Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Improvisatory Switch Day

Mistress and Slave are back in River City, once again, deep in the midst of another  crazy work week.

But our Sunday on the Cute Co-Ed's College town was relatively laid back. We took full advantage of the lake view suite at that old state park lodge. And while I did not pack all of the accouterments of a proper Switch Day, I was able to improvise.

A belt from a fluffy robe was used to bind Mistress's hand in front, and then to the post of the bed.

And then I surprised Mistress with her favorite power tool, packed surreptitiously at the bottom of my bag.

"Oh, Slave.... a treat."

I suppose I could have spanked her, but she'd been a good girl all week. ANd she certainly looked fetching in the cute nightie I had bought her for V Day, her lovely breasts peeking out in her bound "discomfort".

So I just gave her one of those slow building mega-cums that had her begging for permission before she was allowed to take her full measure of pleasure.

And after that.... well I made sure to take my full measure of pleasure too.

After our wake-up sexual interlude,  we planned to just chill at the Lodge until it was time for the birthday dinner for our newly minted 21 year old.  But she surprised us with a call at around noon.  She and a friend who had driven in from another college town for the birthday celebration were "bored".  So they drove out to check out our Lodge. They even brought along some guy who seems to be our daughter's kind-of-boyfriend. But a walk in the lightly falling snow down by the lake soon had them ready to head back to campus, leaving the two staid old parents to their own (secretly perverse) devices for the balance of the afternoon.


Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sorority Moms Gone Wild

Mistress and her devoted slave are up here outside our daughter's college town, staying at an old State Park lodge. We ended up with a rather plush room looking out onto a gray lake under gray skies. Not exactly the Sangre de Christo Mountains where we started our Sunday a week ago, but then you can't have it all can you?

My job yesterday was to ferry Mistress and our daughter to a Mother / daughter sorority event, come back to our room and chill, and then pick them up around 8 pm for dinner. Back at our room, I was able to catch the final sad moments of my alma mater's basketball loss to Suzanne's alma mater. The final score made the game seem closer than it really was.

Fortunately, I did not bite on the last minute bet Suzanne proposed.

It involved some "cage free" time for Tammy if my team won, to be traded for some additional time in the cage for me if Suzanne's team won.

Now as much as I am a leader of the "Tammy Liberation Movement", I am no fool. I knew that Suzanne's team had won 24 games in a row at home. While my lads had beaten them at home earlier in the season, I figured there were very long odds against a season sweep on Suzanne's  home court.

Plus I was not sure how Mistress would react if, when she had a hankering to ride her work-a-day cock, I had to explain it was locked away for the next few days under terms of a bet I'd negotiated with Suzanne without her clearance.

There'd be "some 'splainin to do", as Ricky Ricardo might put it.

Of course, if our teams should meet in the Conference tournament, maybe the three of us can work something out.

Around 8 pm, I collected Mistress and our daughter at the dorm and we headed off to dinner - the three of us and another girl. But we were turned away at a local sushi joint, flooded with Co-Eds and their Moms up for various sorority affairs.

It gave me a chance to size up the other Mothers, and hear Mistress's eyebrow arched commentary.

Sure enough, lots of big haired, fake blonde college girl wannabes, all tarted up, anxious to show their daughters' friends and the other moms that they can still suck down jello shots like they did in their "glory days".

They made the ND alum at a campus bar before a big football game seem low key by comparison.

In contrast, Mistress was dressed more elegant than preppy. But what was not obvious?  She had worn her special "peek-a-boo" tights to make for a better worship opportunity when we got back to our room.

Nor do I suspect that the other Moms were getting sext messages during their dinners from a 40 year old, very buff local wanting Mistress to drop by after dinner so he could "suck on those beautiful, full nipples."

As it turned out, I was the lucky one. Mistress turned down D's invitation to "stop by" his nearby apartment so we could get back to our "lake view suite". It came with one of those over sized tubs where we had a long soak after Mistress finally got the worship she so clearly deserved.

Then we adjourned to out bed, where Mistress rode the (fortunately for both of us) uncaged cock that had been waiting so patiently for her through the afternoon. So while the other sorority moms were getting sloppy drunk at the sleazy college bars last night, Mistress was scoring a few more cums.

We've not much to do here until our 6 pm birthday dinner for our daughter.  I suspect we won't get bored.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekend Update

Yes, friends, we did ultimately make it home from our Southwestern hideaway Monday evening, though we might as well have driven, surfing ahead of that bad-assed blizzard that sloshed through Oklahoma and Kansas early this week, rather than wait on those long security lines for the privilege of riding a crop duster back to the heartland.

And since then, we've been a little too buried in work and family matters to do any proper kink to share with you here.

We warned you there might be weeks like this.

Poor Mistress spent Wednesday on a mad dash via US Air from River City to Long Island and back to meet with a client. With a schedule like that, it's no wonder we've been on a 1 a day regime these last few days.

Though there is hope.

This weekend we are heading up to our cute Sorority girl's little college town. Mistress will be going to a Mom / Daughter sorority event this evening, and we'll be hosting a dinner Sunday evening for some of her friends to celebrate her 21st Birthday.  But in between time, there should be plenty of opportunities for a little "nookie". 

Mistress considered inviting her former consort D (remember "cougar week"?) to join us for a drink, since he lives in said College town. But we will see if there really is time to squeeze him in.

And on the way home last night, she mentioned a text she received from "Mr. Perfect Cock", the other young chunk of eye candy she spent some time with late last year.

"Sounds like he's got girlfriend problems, Slave."

Not surprising. He's the guy with the long distance, cyber originating girlfriend in Oklahoma, who claims she is related to Kristin Chenowith (the person who did the red carpet for the Oscars we watched in our Airport hotel room Sunday night, who my aging Mother asked me about: "Is she a midget or something?"), but , according to the girlfriend, "with a better voice."


Anyway, this chick was so obsessive about Mr. Perfect Cock's whereabouts from 900 miles away that Mistress showed him the door. Now he seems to want more free therapy about how to handle her controlling ways. (And I suspect that's not the only type of "therapy" he's looking for.)

"I told him if he wants to meet for a drink sometime, that would be OK, Slave."

We will keep you posted.

Finally, before Slave heads upstairs to wake Mistress in the manner to which she has become accustomed, let me do a little Blog housekeeping.

For the last several weeks, our UCTMW inbox has been buried on spam "comments". Until now I did not want to create a barrier to your legitimate comments with one of those annoying code boxes.  But the time has come.....

We love your comments.... sorry for the inconvenience.

Monday, February 25, 2013

From the Cock-Pit

As this gets posted, we hope we will be winging East, back in the general direction of River City.

But at least we should share this photo of Mistress's in her replacement panties here in our plush room at the Airport Raddison -
See what you're missing WC?

Fortunately, Mistress is resourceful. If they cancel your flight, then she knows its time to take the controls: