switch day privileges.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


You're probably getting tired of our tales of two-a-day sexploits, sunny days and beautiful sunsets. But who can get tired of pictures of Molly sunbathing?