Monday, March 11, 2013

The Tables Are Turned

Of course, Mistress certainly knew that when she applied her riding crop to my squirmy butt on a Saturday evening, the memories would linger at least through our Sunday switch day.  I think she was sending a message, don't you?  That I had been a little too reserved in exercising my switch-leges these last few weeks.

Well I did not want to disappoint her.  So after we submissively let the socialists in Washington dictate us into all moving our time pieces forward yesterday morning, Mistress found herself bound face down on our bed, secured by those red leather wrist cuffs that go so well with her manicure.

You can see how all that spinning and biking makes for  very firm ass and thighs!

I "spared the crop", but made sure she got a nice firm hand spanking, inspired, I suppose by the WC's little fantasy about the biker at Scarlet Ranch posted here yesterday. By the time I was done, that little ass was squirming, and Mistress was whining.

"Ewww... that hurts, Slave."

I doubt it hurt quite as much as the ten strokes I got the night before, but I did not want to press my luck by "escalating" to the point where retaliation might be cruel and imminent. We'll leave that to the crazies on the Korean Peninsula.

After Mistress got a good dozen or so spanks, I slid down her panties to get a good view and prepare her for the "treat" I had planned.

As you can see, she had a nice little red glow going on that contrasts nicely with the cream color of her lingerie, and the pearly white of her favorite power tool.

Rest assured that I dragged our Mistress's "torment" for a while at first denying her plaintive cry for permission to cum, before succumbing to her sad horny plight.

And after she had her fill, well I chased it with a little intrusion from her work-a-day cock, taking her first from behind, and then, after rolling her over, in the more conventional way.

Hopefully, Mistress's not no subtle hint that it was time for her Slave to Switch-Up properly was fulfilled!

Sunday, March 10, 2013


Slave got a rather cruel cropping last night from Mistress, resulting from an unfortunate turn of phrase I used over dinner that she found to be impertinent. And in retrospect, I it was certainly a poor choice of words on my part.  My ass still tingles a bit this morning. I do find it encouraging that she took firm and deliberate (if painful) action to deal with my transgression rather than sulk about it!

But I have to wonder… why would Mistress give her Slave a cropping on a Saturday night, unless she was hankering for some serious “pay-back” on Switch Day? It really makes sense in a Freudian sort of way doesn’t it?  I’ll try to make sure not to disappoint her this morning!

But today’s post isn’t about me whining about a tender bottom, it marks the return to this page after a long and convoluted convalescence of our Western Correspondent. He purportedly was at “Muerte’s” door any number of times over the last few months according to the scrawled notes in Spanglish of some “Doctor” who signed off as “Fredo”, that occasionally arrived by fax everytime we threatened to cancel his Amex card these last few months. Quite frankly, we were afraid Miguel would never wank again, let alone generate any more column inches for this fading media empire.

But just when we had given all hope, and were prepared to shut off the utilities at our Mountain Zone satellite office once and for all, Mistress received the following under her electronic transom, indicating that, at least, our WC has gotten back some of his “faculties”:

Had a hot fantasy about you this morning

And had a great orgasm!

Thought about you coming to Denver and I took you to the ranch on 50 shades night

For the drive there you would be naked with your hands cuffed behind your back but with a long coat on till we go inside

Then we would check your coat with the coat check girl and I would put a collar and leash on you

I would lead you up to the bar with everyone watching you

We would stand next to a very tough looking but handsome biker guy

He would say “may I ?”


He would grab your breasts and squeeze them 

Also pinch you nipple hard as you gasped and your cunt flooded with moisture 

He would take a big thick finger and shove it up your cunt

And then make you lick it clean

“She is a horny bitch isn't she….”


“Can I put her over my knee ?”

“Sure ….”

I would love watching as he blistered your bare bottom

As you screamed and fussed

He would pull your ass cheeks wide open and look at you jamming his finger up your cunt

And once lubricated up your ass

“Can I fuck her?”

“Not till I do....”

He would give you one final swat and the grab your hair and pull you off him

“Well then I am done with her….” 

I would sit on the couch and order you down to your knees and take out my cock and balls

“Worship it Slave!!!”

You would slobber all over my cock as I pushed it down your throat

Fucking hot Molly........

Many people would be watching as all this happened

“Enough “….I said as I zipped up

“I want to cum in your cunt or ass later”

I would lead you by the leash around the party letting men and women fondle your breast, cunt and asshole

Some of the women would take particular delight in rubbing your clit, pinching your nipples and pushing their fingers up both you holes

Grabbing your hair and making you say how much you liked it

Now this is where the story ends on the email that Mistress forwarded to me…. Maybe there is a 2nd chapter coming? Or maybe Mike got a little “distracted” at this point in the narrative.

But at least we now know he’s “cuming around…” so to speak.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring Arrives in River City

Mistress and Slave were slogging through snow on Wednesday. But by Friday it seemed that Spring had arrived in River City.

After our AM wake-up sex I went off to work. The sun was actually out! Mistress was working from home, but the sun was out and I knew she was headed for an early spinning class before some tedious conference calls.

Fortunately, a meeting I had set for late Friday afternoon (who the fuck calls meetings late on a Friday afternoon?) fell through.

"Mistress, what say we go for a bike ride?"

While it may have only been just south of 50, the sun was doing wonders for our attitudes.

Mistress was just wrapping up a call when I slid into our bedroom at around 5. She still had those spinning clothes on, so it was a quick change for me and we were out on our bikes for the first time this year.  It sure felt nice to be exercising outside again after a rather gray winter here in River City.

Back at home it was hard to decide whether to dive into those clean shaven folds before or after we shared a shower. Of course, Slave likes Mistress a little "gamey". On the other hand, Slave was a little ripe too. We opted for the shower.

But afterwards... there was plenty of time for Slave to worship. and then Mistress required me to insert "my device".

"It always make your cock harder, Slave."

And surely that's exactly what Mistress deserved.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Torn from Today's Headlines

Over at All Mine they've been doing lots of spanking of late.  Apparently they're not the only ones:

Landlord Charged with Spanking Tenant Over Late Rent