Sunday, February 16, 2014

Our Western Correspondent Is Not Exactly a Good Luck Charm

Mistress and Slave extended their streak of twofers to a third day in a row here in our empty nest. Is it the endless snow that keeps falling here that makes us want to huddle under the sheets in Mistress's executive suite for shared bodily warmth? Or is it the continued romantic vibes that come with Valentine's Day? In any event, Mistress spent most of the day in the black silk nightie I got her for V Day, and Slave made sure it was put to good use.

Whatever it was that inspired us, we seem to have exceeded in just a few days what last Sunday's article on gender roles and marital sex said is the monthly quota for a sissy like me who helps with the cooking and the laundry. I guess I am one lucky Ol' Slave.

But one group that seems out of luck is the USA Olympic Team that our Western Correspondent was b touting a week ago. His heroes - Bode Miller, Julie Mancuso, Ted Ligety, Shaun White - are all underperforming on the slopes. Is the WC an American albatross, jinxing their performance? Even switching from their trendy new high speed suits did not seem to jumpstart the USA speed skaters, who seem about as quick on the track as my cranky Mom heading to the ladies room.

It's gotten to the point where the WC has been forced to whine about his generous pay, and cover Swedish Yogistas and Lebanese skiers in his in search for any uplifting good news in Sochi for our readers:

(SOCHIWell I want to start off by thanking my friend Suzanne

She told the Plurocrat  Mick Collins to finally give me a raise

Haven't had one since I bought the little shack on the slopes of Vail

This guy is worse than Rupert!!!!

Why just yesterday he said he should have a vote for every dollar he pays in taxes

Shame on you Mick Collins!

Molly you should lock him up for a month 

Just on general principle .....

Well on to serious sports reporting,,,,

We will see if my little editorial comment survives the evil  editors pen


The naked Swedish yoga workout was great!!

Hottest ticket in town

I had a perfect view 

Front row in the middle

From the rear!

My god those girls can really twist themselves into unusual positions

I have never seen bottoms spread so wide!

And labias too!!!!!

My sharp reporters instinct told me to ask them if they liked showing off

I asked the question because many of the wide open vagina's seamed wet to  my  poor old eyes

Oh yes they gushed 

Makes us very horney they said

Of course I did not bother to correct their English

Do I look stupid????????

Well I was just minding my own business in the back when a comely yoga girl came up and asked if she could do the upside down lotus while I put my finger up her ass

Ever the gentleman, I happily assisted her 

While she furiously rubbed her clit and gushed all over the place

Needless to say the poor old WC's cock was hard as a rock


Then she just stood up 

And said thanks


What about me???????????

She just walked off shaking her head

Americans !!!

The poor old WC was befuddled 

Well off to Japanese geisha girl party

I hear they treat American journalists better.....

Your hard working and under paid intrepid reporter 


Well at least the poor Swedish yogistas did not persuade the WC to take off that cute black leotard.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Our Man in Sochi Goes Undercover for an Exclusive

Things worked out as planned here in River City for this crafty Slave. 

Mistress seemed surprised and pleased with the Valentine's Day gift bestowed upon her.... she may even pose for a little photo shoot later today!

As a result, Slave got "lucky" both before work, and later yesterday evening when I broke free from the office, and drove home in a snow storm to spend a romantic evening at home tending to her needs.

Of course, I probably would have gotten lucky without a suitable V Day gift, but it certainly didn't hurt.

But as the snow was falling here in the heartland (and on our snow bound friends from North Carolina to Massachusetts), it was melting in Sochi, where our Western Correspondent was running out of leads. Fortunately, I spotted this article (jacky-chamoun-a-lebanese-skier-deals-with-fallout-from-topless-photos/) in the Washington Post about a member of the Lebanese Ski team who had got her tits in a metaphorical  wringer about a nude video that popped up on you tube this week. 

Here's a link to the video: Jackie Chamoun

First, who knew they skied in Lebanon? When they slalom do they use land mines rather than gates? 

But I guess the story about a Lebanese skier taking it all off on the slopes is preferable to more Hezbollah Hijinks. 

I immediately got in touch with our intrepid reporter on the ground to see if he could get to the root of this breaking news. Here's what We got back from our Imbed in the Olympic Village:

Dateline Sochi.

Well my senior editor ordered me to interview a Lebanese skier named Jackie Chamoun

I dutifully complied 

WTF happened to the Burkas???????????

This chick likes to get naked outdoors all the time!

What a peach!

Being a gentalman I won't kiss and tell


I fucked the shit out of her on the luge run at 5 AM

These Ruskies don't lock anything!!!!

Her ass got pretty cold as she was on the bottom

But as I told her 

Just be glad you are not the top person on the doubles luge!!!
She thought that was pretty funny from an American 

Doesn't say much for my humor ..........

But a good time was had by all till a Russian Security guard named Ivon kicked us out

Oh well......

Mick your advise about the Vodka was right on

These Ruskies drink me under the table

I asked  my new friend Boris where the pot store was

He asked.... potinski store??????

We get sent to Siberia for potinski!!!!!!!!

Oh well behind the times as usual  

He sadly shook his head

"I am required to go to the figure skating event tonight" Boris told me

But figure skating sucks I said

"Lets go fuck some more Ex Burka girls" I complained 

No Miguel............ he said.......

"They need peeps in the seats"  he said

Well got to go my friends

Got an invite to the Swedish woman's olympic team nude yoga class

And i get to stand in the back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your hard working reporter in Sochi


Thanks Miguel. Glad to know you are willing to risk reoccurrence of frostbite for the Special Occasion Cock to get an exclusive.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Greetings from Molly and mick

Mistress and Slave have a laid back Valentine's Day planned. We already covered the romantic dinner this week. And yesterday we had more hot sex than most couples will score on the real Valentine's Day. There was that traditional wake-up sex. Then, after work, with nothing on our agenda but an improvised dinner, there was some slow and languorous love making in the UCTMW executive suite. So whatever happens this morning, or tonight will be (red) gravy!

At some point, Mistress confessed that she had not gotten me a Valentine's Day card. "I know. You think it's a bogus holiday, Slave."

 I suppose I do. Something pumped up by Hallmark and  the floral/ retail / restaurant industrial complex  to give them a quick cash fix 45 days after the Christmas shopping season peters out. But that doesn't mean Slave is a fool! I did pick up something for Mistress at a local lingerie store, in the spirit of the season.

Just because some cynical old Slave thinks Valentine's Day is a made up holiday, doesn't mean Mistress thinks that way. No, I didn't get her  this:

 That would have seemed to "all about me". Although, let's face it, buying Mistress sexy lingerie is kind of all about me, isn't it?

And although I didn't get a card to go with my present, this sort of captures my cynical attitude about V Day:
But despite my cynicism, somehow I think I will still get Mistress naked today.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Mistress and Slave Have an Early Valentine's Day

Back here in River City, Mistress and Slave decided to beat the crowds and have our romantic Valentine's Day dinner early. Mistress saw an invitation with a special 5 course meal and wine pairings at a restaurant within walking distance, so we signed up. After a brief but satisfying worship session here at the UCTMW World HQ, we put on our boots last night for a crunchy walk through the hard packed snow to indulge. A nearly full moon was rising. 

Muy Romantico.

But when we arrived, we realized there had been a serious miscommunication. This "romantic dinner" was set up in a brightly lit room, at communal tables, and a very geeky and annoying crowd was already gathered. It was the sort of crowd that clearly did not want  to celebrate Valentine's Day where you actually had to carry a one-on-one conversation with your true love through 5 courses and the accompanying wine.

We considered aborting our mission, but Mistress, ever resourceful quickly deployed her charm and considerable persuasion skills..... soon the owner's wife was sheparding us to the nearly empty regular dining room to a very private table. We had not only avoided the crowd of wine geeks, we had also scored a corner to ourselves where the staff brought us our 5 courses and paired wine through a very lovely evening. 

(This being River City, the only other couple there all night included one of Mistress's high school class mates, on what looked like a first date, but fortunately they sat on the other side of the room).

By the end of the evening, Mistress and Slave were considerably tipsy, and grateful that we had walked rather than driven. It was a nicely saved V Day for us, and we hope all our readers get to share the day with their special someone.

But that may not include our dedicated Western Correspondent, who has resurfaced in Sochi after a few days off our radar. We were a little nervous that he had been subject to some cruel rendition by sadistic Caucasus Rebels, or former KGB dead enders, particularly after we saw how he was dressed for the Games:
Apparently he did not get the State Department memo about trying to blend in, and deemphasizing the red, white and blue. But it turns out he's just been simmering in the international melting pot, and soaking up the local spices, like any good sex blog sports reporter should do:

Well the poor old WC resurfaces .......

I took Vladi's ticket to the peep show at the woman's showers

They were great holes!!!!

Things were going great

Vladi was happily jerking off

I was watching the show with interest

When the Russian woman Hockey team caught us


Have you ever had a whole naked hockey team chasing you with big sticks

The poor old WC was scared to death.........

Well long story short

They caught us

I resurface two days latter and let me tell you

It was great!!!!!!!!!

Those Russia hockey players rock!!!!!! Particularly, Anna Prugova.

Well so much for my ordeal

On to the games

Bodie missed out

Too bad but he might still win  metal

I am so over figure skating     WTF!!!!!!!!

Shawn White is old too....

Mancuso rocks like a rock star

So what if she is  the daughter of a drug kingpin

Love the different/backwards human interest story

Well got to go

I'm reporting on all the kinky sex going on around here

Have an invite to the Bulgarian  woman curling party tonight!

Word is they tie you down naked and tickle your balls with their  brooms

Can't wait!!!!

Your man from Sochi


Thanks, WC. Go easy on the vodka. 

Wouldn't curling be a lot more interesting if they did it in bikinis, like beach volley ball. It couldn't hurt NBC's ratings!